Declaration Group
3270 5250 VT
Attributes—Sets or returns a value that indicates one or more characteristics of a Field, Relation. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic. Supported by Microsoft Visual Basic.
Declare—Used at the module level to declare references to external procedures in a dynamic-link library (DLL).
Class_Initialize—A class module-initialization subroutine. Each time a new instance is created for a class module, the Class_Initialize subroutine is called. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic. Supported by Microsoft Visual Basic.
Class_Terminate—A class module-termination subroutine. Each time an instance is destroyed for a class module, the Class_Terminate subroutine is called. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic. Supported by Microsoft Visual Basic.
Const—Declares constants for use in place of literal values.
Deftype—Specifies the default data type for one or more variables.
Dim—Declares variables and allocates storage space.
Enum—Declares a type for an enumeration. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic. Supported by Microsoft Visual Basic
Friend—Modifies the definition of a procedure in a class module to make the procedure callable from modules that are outside the class, but part of the project within which the class is defined.
Functions—Declares the name, argument, and code that forms the body of a function procedure.
Global—An Application object that enables you to access application-level properties and methods.
Option Explicit—Specifies that all variables in a module must be explicitly declared.
Object_Initialize—An object module-initialization subroutine. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic.
Object_Terminate—An object module-termination subroutine. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic.
Private—Creates arrays (or simple variables) that are available to an entire macro or module, but not other macros or modules. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic. Supported by Microsoft Visual Basic.
Public—Creates arrays (or simple variables) that are available to an entire macro or module, but not other macros or modules. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic. Supported by Microsoft Visual Basic.
ReDim—Changes the upper and lower bounds of a dynamic array's dimension.
Static—Used inside procedures to declare variables and allocate storage space.
Sub—Declares the name, arguments, and code that form the body of a subprocedure.
Type—Declares a user-defined type, which can then be used in the Dim statement to declare a record variable.