WinHLLAPI Module

HostExplorer Programming

WinHLLAPI Module

The WinHLLAPI module (WHLLAPI.DLL) fully implements Windows HLLAPI version 1.1 as defined in the Windows Open Services Architecture. The documentation (WHLLAPI.HLP) and development files (WHLLAPI.H, WHLLAPI.LIB, WHLLAP32.LIB) are installed on your system. This interface is available with both the 16-bit and 32-bit versions of HostExplorer.

Make sure that the appropriate DLL file (ACS3EHAP.DLL/EHLLAP32.DLL, HLLAPI.DLL, or WHLLAPI.DLL/WHLLAP32.DLL) is in your path by copying the appropriate DLL to your client application directory. This allows Windows to load the DLL when you run your client application.

  You may have to rename the 32-bit WHLLAP32.DLL to WHLAPI32.DLL to be compatible with the Attachmate® file name.