Adding Actions


Adding Actions

To add an action to a control within the Application Configuration wizard:
  1. Select the control you want to add the action to.
  2. Expand the tree by pressing the right arrow key until you get to the level which shows the supported screen readers.
  3. Use your up and down arrow keys to select the screen reader that you are currently using (you will not be allowed to add actions relating to any other screen reader).
  4. Expand the screen reader branch by pressing right arrow - this will take you to the level where you can choose which surface mode you want the new action to be active.
  5. Use your up and down arrow keys to pick the mode you want to use (either Live or Screen Reader).
  6. Tab to the Add button and press Enter.
  7. The Action Picker dialog will appear where you can define your new action.
  8. When you've defined your new action, you'll be placed back in the tree view of defined controls and actions.

Using the Action Picker dialog.

  1. When you first activate the Action Picker dialog box, you'll be focused on the control name you're defining the action for. Press the right arrow key to expand the tree view and place yourself at the level where you can pick one of the available action types.
  2. Use your up and down arrow keys to pick from the available acteion types.
  3. Once you've selected the action that you want to add, press Tab. If this takes you to the OK button you can just press Enter to add your new action to the selected control. If you find yourself on a Properties button instead, press Enter to define the additional information that your selected action requires.
  4. Once you've defined any action properties you'll be returned to the Action Picker dialog, so just press Tab to get to the OK button and press Enter to finish defining your action.

Available actions.

The following actions are available:
Do nothingNo action is performed. This can be very handy if you want to make sure that you get no spoken feedback from a control (for example, the Record button, so you don't accidentally record the speech as the recording starts).
Say Control LabelAnnounces the name you've defined for this control
Say Control StateAnnounces the value of the control (for example, on, off or the MIDI value that it is generating.
Say Control Label and StateA combination of the previous two actions.
Read DisplayReads the entire contents of the specified display, or its state if it is an LED lamp.
Read Display LineReads the specified line of the specified display. Does nothing for LED lamps.
Read Display StripReads the specified column information within the specified display. For example, reading strip 1 of the LCD display on a Mackie Control Universal would announce the two-column block of text immediately above the first V-Pot.
Read Display SectionAllows you to read any part of a specified display by allowing you to specify a starting position and a number of characters to be read from that position.
Press Key CombinationEquivalent to pressing the specified key combination on your QWERTY keyboard. This feature will not be implemented until version 1.1.
Change Surface ModeAllows you to cycle through the available modes for your surface by just pressing a button on that surface.
Run Hot SpotThis option is currently only available to Jaws users who have HotSpotClicker installed. You can pick a hot spot to be executed from a defined HotSpotClicker file.
Run Screen Reader FunctionThis action is currently only available to Jaws and Window-Eyes users. You can pick a script or function to be exected whenever you activate the selected control.
MIDI InfoThis action allows you to hear the MIDI message information generated when you adjust a control surface button, knob, or other control. This is only allowed for those protocols that are not copy-protected. If you add a MIDI Info action to an encrypted protocol then the control's label will be read instead

Defining action properties.

Depending on which action type you select from the Action Picker dialog, you may need to specify additional information by pressing the Properties button. You will then be shown another dialog that will allow you to select the required additional content. For example, if you choose to add a Read Display Line action, the Properties button will prompt you for the name of the display to be read and allow you to Tab to a list of valid line numbers for that display, so you can't get it wrong.