



This component is an enhanced version of the standard TImageList component, designed for use with the Toolbar2000 components.

Key Properties:

  • property CheckedImages: TCustomImageList; Pointer to another image list which contains images that are to be shown on checked (Checked = True) items. If this property is not set, it will not use different images on checked items.
  • property DisabledImages: TCustomImageList;
    Pointer to another image list which contains images that are to be shown on disabled (Enabled = False) items. If this property is not set, it will generate its own "disabled" images.
  • property HotImages: TCustomImageList;
    Pointer to another image list which contains images that are to be shown on items when they are selected. If this property is not set, it will not use different images on selected items.
  • property ImagesBitmap: TBitmap;
    ImagesBitmap lets you use bypass the standard TImageList streaming mechanism which suffers from these problems:
    • On systems with older COMCTL32.DLL versions (e.g. Windows 95) the images don't show up.
    • It saves images in your desktop's color depth. Thus, even if your images use only 16 colors, if you're running in 32-bit color mode the images will be saved in 32-bit color -- a big waste of space.
    How does one create a bitmap suitable for assigning to ImagesBitmap?
    1. The simplest way to get started is to double-click your existing image list in the form designer and click Export.
    2. (optional) Load the exported bitmap into an image editing program (Paint will do) and save it in the smallest color depth necessary. If your image list uses Office-style images, then 4-bit color (i.e. 16 colors) is all you need.
    3. Go to the ImagesBitmap property, click the "..." button and load in the bitmap file. Then save your form. (You may want to make a backup of your form files first.)
    From then on, the image list will get its images from the ImagesBitmap property. Don't modify the image list using Delphi's Image List Editor; as long as a bitmap is assigned to the ImagesBitmap property, the changes won't be preserved when the form is saved.
  • property ImagesBitmapMaskColor: TColor default clFuchsia;
    The color in ImagesBitmap which is considered transparent.