SessionProperties Class


SessionProperties Class
Session initialization properties.

Some Session Properties can also be set as environment variables. If a session property can be set as an environment variable, the API will only look for that environment variable if the property is not specified in the sesssion property list passed to CreateSession(SessionProperties, EventHandlerMessageEventArgs, EventHandlerSessionEventArgs)

The names of the environment variables are based on the native library property names.

The following environment variables are recognized:

  • SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_GD_RECONNECT_FAIL_ACTION GdReconnectFailAction The acceptable strings for this environment variable are also based on the underlying native library:

Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  SolaceSystems.Solclient.MessagingBaseProperties

Namespace: SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging
Assembly: SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging (in SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.dll) Version: (
public class SessionProperties : BaseProperties
Public Class SessionProperties
	Inherits BaseProperties
public ref class SessionProperties : public BaseProperties

The SessionProperties type exposes the following members.

Public methodSessionProperties
Class constructor Developer Note: All properties MUST have a default even if deprecated to avoid casting null.
Public methodClear
Removes all properties.
(Inherited from BaseProperties.)
Public methodClone
Creates a new object that is a deep copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from BaseProperties.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from BaseProperties.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberFromDictionary
Creates and returns a new SessionProperties given a dictionary of key/value strings


key: is a string representation of a given SessionProperties property SessionPropertiesPROPERTY.

value: is a string representation of the value of that property.


1. Keys that are not in the SessionProperties' property set SessionPropertiesPROPERTY are ignored and a warning log is generated.

2. If a property is omitted, the default value is used.

3. Validation and type checking is performed on the provided values; a conversion exception is thrown if any of the provided values cannot be converted.

4. Read-only properties are ignored.

Public methodStatic memberFromDictionaryWithPrefix
Creates and returns a new SessionProperties from a dictionary of key/value strings


key: is a string representation of a given SessionProperties property SessionPropertiesPROPERTY prefixed with a string "prefix".

value: is a string representation of the value of that property.


1. Keys that are not in the SessionProperties' property set SessionPropertiesPROPERTY, are ignored and a warning log is generated.

2. If a property is omitted, the default value will be used.

3. Validation and type checking will be performed on the provided values, a conversion exception will be thrown if any of the provided values cannot be converted.

4. Read-only properties are ignored.

Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from BaseProperties.)
Protected methodGetPropertyValue
Gets the property value associated with the given key.
(Inherited from BaseProperties.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetCCSMPProperty
Sets a property to be passed directly to CCSMP. Properties set in this manner will always override properties set using the shortcut properties, regardless of order.
(Inherited from BaseProperties.)
Protected methodSetPropertyValue
Associates a property key with a property value.
(Inherited from BaseProperties.)
Public methodToDictionary
Returns a new IDictionary instance where:

key: is a string representation of a given SessionProperties property SessionPropertiesPROPERTY.

value: is a string representation of the value of that property, or null if the property's value is null.

Note that only readable and writable properties are returned in the dictionary. Read-only properties are ignored.
Public methodToDictionaryWithPrefix
Returns a new IDictionary instance where:

key: is a string representation of a given SessionProperties property SessionPropertiesPROPERTY prefixed with a string "prefix".

value: is a string representation of the value of that property, or null if the property's value is null.

Note that only readable and writable properties are returned in the dictionary. Read-only properties are ignored.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public propertyAckEventMode
Specifies if an Acknowledgement session event acknowledges a single message (PER_MSG) or a range of messages (WINDOWED).

Setting this property to WINDOWED will not affect RejectedMessageError events, they will still be emitted on a per message basis.

Default: PER_MSG
Public propertyADPublishAckTimerInMsecs
The duration of the publisher acknowledgement timer (in milliseconds). When a published message is not acknowledged within the time specified for this timer, the API automatically retransmits the message. There is no limit on the number of retransmissions for any message. However, while the API is resending, applications can become flow controlled. The flow control behavior is controlled by SessionProperties.SendBlocking and SessionProperties.BlockingWriteTimeoutInMsecs.

