Miscellaneous Group

HostExplorer Programming

Miscellaneous Group

3270 5250 VT

'—Used to include explanatory remarks in a program.

AboutWinWrapBasic—Shows the WinWrap Basic About box. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic.

AppActivate—Activates an application window. Activates an application’s top-level window title window.

Beep—Produces a single, short beeping tone through the computer’s speaker.

CallersLine—Returns the line of a caller as a text string. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic.

Clipboard—Provides access to the system Clipboard.

Command—Returns a string containing the command line specified when the MAIN subprogram was invoked.

Debug—Sends output to the Immediate window at run time. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic. Supported by Microsoft Visual Basic

DoEvents—Yields execution so that the operating system can process other events.

Environ—Returns the string associated with an operating system environment variable.

IIf—Returns the value of the indicated by an expression that returns a numerical result. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic.

QBColor—Returns a Long representing the RGB color code corresponding to the specified color. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic. Supported by Microsoft Visual Basic.

RGB—Returns a Long whole number representing an RGB color value. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic. Supported by Microsoft Visual Basic.

SendKeys—Sends one or more keystrokes to an active window as if they were typed at the keyboard.

Shell—Runs an executable program. If successful, it returns a variant (Double) representing the program's task ID; otherwise, it returns zero.

Wait—Waits for delay seconds. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic.