ListField<(Of <(<'T>)>)> Method (list, drawItem, drawEmpty, itemHeight, flags)

Draw list field control.
public static void ListField<T>(
	IList<T> list,
	ReorderableListControl..::..ItemDrawer<T> drawItem,
	ReorderableListControl..::..DrawEmpty drawEmpty,
	float itemHeight,
	ReorderableListFlags flags = 

Generic Template Parameters

Type of list item.


list (IList<(Of <(<'T>)>)>)
The list which can be reordered.
drawItem (ReorderableListControl..::..ItemDrawer<(Of <(<'T>)>)>)
Callback to draw list item.
drawEmpty (ReorderableListControl..::..DrawEmpty)
Callback to draw custom content for empty list (optional).
itemHeight (Single)
Height of a single list item.
flags (ReorderableListFlags) (Optional)
Optional flags to pass into list field.