The valid range is 20..60000. Default: 2000

Public propertyADPublishWindowSize
The publisher window size for Guaranteed messages. The Guaranteed Message Publish Window Size property limits the maximum number of messages that can be published before the API must receive an acknowledgement from the appliance. Default: 50.
Public propertyAuthenticationScheme
Specifies the authentication scheme to be used by the corresponding ISession. For more information about the types of authentication schemes that can be set, see AuthenticationSchemes.
Default: BASIC
Public propertyBindIP
(Optional) The hostname or IP address of the machine on which the application is running. On a multi-homed machine, it is strongly recommended to provide this parameter to ensure that the API uses the correct network interface at session connect time. Default: empty string
Public propertyBlockingWriteTimeoutInMsecs
The timeout period (in milliseconds) for blocking write operation. The valid range is > 0.
Default: 100000
Public propertyBlockWhileConnecting
To block the calling thread on operations such as sending a message, subscribing or unsubscribing when the session is being connected or reconnected. The operation must already be blocking (see SendBlocking). Otherwise, SOLCLIENT_NOT_READY is returned if the session is being connected. Default: true
Public propertyCalculateMessageExpiration
When this property is set to true and the message's TimeToLive is set (has a non-zero value), the API updates the message's Expiration property with the sum of message's Time-To-Live and the UTC timestamp value after it has been sent or received. Default: false
Public propertyClientDescription
A string that describes the application instance. This string is available from SolAdmin or CLI.
Public propertyClientMode Obsolete.
Set to true to enable client mode. Client mode uses a single TCP connection to the appliance for both publisher and subscriber channels. To use this mode, the appliance requires a Topic Routing Blade.
Public propertyClientName
The session client name that is used during client login (appliances running SolOS-TR only) to create a unique session. An empty string causes a unique client name to be generated automatically. If specified, it must be a valid Topic name and a maximum of 160 bytes in length. For all appliances (SolOS-TR) the ClientName is also used to uniquely identify the sender in a message's senderId field if IncludeSenderId is set to true. Default: empty string
Public propertyCompressionLevel
Enables messages to be compressed with ZLIB before transmission and decompressed on receive. The valid range is 0 (off), or 1..9, where 1 is less compression (fastest) and 9 is most compression (slowest). Compression is only supported when the session is connected to an appliance running SolOS-TR. Default: 0 (no compression)
Public propertyConnectBlocking
Use true to enable blocking connection operation. Default: true
Public propertyConnectRetries
How many times to try to connect to the host appliance (or list of appliances) during connection setup. Zero means no automatic connection retries (that is, try once and give up). -1 means try to connect forever. The default valid range is >= -1.

API reattempts a connection retry, it begins with the first host listed. For example, if a SOLCLIENT_SESSION_PROP_CONNECT_RETRIES value of two is used, the API could possibly work through all of the listed hosts without connecting to them three times: one time through for the initial connect attempt, and then two times through for connect retries.

After each unsuccessful attempt to connect to a host, the API waits for the amount of time set for ReconnectRetriesWaitInMsecs before attempting another connection to a host, and the number times to attempt to connect to one host before moving on to the next listed host is determined by the value set for ConnectRetriesPerHost.

See Host for more details on the reconnect logic.

Zero means no automatic connection retries (that is, try once and give up). -1 means retry forever. The valid range is >= -1. Default: 0

Public propertyConnectRetriesPerHost
When using a host list for the Host, this property defines how many times to try to connect or reconnect to a single host before moving to the next host in the list.

A value of 0 (the default) means make a single connection attempt (that is, 0 retries). A value of -1 means attempt an infinite number of reconnect retries (that is, the API only tries to connect or reconnect to first host listed.) Default: 0

NOTE: This property works in conjunction with the connect and reconnect retries settings; It does not replace them.

