IMessageDispatcher Methods


IMessageDispatcher Methods

The IMessageDispatcher type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method CreateDispatchTarget
Creates a IDispatchTarget instance to be used in the Subscribe(IDispatchTarget, Int32, Object) and Unsubscribe(IDispatchTarget, Int32, Object) methods.

Note: Client applications must keep IDispatchTarget object references accessible if they want to Unsubscribe from the given IMessageDispatcher, and remove already added Topic subscriptions. IDispatchTarget internal object ID constitutes a unique key. Forgetting to keep a reference to IDispatchTarget objects make subsequent Unsubscribe(IDispatchTarget, Int32, Object) calls impossible.

Public method Subscribe
Adds a IDispatchTarget subscription to the given IMessageDispatcher.

Note: In order to use this feature, the parent ISession's SessionProperties must have TopicDispatch set to true.

Public method Unsubscribe
Removes an IDispatchTarget subscription from the given IMessageDispatcher.

Note: To use this feature, the parent ISession's SessionProperties must have TopicDispatch set to true.

See Also