

Properties | Methods


This component holds items for a Most Recently Used list. It is intended to be linked to a TTBMRUListItem item on a menu via its MRUList property.

Key Properties:

  • property AddFullPath: Boolean default True; When True, items added to the list via the Add method will be expanded into fully qualified pathnames. If your MRU list doesn't contain filenames, this property should be changed to False.
  • property HidePathExtension: Boolean default True;
    When True, pathnames will be hidden when the items are displayed, as well as file extensions if Explorer is configured to "hide file extensions for known file types." If your MRU list doesn't contain filenames, this property should be changed to False.
  • property Items: TStrings;
    The items in the MRU list. You can read and directly manipulate the MRU list items via this property.
  • property MaxItems: Integer default 4;
    The maximum number of items that the list may contain. When MaxItems is exceeded, one or more items are deleted from the end of the list.
  • property Prefix: string;
    The string prefixed to the names of values read and written by the LoadFrom* and SaveTo* methods. The default is "MRU", making the name of the first value "MRU0".

Key Methods: