STM8S/A Standard Peripherals Drivers: stm8s_awu.h File Reference

STM8S/A Standard Peripherals Library

stm8s_awu.h File Reference

This file contains all functions prototype and macros for the AWU peripheral. More...

#include "stm8s.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 Macro used by the assert function to check the different functions parameters.
 Macro used by the assert function to check the LSI frequency (in Hz)
#define LSI_FREQUENCY_MAX   ((uint32_t)150000)
#define LSI_FREQUENCY_MIN   ((uint32_t)110000)


enum  AWU_Timebase_TypeDef {
  AWU_TIMEBASE_NO_IT = (uint8_t)0, AWU_TIMEBASE_250US = (uint8_t)1, AWU_TIMEBASE_500US = (uint8_t)2, AWU_TIMEBASE_1MS = (uint8_t)3,
  AWU_TIMEBASE_2MS = (uint8_t)4, AWU_TIMEBASE_4MS = (uint8_t)5, AWU_TIMEBASE_8MS = (uint8_t)6, AWU_TIMEBASE_16MS = (uint8_t)7,
  AWU_TIMEBASE_32MS = (uint8_t)8, AWU_TIMEBASE_64MS = (uint8_t)9, AWU_TIMEBASE_128MS = (uint8_t)10, AWU_TIMEBASE_256MS = (uint8_t)11,
  AWU_TIMEBASE_512MS = (uint8_t)12, AWU_TIMEBASE_1S = (uint8_t)13, AWU_TIMEBASE_2S = (uint8_t)14, AWU_TIMEBASE_12S = (uint8_t)15,
  AWU_TIMEBASE_30S = (uint8_t)16
 AWU TimeBase selection. More...


void AWU_Cmd (FunctionalState NewState)
 Enable or disable the AWU peripheral.
void AWU_DeInit (void)
 Deinitializes the AWU peripheral registers to their default reset values.
FlagStatus AWU_GetFlagStatus (void)
 Returns status of the AWU peripheral flag.
void AWU_IdleModeEnable (void)
 Configures AWU in Idle mode to reduce power consumption.
void AWU_Init (AWU_Timebase_TypeDef AWU_TimeBase)
 Initializes the AWU peripheral according to the specified parameters.
void AWU_LSICalibrationConfig (uint32_t LSIFreqHz)
 Update APR register with the measured LSI frequency.

Detailed Description

This file contains all functions prototype and macros for the AWU peripheral.

MCD Application Team

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Definition in file stm8s_awu.h.

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