About the Parser Objects

HostExplorer Programming

About the Parser Objects

The Parser objects analyze the data that is received from the Transport objects. By parsing the information from the Transport buffer, the Parser objects create a new buffer containing information that will eventually be displayed on the screen.

The Parser objects are:

  • HEPAR3270—Translates information received from the 3270 data stream protocol.
  • HEPAR5250—Translates information received from the 5250 data stream protocol.
  • HEPARVT—Translates information received from the VT data stream protocol.

For HEPAR3270 and HEPAR5250 objects, the buffer is in EBCDIC format. For the HEPARVT object, the buffer is in ASCII format.

There are methods, properties, and/or data types specific to:

There are also methods, properties, and data types common to all three objects.