Public propertyConnectTimeoutInMsecs
The timeout period (in milliseconds) for a connect operation. The valid range is > 0.
Default: 30000
Public propertyCount
Returns the count of properties.
(Inherited from BaseProperties.)
Public propertyGdReconnectFailAction
Specify the behavior when the CCSMP API is unable to reconnect guaranteed delivery after reconnecting the session. This may occur if the session is configured with a host list where each Solace router in the host list is unaware of the state on the previous router. It can also occur if the time to reconnect to the same router exceeds the publisher flow timeout on the router.

May be set as an environment variable. (see SessionProperties)

Public propertyGenerateReceiveTimestamps
When enabled, a receive timestamp is recorded for each message and passed back as a property of IMessage. Default: false
Public propertyGenerateSendTimestamps
When enabled, a send timestamp is automatically generated as a message property for each message sent. Default: false
Public propertyGenerateSequenceNumber
When enabled, a sequence number is automatically included in the Solace-defined fields for each message sent. Default: false
Public propertyHost
The IP address (or host name) to connect to. Multiple host entries separated by commas (up to sixteen) are allowed. With multiple entries, each is tried in turn until one succeeds.

Host entry

Host contains one or more host entries (up to sixteen). The host entry may also include an optional ProxyHost configuration, separated from the message router configuration by a percent (%) sign. A host entry has the following form:


Protocol is the protocol used for the transport channel. The valid values are:

  • tcp - use a TCP channel for communications between the application and its peers. If no protocol is set, tcp is used as a default.
  • tcps - use a SSL channel over TCP for communications between the application and its peers. The encryption with compression is not supported.
  • http - use HTTP channels or a WebSocket channel over TCP for communications between the application and its peers. Web Messaging with compression is not supported.
  • https - use HTTP channels or a WebSocket channel over SSL for communications between the application and its peers. Web Messaging with compression is not supported.

Host is the IP address (or host name) to connect to for a connection.

Port is the port to connect to for a connection. A value is only required when using a port other than the automatically assigned default port number. The default port for TCP is 55555 when compression is not in use, or 55003 when compression is in use. The default port for SSL is 55443.

ProxyService is a description of the non-transparent proxy. If it is necessary to configure the proxy server that is used to connect to the message router, then the proxy server is configured in the ProxyService string. The ProxyService string format is specified as:

ProxyProtocol is the protocol used to communication with the proxy server. The valid values are:

  • socks5 - Connect to the server with the SOCKS Protocol Version 5, RFC 1928 (IETF Standards Track Document)
  • httpc - Connect to the server with the HTTP Connect Protocol, RFC 2817 (IETF Standards Track Document)

If authentication is required for the proxy server, the username and password may be optionally specified before the proxy host.

proxyHost is the IP address (or host name) of the proxy server.

proxyPort is the port to connect to for a connection. If the port number is not specified, the default for SOCKS5 is port 1080, and the default for Http-Connect is port 3128.

The following examples show how to specify transport channel types. Unless it is otherwise specified, the default port 55555 is used.

  1. - connect to IP address over TCP.
  2. tcp: - connect to IP address over TCP.
  3. tcps: - connect to IP address and port 55443 over SSL over TCP.
  4. tcp: - connect to IP address and port 44444 over TCP.

The following examples show how to connect to a message router through a proxy server.

  1. - connect to message router at through a SOCKS5 proxy server at
  2. - connect to message router at through a HTTP-Connect proxy server at
  3.[email protected]:13128 - connect to message router at using SSL over TCP through a SOCKS5 proxy server at, port 13128. Authenticate with the proxy server using username User and password PassWord.
  4. tcp:// - connect to the message router at, port 44444, using HTTP Connect through the proxy server at, port 11080.

Configuring Multiple Hosts for Redundancy and Failover

Some applications might want to have a list of appliances available for connection. Typically these appliances will be in separate geographic locations and use of a host list allows applications to fail over to the alternate connections if the first appliance is unavailable. The host list is configured in the Host property of SessionProperties as a comma separated list of hosts. Each host can optionally include a port number as well. For example, if there are two appliances at and, but the second is using the non-default port 50005 for the message bus, the SessionProperties.Host would be configured as:

SessionProperties.Host = ","

In this case, when Connect is called, the API attempts to connect, first to, if that connection fails for any reason it attempts to connect to This process is repeated until all entries in the host list are attempted. After each entry has been attempted, if all fail, the session properties ConnectRetries and ReconnectRetriesWaitInMsecs determine the behavior of the API. If ConnectRetries is non-zero, SolClient waits for ReconnectRetriesWaitInMsecs milliseconds then starts connection attempts again from the beginning of the list.

