STM32F0xx Standard Peripherals Firmware Library: stm32f0xx_i2c_cpal_conf.h Source File

STM32F0xx Standard Peripherals Library

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00001 /**
00002   ******************************************************************************
00003   * @file    I2C/I2C_TwoBoards/stm32f0xx_i2c_cpal_conf.h
00004   * @author  MCD Application Team
00005   * @version V1.4.0
00006   * @date    24-July-2014
00007   * @brief   Library configuration file
00008   ******************************************************************************
00009   * @attention
00010   *
00011   * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
00012   *
00013   * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
00014   * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00015   * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
00016   *
00017   *
00018   *
00019   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
00020   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
00021   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00022   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00023   * limitations under the License.
00024   *
00025   ******************************************************************************
00026   */
00028 /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
00029 #ifndef __STM32F0XX_I2C_CPAL_CONF_H
00030 #define __STM32F0XX_I2C_CPAL_CONF_H
00032 #ifdef __cplusplus
00033  extern "C" {
00034 #endif
00036 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00037 /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
00038 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
00040 /*=======================================================================================================================================
00041                                                      User NOTES
00042 =========================================================================================================================================
00044 -------------------------------
00045 1. How To use the CPAL Library:
00046 -------------------------------
00048 ------- Refer to the user manual of the library and (eventually) the example to check if
00049         this firmware is appropriate for your hardware (device and (eventually) evaluation board)
00051       - Section 1 : Select the Device instances to be used and the total number of devices
00053       - Section 2 : Configure Transfer Options
00055       - Section 3 : Select and configure transfer and error user Callbacks
00057       - Section 4 : Configure Timeout mechanism and TimeoutCallback
00059       - Section 5 : Configure Interrupt Priority Offset
00061       - Section 6 : Configure CPAL_LOG Macro
00063 ------ After configuring CPAL firmware functionality , You should proceed by configuring hardware used with CPAL
00064        (please refer to stm32f0xx_i2c_cpal_hal.h file).
00066 ------ After configuring CPAL Firmware Library, you should follow these steps to use the Firmware correctly :
00069       Start by initializing the Device. To perform this action, the global variable PPPx_DevStructure declared 
00070       in CPAL Firmware as CPAL_InitTypeDef (I2C1_DevStructure for I2C1, I2C2_DevStructure for I2C2 ...) must be used.
00071       There are two ways to proceed :
00073         ** Call the function CPAL_PPP_StructInit() using as parameter PPPx_DevStructure (where PPP = device type (ie. I2C...)
00074         and where x could be 1 for PPP1, 2 for PPP2 ...). This function sets the default values for all fields of this structure.
00076         Default values for I2C devices are :
00077             I2Cx_DevStructure.CPAL_Direction                            = CPAL_DIRECTION_TXRX
00078             I2Cx_DevStructure.CPAL_Mode                                 = CPAL_MODE_MASTER
00079             I2Cx_DevStructure.CPAL_ProgModel                            = CPAL_PROGMODEL_DMA
00080             I2Cx_DevStructure.pCPAL_TransferTx                          = pNULL
00081             I2Cx_DevStructure.pCPAL_TransferRx                          = pNULL
00082             I2Cx_DevStructure.CPAL_State                                = CPAL_STATE_DISABLED
00083             I2Cx_DevStructure.wCPAL_DevError                            = CPAL_I2C_ERR_NONE
00084             I2Cx_DevStructure.wCPAL_Options                             = 0        (all options disabled)
00085             I2Cx_DevStructure.wCPAL_Timeout                             = CPAL_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT
00086             I2Cx_DevStructure.pCPAL_I2C_Struct->I2C_Mode                = I2C_Mode_I2C
00087             I2Cx_DevStructure.pCPAL_I2C_Struct->I2C_AnalogFilter        = I2C_AnalogFilter_Enable       
00088             I2Cx_DevStructure.pCPAL_I2C_Struct->I2C_DigitalFilter       = 0x00                         
00089             I2Cx_DevStructure.pCPAL_I2C_Struct->I2C_OwnAddress1         = 0
00090             I2Cx_DevStructure.pCPAL_I2C_Struct->I2C_Ack                 = I2C_Ack_Enable
00091             I2Cx_DevStructure.pCPAL_I2C_Struct->I2C_AcknowledgedAddress = I2C_AcknowledgedAddress_7bit
00094         pCPAL_TransferTx and pCPAL_TransferRx fields have to be updated in order to point to valid structures
00095         (these structures should be local/global variables in the user application).
00097         ** Another way of configuration is without calling CPAL_PPP_StructInit() function.
00098         Declare the following structures:
00099           - A PPP_InitTypeDef structure for the device configuration (ie. I2C_InitTypeDef structure)
00100           - One or two CPAL_TransferTypeDef variables (one for Tx and one for Rx).
00101           - Use the extern structure provided by the CPAL library: PPPx_InitStructure (ie. I2C1_DevStructure).
