STM8S/A Standard Peripherals Drivers: stm8s_tim3.c File Reference

STM8S/A Standard Peripherals Library

stm8s_tim3.c File Reference

This file contains all the functions for the TIM3 peripheral. More...

#include "stm8s_tim3.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


static void TI1_Config (uint8_t TIM1_ICPolarity, uint8_t TIM1_ICSelection, uint8_t TIM1_ICFilter)
 Configure the TI1 as Input.
static void TI1_Config (uint8_t TIM3_ICPolarity, uint8_t TIM3_ICSelection, uint8_t TIM3_ICFilter)
 Configure the TI1 as Input.
static void TI2_Config (uint8_t TIM1_ICPolarity, uint8_t TIM1_ICSelection, uint8_t TIM1_ICFilter)
 Configure the TI2 as Input.
static void TI2_Config (uint8_t TIM3_ICPolarity, uint8_t TIM3_ICSelection, uint8_t TIM3_ICFilter)
 Configure the TI2 as Input.
void TIM3_ARRPreloadConfig (FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables TIM3 peripheral Preload register on ARR.
void TIM3_CCxCmd (TIM3_Channel_TypeDef TIM3_Channel, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the TIM3 Capture Compare Channel x.
void TIM3_ClearFlag (TIM3_FLAG_TypeDef TIM3_FLAG)
 Clears the TIM3�s pending flags.
void TIM3_ClearITPendingBit (TIM3_IT_TypeDef TIM3_IT)
 Clears the TIM3's interrupt pending bits.
void TIM3_Cmd (FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the TIM3 peripheral.
void TIM3_DeInit (void)
 Deinitializes the TIM3 peripheral registers to their default reset values.
void TIM3_ForcedOC1Config (TIM3_ForcedAction_TypeDef TIM3_ForcedAction)
 Forces the TIM3 Channel1 output waveform to active or inactive level.
void TIM3_ForcedOC2Config (TIM3_ForcedAction_TypeDef TIM3_ForcedAction)
 Forces the TIM3 Channel2 output waveform to active or inactive level.
void TIM3_GenerateEvent (TIM3_EventSource_TypeDef TIM3_EventSource)
 Configures the TIM3 event to be generated by software.
uint16_t TIM3_GetCapture1 (void)
 Gets the TIM3 Input Capture 1 value.
uint16_t TIM3_GetCapture2 (void)
 Gets the TIM3 Input Capture 2 value.
uint16_t TIM3_GetCounter (void)
 Gets the TIM3 Counter value.
FlagStatus TIM3_GetFlagStatus (TIM3_FLAG_TypeDef TIM3_FLAG)
 Checks whether the specified TIM3 flag is set or not.
ITStatus TIM3_GetITStatus (TIM3_IT_TypeDef TIM3_IT)
 Checks whether the TIM3 interrupt has occurred or not.
TIM3_Prescaler_TypeDef TIM3_GetPrescaler (void)
 Gets the TIM3 Prescaler value.
void TIM3_ICInit (TIM3_Channel_TypeDef TIM3_Channel, TIM3_ICPolarity_TypeDef TIM3_ICPolarity, TIM3_ICSelection_TypeDef TIM3_ICSelection, TIM3_ICPSC_TypeDef TIM3_ICPrescaler, uint8_t TIM3_ICFilter)
 Initializes the TIM3 peripheral according to the specified parameters.
void TIM3_ITConfig (TIM3_IT_TypeDef TIM3_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the specified TIM3 interrupts.
void TIM3_OC1Init (TIM3_OCMode_TypeDef TIM3_OCMode, TIM3_OutputState_TypeDef TIM3_OutputState, uint16_t TIM3_Pulse, TIM3_OCPolarity_TypeDef TIM3_OCPolarity)
 Initializes the TIM3 Channel1 according to the specified parameters.
void TIM3_OC1PolarityConfig (TIM3_OCPolarity_TypeDef TIM3_OCPolarity)
 Configures the TIM3 Channel 1 polarity.
void TIM3_OC1PreloadConfig (FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the TIM3 peripheral Preload Register on CCR1.
void TIM3_OC2Init (TIM3_OCMode_TypeDef TIM3_OCMode, TIM3_OutputState_TypeDef TIM3_OutputState, uint16_t TIM3_Pulse, TIM3_OCPolarity_TypeDef TIM3_OCPolarity)
 Initializes the TIM3 Channel2 according to the specified parameters.
void TIM3_OC2PolarityConfig (TIM3_OCPolarity_TypeDef TIM3_OCPolarity)
 Configures the TIM3 Channel 2 polarity.
void TIM3_OC2PreloadConfig (FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or disables the TIM3 peripheral Preload Register on CCR2.
void TIM3_PrescalerConfig (TIM3_Prescaler_TypeDef Prescaler, TIM3_PSCReloadMode_TypeDef TIM3_PSCReloadMode)
 Configures the TIM3 Prescaler.
void TIM3_PWMIConfig (TIM3_Channel_TypeDef TIM3_Channel, TIM3_ICPolarity_TypeDef TIM3_ICPolarity, TIM3_ICSelection_TypeDef TIM3_ICSelection, TIM3_ICPSC_TypeDef TIM3_ICPrescaler, uint8_t TIM3_ICFilter)
 Configures the TIM3 peripheral in PWM Input Mode according to the specified parameters.
void TIM3_SelectOCxM (TIM3_Channel_TypeDef TIM3_Channel, TIM3_OCMode_TypeDef TIM3_OCMode)
 Selects the TIM3 Output Compare Mode.
void TIM3_SelectOnePulseMode (TIM3_OPMode_TypeDef TIM3_OPMode)
 Selects the TIM3�s One Pulse Mode.
void TIM3_SetAutoreload (uint16_t Autoreload)
 Sets the TIM3 Autoreload Register value.
void TIM3_SetCompare1 (uint16_t Compare1)
 Sets the TIM3 Capture Compare1 Register value.
void TIM3_SetCompare2 (uint16_t Compare2)
 Sets the TIM3 Capture Compare2 Register value.
void TIM3_SetCounter (uint16_t Counter)
 Sets the TIM3 Counter Register value.
void TIM3_SetIC1Prescaler (TIM3_ICPSC_TypeDef TIM3_IC1Prescaler)
 Sets the TIM3 Input Capture 1 prescaler.
void TIM3_SetIC2Prescaler (TIM3_ICPSC_TypeDef TIM3_IC2Prescaler)
 Sets the TIM3 Input Capture 2 prescaler.
void TIM3_TimeBaseInit (TIM3_Prescaler_TypeDef TIM3_Prescaler, uint16_t TIM3_Period)
 Initializes the TIM3 Time Base Unit according to the specified parameters.
void TIM3_UpdateDisableConfig (FunctionalState NewState)
 Enables or Disables the TIM3 Update event.
void TIM3_UpdateRequestConfig (TIM3_UpdateSource_TypeDef TIM3_UpdateSource)
 Selects the TIM3 Update Request Interrupt source.

Detailed Description

This file contains all the functions for the TIM3 peripheral.

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Definition in file stm8s_tim3.c.

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