TSO-Specific Options on Upload

HostExplorer Programming

TSO-Specific Options on Upload

The following TSO-specific options let you set transfer options:

(MEMBER)—If you are uploading the file to a partitioned data set, you can append the member name to the host file name.

/PASSWORD—If the data set contains a password, you can append it to the host file name.

RECFM( x )—The record format of the resulting TSO data set, where x = V (variable), F (fixed), or U (undefined). If you omit this option, the file will contain variable-length records if you specified CRLF; otherwise, it will contain fixed-length records. Do not use this option with the MEMBER option.

LRECL( n )—The record length of the resulting TSO data set, where n = 1 through 132. If you omit this option, the record length is set at 80. Do not use this option with the MEMBER option.

BLKSIZE( n )—The block size of the resulting TSO data set. If you omit this option, the block size will be the same as the record length. Do not use this option with the MEMBER option.

SPACE(n1,n2) units—The amount of space to be allocated for the resulting TSO data set (assuming it is a new one), where:

  • n1 = primary quantity in the units specified
  • n2 = increment in the units specified (if the primary space is insufficient)

The units parameter is optional. These values are similar to the values in the TSO ALLOCATE command. If you omit this option, you will get the space for one block, with the length of the block being set by the BLKSIZE or LRECL options. Do not use this option with the MEMBER option.

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