Constant Group

HostExplorer Programming

Constant Group

3270 5250 VT

Empty—A variant that does not have any value. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic.

FALSE—An expression is false when its value is zero. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic, instead an integer value zero is used.

Nothing—An object value that does not refer to an object.

Null—The Null method returns a variant value set to the null value. Null is used to explicitly set a variant to the null value.

TRUE—An expression is TRUE when its value is non-zero. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic, instead an integer value not equal to zero is used.

Win16—TRUE if running in 16-bits. FALSE if running in 32-bits. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic.

Win32—TRUE if running in 32-bits. FALSE if running in 16-bits. Not supported by Hummingbird Basic.