

Properties | Methods


Views arrange items for display and create item viewers (TTBItemViewer) to render individual items.

Each TTBToolbar component has its own TTBView instance, accessible via the View property. Popup menus also have views when they are displayed.

Usage example:

If you have a toolbar named TBToolbar1 and an item on the toolbar named TBItem1, here is how to get the bounding rectangle of TBItem1:

  R: TRect;
  R := TBToolbar1.View.Find(TBItem1).BoundsRect;

Key Properties:

  • property ParentItem: TTBCustomItem; (Read-only) The item which the view looks in to find items to display. The view then creates item viewers for each item it is going to display.
  • property ParentView: TTBView;
    (Read-only) The parent view, or nil if the view is a top-level view.
  • property Selected: TTBItemViewer;
    The currently selected item viewer in the view, or nil if there is no selected item viewer. An item viewer becomes "selected" when the mouse is moved over it, or when it is highlighted with the keyboard.
  • property Viewers: PTBItemViewerArray;
    (Read-only) The zero-based of array of item viewers (TTBItemViewer) that the view currently owns.
    Note: Access to this property is not range checked.
  • property ViewerCount: Integer;
    (Read-only) The number of item viewers available in the Viewers array.
  • property Window: TWinControl;
    (Read-only) Specifies the control associated with the view. TTBView will invalidate this control when necessary.

Key Methods: