SolrNet: Package SolrNet.Impl


Package SolrNet.Impl


package  DocumentPropertyVisitors
package  FacetQuerySerializers
package  FieldParsers
package  FieldSerializers
package  QuerySerializers
package  ResponseParsers


class  AbstractSolrQueryResults
class  HighlightedSnippets
 Highlighted snippets by field. More...
class  HttpRuntimeCache
 Uses the HttpRuntime (ASP.NET) cache. More...
interface  ISelfSerializingQuery
interface  ISolrAbstractResponseParser
 Parses a chunk of a query response. More...
interface  ISolrCache
 HTTP-level cache for Solr responses. More...
interface  ISolrDIHStatusParser
 Provides an interface to parsing a solr schema xml document into a SolrDIHStatus object. More...
interface  ISolrDocumentActivator
 Instantiates a new document instance of type T More...
interface  ISolrDocumentPropertyVisitor
 Visits a document with a raw xml Solr response field. More...
interface  ISolrDocumentResponseParser
 Parses documents from query response. More...
interface  ISolrExtractResponseParser
 Parses the extract response. More...
interface  ISolrFacetQuerySerializer
interface  ISolrFieldParser
 Parses a single Solr XML result node. More...
interface  ISolrFieldSerializer
 Serializes a value to be consumed by the Solr update handler. More...
interface  ISolrHeaderResponseParser
interface  ISolrMoreLikeThisHandlerQueryResultsParser
 Query results parser interface. More...
interface  ISolrMoreLikeThisHandlerResponseParser
 Parses a chunk of a query response. More...
interface  ISolrQueryByRange
interface  ISolrQuerySerializer
interface  ISolrResponseParser
 Parses a chunk of a query response. More...
class  NullCache
 Cache implementation that doesn't cache anything. Use it when you want to disable http caching. More...
class  PropertyNode
 Models a XML node for update consumption. More...
class  SolrBasicServer
 Implements the basic Solr operations. More...
class  SolrCacheEntity
 HTTP-level Solr cache entry. More...
class  SolrConnection
 Manages HTTP connection with Solr. More...
class  SolrDictionaryDocumentResponseParser
 Parses a solr result into a dictionary of (string, object) More...
class  SolrDictionarySerializer
 Serializes a dictionary document. More...
class  SolrDIHStatusParser
 Parses a Solr DIH Status xml document into a strongly typed SolrDIHStatus object. More...
class  SolrDocumentActivator
 Creates a new instance of document type T using Activator More...
class  SolrDocumentResponseParser
 Parses documents from query response. More...
class  SolrDocumentSerializer
 Serializes a Solr document to xml. More...
class  SolrMoreLikeThisHandlerQueryResultsParser
class  SolrMoreLikeThisHandlerResults
 More-like-this handler results. More...
class  SolrQueryExecuter
 Executes queries. More...
class  SolrServer
 Main component to interact with Solr. More...
class  SpellCheckResult
 Spell-checking results. More...
class  SpellCheckResults
 Spell-checking query results. More...
class  TermsResult
 Terms Results. More...
class  TermsResults
 Terms results. More...
Generated on Sun May 3 2015 17:19:07 for SolrNet by  doxygen 1.7.2