ListFieldAbsolute Method (position, arrayProperty, fixedItemHeight, drawEmpty, flags)

Draw list field control for serializable property array with fixed item heights.
public static void ListFieldAbsolute(
	Rect position,
	SerializedProperty arrayProperty,
	float fixedItemHeight,
	ReorderableListControl..::..DrawEmptyAbsolute drawEmpty,
	ReorderableListFlags flags = 


position (Rect)
Position of control.
arrayProperty (SerializedProperty)
Serializable property.
fixedItemHeight (Single)
Use fixed height for items rather than GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty).
drawEmpty (ReorderableListControl..::..DrawEmptyAbsolute)
Callback to draw custom content for empty list (optional).
flags (ReorderableListFlags) (Optional)
Optional flags to pass into list field.