STM8S/A Standard Peripherals Drivers: RST_Private_Macros

STM8S/A Standard Peripherals Library

STM8S/A Standard Peripherals Drivers


 Macro used by the assert function to check the different functions parameters.

Define Documentation

#define IS_RST_FLAG_OK (   FLAG)
(((FLAG) == RST_FLAG_EMCF) || \
                              ((FLAG) == RST_FLAG_SWIMF)  ||\
                              ((FLAG) == RST_FLAG_ILLOPF) ||\
                              ((FLAG) == RST_FLAG_IWDGF)  ||\
                              ((FLAG) == RST_FLAG_WWDGF))

Macro used by the assert function to check the different functions parameters.

Macro used by the assert function to check the different RST flags.

Definition at line 66 of file stm8s_rst.h.

Referenced by RST_ClearFlag(), and RST_GetFlagStatus().

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