If an established session fails, to any host in the list, when ReconnectRetries is non-zero, then API automatically attempts to reconnect, starting at the beginning of the list. Note that the session connect timer, ConnectTimeoutInMsecs, runs separately for each connection attempt. So an application waiting for a connection established UpNotice or connection failure ConnectFailedError could have to wait up to ( (number of hosts in the hosts list) times (ConnectTimeoutInMsecs) ) for the event.

Multiple Hosts and Guaranteed Messaging

If a client application publishes Guaranteed messages ( NonPersistent or Persistent ) and then a disconnect occurs, the API will automatically reconnect to other listed hosts. However, because another host will not know the state of the publisher flow to the original host, the API must reset publisher flow state. Unacknowledged messages are renumbered and resent by the API. If the alternate router is configured as a replication site this may lead to duplicate messages in the system. It is up to the application to resolve this duplication in what ever way is appropriate to the application.

Applications may wish to configure the session so that auto-reconnect only occurs if no guaranteed messages have been published. This is the legacy behaviour of the API. If this is desired the set the session property GdReconnectFailAction to the value DISCONNECT. This session property can also be set as environment variable which then allows legacy applications to run without modification or recompile.

May be set as an environment variable. (see SessionProperties)

Default: empty string
Public propertyIgnoreDuplicateSubscriptionError
Set to true ignore errors for duplicate subscription/topic on subscribe or unsubscribe. Default: true
Public propertyIncludeSenderId
When enabled, a sender ID is automatically included in the Solace-defined fields for each message sent. Default: false
Public propertyKeepAliveIntervalInMsecs
Use 0 to disable keep-alive. If not zero, the minimum valid value is 50. Default: 3000.
Public propertyKeepAliveIntervalsLimit
The number of keep-alive intervals with no received traffic that are allowed before a session is declared down. The minimum valid value is 3.
Public propertyKRBServiceName
This property specifies the ServiceName of Service Principle Name (SPN) for Kerberos. It is used for all entries specified by the property Host The Service Principal Name (SPN) has the format "ServiceName/ApplianceName@REALM" where ServiceName is specified by this property, ApplianceName is the host portion of an entry specified by Host, and REALM is obtained from the Kerberos configuration. The maximum length for an SPN is 256 characters.
Public propertyMaxFlowsPerSession Obsolete.
The maximum number of flows supported on this session. Default: 100.
Public propertyModifyPropertyTimeoutInMsecs
Maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for session property modification. Default: 100000 (10 seconds)
Public propertyNoLocal
If this property is true, messages published on the session cannot be received on the same session even if the client has a subscription that matches the published topic. If this restriction is requested and the appliance does not have No Local support, the session connects fail with subcode NoLocalNotSupported. Default: false
Public propertyP2PInboxInUse
A read-only informational string that indicates the default reply-to destination string that is used when a sent request message does not have a reply-to destination specified. See SendRequest(IMessage, IMessage, Int32) for more details. This parameter is only valid when session is connected. Defaults to empty string, when it is not connected.
Public propertyPassword
The password required for authentication.

May be set as an environment variable. (see SessionProperties)

Default: empty string
Public propertyPort Obsolete.

This property is deprecated. While still supported, the port number can also now be specified as part of the host in Host (e.g. "hostname:55555"). In general, port numbers are not needed to be specified except in special situations. If this property is set, this port number is used for all entries in Host that do not explicitly specify port.

It represents the port number to connect to. Valid range is 0..65535; 0 means use default for the selected CompressionLevel.

Default: 0 (getting this property returns the appropriate default port: 55003 if compression is enabled, 55555 otherwise).

Public propertyProvisionTimeoutInMsecs
The timeout (in milliseconds) for an endpoint provision or deprovision confirmation. The valid range is >= 1000.
Default: 3000
Public propertyReapplySubscriptions
Set to true to allow the API to remember subscriptions and reapply them upon a session reconnect.

Note: Reapply subscriptions will only apply direct topic subscriptions unpon a Session reconnect. It will not reapply topic subscriptions on durable and non-durable endpoints.

Default: false
Public propertyReconnectRetries
How many times to retry to connect to the host appliance (or list of appliances) after a connected session goes down.

When using a host list, each time the API works through the host list without establishing a connection is considered a reconnect retry. If the API reattempts a reconnect retry, it begins with the first host listed. For example, if a ReconnectRetries value of two is used, the API could possibly work through all of the listed hosts without connecting to them three times: one time through for the initial connect attempt, and then two times through for reconnect retries.

After each unsuccessful attempt to reconnect to a host, the API waits for the amount of time set for ReconnectRetriesWaitInMsecs before attempting another connection to a host, and the number times to attempt to connect to one host before moving on to the next listed host is determined by the value set for ConnectRetriesPerHost.

See Host for more details on the reconnect logic.

Zero means no automatic reconnection attempts (that is, try once and give up). -1 means try to reconnect forever. The valid range is >= -1. Default: 0

Public propertyReconnectRetriesWaitInMsecs
How much time (in ms) to wait between each attempt to connect or reconnect to a host. If a connect or reconnect attempt to host is not successful, the API waits for the amount of time set for ReconnectRetriesWaitInMsecs, and then makes another connect or reconnect attempt. ConnectRetriesPerHost sets how many connection or reconnection attempts can be made before moving to the next host in the list.

The valid range is >=0. Default: 3000

Public propertySdkBufferSize
Controls the buffering of transmit messages. When sending small messages, the session buffer size should be set to multiple times the typical message size to improve performance. Regardless of the buffer size, the API always accepts at least one message to transmit. So even if a single message's size exceeds this value, it is accepted and transmitted, as along as the current buffered data is zero. However, no more messages are accepted until the amount of data buffered is reduced below this value.
Default: 90000 ///
Public propertySendBlocking
Set to true to enable blocking send operation.
Default: true
Public propertySocketReceiveBufferSizeInBytes
The socket receive buffer size value. 0 indicates do not set and leave at operating system default. The valid range is 0 or >= 1024.
Default: 150000
Public propertySocketSendBufferSizeInBytes
The socket send buffer size value. 0 indicates do not set and leave at operating system default. The valid range is 0 or >= 1024.
Default: 90000
Public propertySSLCipherSuites
Specifies a comma separated list of the cipher suites. Allowed cipher suites are: 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', 'AES256-GCM-SHA384', 'AES256-SHA256', 'AES256-SHA', 'ECDHE-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA', 'DES-CBC3-SHA', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256', 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA', 'AES128-GCM-SHA256', 'AES128-SHA256', 'AES128-SHA', 'RC4-SHA', 'RC4-MD5'.
Public propertySSLClientCertificateFile
The filename of the client certificate file. Required when AuthenticationScheme is set to CLIENT_CERTIFICATE. When specified, a value of "" (or empty string) will cause a ParamOutOfRange failure when connecting the session.
Default: null
Public propertySSLClientPrivateKeyFile
The filename of the client's private key. Required when AuthenticationScheme is set to CLIENT_CERTIFICATE. When specified, a value of "" (or empty string) will cause a ParamOutOfRange failure when connecting the session.
Default: null
Public propertySSLClientPrivateKeyFilePassword
The password to decrypt and read the SSLClientPrivateKeyFile. This property is optional. When specified, a value of "" (or empty string) will cause a ParamOutOfRange failure when connecting the session.
Default: null
Public propertySSLConnectionDowngradeTo
Specifies a transport protocol that SSL connection will be downgraded to after client authentication. Allowed transport protocol is "PLAIN_TEXT"
Default: null
Public propertySSLExcludedProtocols
Specifies a comma separated list of excluded SSL protocol(s). Valid protocols are 'SSLv3', 'TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2'.
Default: ""
Public propertySSLProtocol Obsolete.
This property is deprecated.
Public propertySSLTrustedCommonNameList
Specifies a comma separated list of acceptable common names in certificate validation. The number of common names specified by an applications is limited to 16. If the application does not provide any common names, there is no common name verification.
Default: empty string
Public propertySSLTrustStoreDir
Specifies the directory where the trusted certificates are. A maximum of 32 certificates will be loaded. The maximum depth for the certificate chain verification that shall be allowed is 3.
Default: null
Public propertySSLValidateCertificate
Indicates if the certificate validation with certificates in the truststore is enabled. Default: true

Note on certificate validation: When validating certificates, the messaging APIs for C and .NET use the following validation rules, after building the chain from the server certificate to a self-signed root certificate using certificates presented by the server and certificates in the trust store :

  • Verify the root certificate is trusted.
  • Verify depth of the chain is <= 3.
Java and JMS messaging APIs use the same rules as C and .NET with the following exceptions:
  • Depth validation is not enforced in Java or JMS.
  • When the server presents an incomplete certificate chain, Java/JMS messaging APIs only require the signer of the incomplete certificate chain to be in the trust store, where this could be insufficient for C/.NET APIs.
Therefore C and .NET messaging APIs certificate validation rules are more restrictive, hence if a certificate is accepted by C or .NET, it will definitely be accepted by Java and JMS.

Default: true
Public propertySSLValidateCertificateDate
Indicates if the session connection should fail when a certificate with an invalid date is received.
Default: true
Public propertySubscribeBlocking
Set to true to enable blocking subscribe/unsubscribe operation.
Default: true
Public propertySubscribeConfirmTimeoutInMsecs
The timeout (in milliseconds) for an add or remove subscription confirmation. The valid range is >= 1000. Default: 10000
Public propertySubscriberLocalPriority
Subscriber priorities are used to choose a client to receive messages that are sent with the DeliverToOne property set to true. These messages are sent to the subscriber with the highest priority. Subscribers have two priorities; this priority (SubscriberLocalPriority) is for messages published locally.

The valid range is 1..4. Default: 1

Public propertySubscriberNetworkPriority
Subscriber priorities are used to choose a client to receive messages that are sent with the DeliverToOne property set to true. These messages are sent to the subscriber with the highest priority. Subscribers have two priorities; this priority (SubscriberNetworkPriority) is for messages published on appliances other than the one that the client is connected to.

Valid range is 1..4. Default: 1

Public propertyTcpNoDelay
Set to true to enable TCP No Delay on the underlying TCP connection.
Default: true
Public propertyTopicDispatch
Set to true to have the API dispatch messages based on topic. For more details see the IMessageDispatcher documentation. Default: false
Public propertyUserIdentification
A read-only informational string that provides information about the application, such as the name of operating system user that is running the application, the hostname, and the PID of the application. Returns empty string, if the session has not been connected.
Public propertyUserName
The username required for authentication. Default: empty string
Public propertyVirtualRouterName
A read-only session property that indicates the Virtual Router Name of the connected appliance. Used in building appliance endpoint and destination objects such as Queues. Appliance endpoints and destinations created with a virtual router name are valid for use with that appliance, or to address destinations on remote appliances (in a multiple-appliance network) when publishing messages.

Applications requiring the virtual router name need not poll this property every time it is needed, and may cache the name. Applications should query the name once after connecting the session, and again after a reconnect operation reports the VirtualRouterNameChanged session event.

When not connected, an empty string is returned.
Public propertyVPNName
The name of the Message VPN to attempt to join when connecting to an appliance running SolOS-TR. Default: empty string
Public propertyVPNNameInUse
A read-only session property that indicates which Message VPN the session is connected to. When not connected, or when not in client mode, an empty string is returned.
See Also