IFlow Interface


IFlow Interface
A flow is an API concept that allows the application to receive messages from an endpoint on the appliance (a IQueue or ITopicEndpoint on a Solace appliance running SolOS-TR). Flows are not used by clients that receive Direct messages. Rather, Direct messages are received by clients with matching subscriptions directly from the appliance’s message bus through sessions instead of binding to a specific endpoint on the message bus.

Disposing a flow must not be performed in the flow callback delegate of the flow being disposed.

Namespace: SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging
Assembly: SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging (in SolaceSystems.Solclient.Messaging.dll) Version: (
public interface IFlow : IDisposable, IStatsAccessible, 
Public Interface IFlow
	Inherits IDisposable, IStatsAccessible, IMessageDispatcher
public interface class IFlow : IDisposable, 
	IStatsAccessible, IMessageDispatcher

The IFlow type exposes the following members.

Public methodAck
Sends an acknowledgement for a message received over this flow.

This instructs the API to consider the specified ADMessageId acknowledged at the application layer. The library does not send acknowledgements immediately. It stores the state for acknowledged messages internally and acknowledges messages, in bulk, when a threshold or timer is reached.

The exact behavior of Ack() is controlled by flow property MessageAckMode: AutoAck - Messages are acknowledged automatically by the API and calling this function has no effect.ClientAck - Every message received must be acknowledged by the application through individual calls to Ack().

When the transport is flow controlled (for example, the application is overwhelming the underlying tcp connection), if it is not possible for the API to block until the congestion is relieved, the call to this method will return SOLCLIENT_WOULD_BLOCK on sessions configured with SendBlocking set to false. The session event callback delegate will receive a subsequent CanSend when the congestion is relieved. On sessions configured with SendBlocking set to true, the call to this method, will block until the congestion is relieved unless this is not possible (due to to the fact that the this method is called from a callback delegate). If it's not possible to block, this method will return SOLCLIENT_FAIL with a subcode of CannotBlockInContext

In practice this occurs very rarely as most applications do not simulteously publish and receive large amounts of data on the same session. On sessions that primarily receive data, sending acknowledgements alone cannot generate enough traffic to overwhelm the tcp connection.

Public methodClearStats
Clears the stats dictionary.
(Inherited from IStatsAccessible.)
Public methodCreateDispatchTarget
Creates a IDispatchTarget instance to be used in the Subscribe(IDispatchTarget, Int32, Object) and Unsubscribe(IDispatchTarget, Int32, Object) methods.

Note: Client applications must keep IDispatchTarget object references accessible if they want to Unsubscribe from the given IMessageDispatcher, and remove already added Topic subscriptions. IDispatchTarget internal object ID constitutes a unique key. Forgetting to keep a reference to IDispatchTarget objects make subsequent Unsubscribe(IDispatchTarget, Int32, Object) calls impossible.

(Inherited from IMessageDispatcher.)
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodGetDestination
Returns the IDestination to which messages should be published to get to this flow's bound IEndpoint

If bound to a ITopicEndpoint, the returned IDestination will be of type ITopic

If bound to a IQueue, the returned IDestination will be of type IQueue

Otherwise, a null is returned

Public methodGetEndpoint
Returns a reference to the Endpoint which this flow is bound to.

Possible endpoints include ITopicEndpoint, IQueue, or ISubscriberEndpoint

Endpoints can be durable or non-durable. Durable endpoints must be explicitly created through CreateDurableTopicEndpointEx(String) or CreateQueue(String).

Non-durable endpoints are implicitly created after creating the flow and connecting the parent session, therefore calling this method before the parent ISession is connected will throw an OperationErrorException.

Note that IQueue is both an IEndpoint and IDestination, so it has both the durability ( see Durable ) and temporariness (see Temporary ) properties.

Public methodGetRxStats
Returns the Rx Stats.
(Inherited from IStatsAccessible.)
Public methodGetSession
Returns a reference to the ISession that was used to create this flow.
Public methodGetSubscription
Returns a reference to a ITopic subscription instance.

Similar to Non-durable endpoints, temporary destinations returned by this method are implicitly created after the flow is created and parent session is connected.

Public methodGetTransactedSession
Returns a reference to the Transacted Sesion asociated to the Flow.
Public methodGetTxStats
Returns the Tx Stats.
(Inherited from IStatsAccessible.)
Public methodReceiveMsg
Receives a message from a specified transacted Flow. It waits until a timeout or a message is received. No wait if timeout is zero. Applications must later call .Dispose() on the received message to release it.
Public methodStart
Starts the transport window of the flow enabling it to receive messages. When a IFlow is first created, it is already started, unless FlowStartState is set to false.

To restart a flow after it is been stopped (see Stop), clients must call start on the stopped flow.

Public methodStop
Stops or closes the transport window resulting in the eventual halt of message delivery. Stopping a flow does not result in message loss. It simply "pauses" message delivery until Start() is called again.

To restart a flow after it is been stopped, clients must call Start on the stopped flow.

Public methodSubscribe
Adds a IDispatchTarget subscription to the given IMessageDispatcher.

Note: In order to use this feature, the parent ISession's SessionProperties must have TopicDispatch set to true.

(Inherited from IMessageDispatcher.)
Public methodUnsubscribe
Removes an IDispatchTarget subscription from the given IMessageDispatcher.

Note: To use this feature, the parent ISession's SessionProperties must have TopicDispatch set to true.

(Inherited from IMessageDispatcher.)
Public propertyProperties
Returns a copy of the Flow properties
See Also