Letters by Operating System Version



Letters by Operating System Version


If you want to have a unique configuration on many computers but a different handling depending on the operating system, then the criteria MinOsVer and MaxOsVer can be used.


Sample: Remove the drive letter of BitLocker To Go encrypted drives and show a warning on systems before Windows 7:










open="%usbdlmpath%\usbdlm.exe" -balloon -time=20000 -title="%FriendlyName%" -text1="Cannot read BitLocker encrypted volume" -icon=



The internal Windows version numbers are:


  • Windows 2000:            5.0
  • Windows XP:              5.1
  • Windows XP x64:          5.2
  • Windows Server 2003:     5.2
  • Windows Vista:           6.0
  • Windows Server 2008:     6.0
  • Windows 7:               6.1
  • Windows Server 2008 R2:  6.1
  • Windows 8:               6.2
  • Windows Server 2012:     6.2
  • Windows 8.1:             6.3
  • Windows Server 2012 R2:  6.3
  • Windows 10:             10.0


Or just start UsbDriveInfo, it shows the version too.