OhioScreen Interface

HostExplorer Programming

OhioScreen Interface

The OhioScreen interface is the host’s virtual screen. It contains all the characters and attributes that would be seen on a traditional emulator screen. This interface is the primary object for text-based interactions with the host.

The interface provides methods such as manipulating text, searching the screen, sending keystrokes to the host, and handling the cursor. It lets you request an object that contains a collection of fields. Specifically, it can return the OIA (Operator Information Area) object.

  You can obtain an OhioScreen object from the Screen property of an instance of OhioSession.

The data on the screen is maintained in a series of planes, which can be accessed by various methods within the OhioScreen interface. Most of the methods in this interface work with the text plane, which contains the actual characters in the presentation place. The remaining planes (color, field, and extended) contain the corresponding attributes for each character in the text plane.


The OhioScreen interface consists of the following methods:


The OhioScreen interface consists of the following properties: