LED States


LED States

To define LED states:

  1. Select the LED you want to define states for in the list box.
  2. Tab to the Define LED States... button and press Enter.
  3. A new dialog box will appear containing the following items:
    • A list box of defined states.
    • The Add State... button.
    • The Edit State... button.
    • The Delete State... button.
  4. Perform your desired operations until the contents of the list box are what you want, then Tab to the OK button and press Enter.
Adding a state.

If you press the Add State... button described above, you will be prompted to define a new state by providing the following information:

  • A descriptive label for the state (e.g. on, off or flashing).
  • The MIDI data value that makes the LED go into the described state. Please note that this value needs to be supplied as a hexadecimal value between 00 and ff.

Once you've provided this information, Tab to the OK button and press Enter and your new entry should appear in the Defined States list box.

Editing a state.

To edit a lamp state:

  1. Select the state you want to edit in the Defined States list box.
  2. Tab to the Edit States... button and press Enter.
  3. You will be prompted for a label and value, just as when you defined the state originally, but the edit boxes will contain the currently-defined values, so edit them to reflect the desired change.
  4. Once you've finished your editing, Tab to the OK button and press Enter. Your updated entry should appear in the Defined States list box.
Deleting a state.

To delete a state:

  1. Select the state you want to delete in the Defined States list box.
  2. Tab to the Delete States... button and press Enter.
  3. Confirm the deletion.