STM32F429I-Discovery BSP User Manual: STM32F429I DISCOVERY GYROSCOPE Private Functions

STM32F429I Discovery BSP Drivers

STM32F429I-Discovery BSP User Manual


uint8_t BSP_GYRO_Init (void)
 Set Gyroscope Initialization.
uint8_t BSP_GYRO_ReadID (void)
 Read ID of Gyroscope component.
void BSP_GYRO_Reset (void)
 Reboot memory content of Gyroscope.
void BSP_GYRO_ITConfig (GYRO_InterruptConfigTypeDef *pIntConfig)
 Configures INT1 interrupt.
void BSP_GYRO_EnableIT (uint8_t IntPin)
 Enables INT1 or INT2 interrupt.
void BSP_GYRO_DisableIT (uint8_t IntPin)
 Disables INT1 or INT2 interrupt.
void BSP_GYRO_GetXYZ (float *pfData)
 Gets XYZ angular acceleration/.

Function Documentation

void BSP_GYRO_DisableIT ( uint8_t  IntPin)

Disables INT1 or INT2 interrupt.

IntPin,:Interrupt pin This parameter can be:
  • L3GD20_INT1
  • L3GD20_INT2

Definition at line 219 of file stm32f429i_discovery_gyroscope.c.

References GyroscopeDrv.

void BSP_GYRO_EnableIT ( uint8_t  IntPin)

Enables INT1 or INT2 interrupt.

IntPin,:Interrupt pin This parameter can be:
  • L3GD20_INT1
  • L3GD20_INT2

Definition at line 204 of file stm32f429i_discovery_gyroscope.c.

References GyroscopeDrv.

void BSP_GYRO_GetXYZ ( float *  pfData)

Gets XYZ angular acceleration/.

pfData,:pointer on floating array

Definition at line 231 of file stm32f429i_discovery_gyroscope.c.

References GyroscopeDrv.

uint8_t BSP_GYRO_Init ( void  )

Set Gyroscope Initialization.

Return values:
GYRO_OKif no problem during initialization

Definition at line 98 of file stm32f429i_discovery_gyroscope.c.

References GYRO_ERROR, GYRO_OK, and GyroscopeDrv.

void BSP_GYRO_ITConfig ( GYRO_InterruptConfigTypeDef *  pIntConfig)

Configures INT1 interrupt.

pIntConfig,:pointer to a L3GD20_InterruptConfig_TypeDef structure that contains the configuration setting for the L3GD20 Interrupt.

Definition at line 181 of file stm32f429i_discovery_gyroscope.c.

References GyroscopeDrv.

uint8_t BSP_GYRO_ReadID ( void  )

Read ID of Gyroscope component.

Return values:

Definition at line 154 of file stm32f429i_discovery_gyroscope.c.

References GyroscopeDrv.

void BSP_GYRO_Reset ( void  )

Reboot memory content of Gyroscope.

Definition at line 168 of file stm32f429i_discovery_gyroscope.c.

References GyroscopeDrv.

Generated on Wed Jan 13 2016 13:22:14 for STM32F429I-Discovery BSP User Manual by   doxygen