00102         Fill in all the fields for these structures (one by one).
00103         Use the pointers to these structures to fill in the fields pCPAL_PPP_Struct and pCPAL_TransferTx and/or 
00104         pCPAL_TransferRx of the PPPx_DevStructure. 
00105         After that CPAL_State must be set to CPAL_STATE_DISABLED. 
00106         Finally, call the CPAL_PPP_Init() with pointer to the PPPx_DevStructure as argument.
00108           Example:
00109            // Declare local structures 
00110            I2C_InitTypeDef         I2C1_InitStructure;
00111            CPAL_TransferTypeDef    TX_Transfer, RX_Transfer;
00112            // Fill in all the fields of to these structures
00113            I2Cx_InitStructure.I2C_Timing              = 0X50321312;
00114            I2Cx_InitStructure.I2C_Mode                = I2C_Mode_I2C;
00115            I2Cx_InitStructure.I2C_AnalogFilter        = I2C_AnalogFilter_Disable;
00116            .....
00117            TX_Transfer.pbBuffer = 0;
00118            TX_Transfer.wNumData = 0;
00119            .....
00120            RX_Transfer.pbBuffer = 0;
00121            RX_Transfer.wNumData = 0;
00122            .....
00123            // Use these structures and fill all fields of I2C1_DevStructure.
00124            I2C1_DevStructure.CPAL_Dev = CPAL_I2C1;
00125            I2C1_DevStructure.CPAL_Direction = CPAL_DIRECTION_TXRX;
00126            I2C1_DevStructure.CPAL_Mode = CPAL_MODE_SLAVE;
00127            I2C1_DevStructure.wCPAL_Options = CPAL_OPT_DMATX_TCIT | CPAL_OPT_DMATX_HTIT ;
00128            .....
00129            I2C1_DevStructure.pCPAL_TransferTx = &TX_Transfer;
00130            I2C1_DevStructure.pCPAL_TransferRx = &RX_Transfer;
00131            I2C1_DevStructure.pCPAL_I2C_Struct = &I2C1_InitStructure;
00132            ...
00133            I2C1_DevStructure.wCPAL_State = CPAL_STATE_DISABLED;
00134            ....
00135            CPAL_I2C_Init(&I2C1_DevStructure);
00138       Call the function CPAL_PPP_Init() to configure the selected device with the selected configuration by calling
00139       CPAL_PPP_Init(). This function also enables device clock and initialize all related peripherals ( GPIO, DMA , IT and NVIC ).
00140       This function tests on CPAL_State, if it is equal to CPAL_STATE_BUSY it exit, otherwise device initialization is
00141       performed and CPAL_State is set to CPAL_STATE_READY.
00142       This function returns CPAL_PASS state when the operation is correctly performed, or CPAL_FAIL when the current state of the
00143       device doesn't allow configuration (ie. state different from READY, DISABLED or ERROR).
00144       After calling this function, you may check on the new state of device, when it is equal to CPAL_STATE_READY, Transfer operations 
00145       can be started, otherwise you can call CPAL_PPP_DeInit() to deinitialize device and call CPAL_PPP_Init() once again.
00147       -3- READ / WRITE OPERATIONS
00148       Call the function CPAL_PPP_Write() or CPAL_PPP_Read() to perform transfer operations.
00149       These functions handle communication events using device event interrupts (independently of programming model used: DMA,
00150       Interrupt). These functions start preparing communication (send start condition, send salve address in case of
00151       master mode ...) if connection is established between devices CPAL_State is set CPAL_STATE_BUSY_XX and data transfer starts.
00152       By default, Error interrupts are enabled to manage device errors (Error interrupts can be disabled by affecting
00153       CPAL_OPT_I2C_ERRIT_DISABLE to wCPAL_Options). When transfer is completed successfully, CPAL_State is set to CPAL_STATE_READY
00154       and another operation can be started.
00155       These functions return CPAL_PASS if the current state of the device allows starting a new operation and the operation is correctly
00156       started (but not finished). It returns CPAL_FAIL when the state of the device doesn't allow starting a new communication (ie.
00157       BUSY, DISABLED, ERROR) or when an error occurs during operation start.
00158       Once operation is started, user application may perform other tasks while CPAL is sending/receiving data on device through interrupt
00159       or DMA.
00162        When transfer operations are finished, you may call CPAL_PPP_DeInit() to disable PPPx device and related resources
00163       ( GPIO, DMA , IT and NVIC). CPAL_State is then set to CPAL_STATE_DISABLED by this function.
00167 ------ Callbacks are routines that let you insert your own code in different stages of communication and for handling
00168        device errors. Their prototypes are declared by the CPAL library (if the relative define in this stm32f0xx_i2c_cpal_conf.h is enabled)
00169        but their body is not implemented by CPAL library. It may be done by user when needed.
00170        There are three types of Callbacks: Transfer User Callbacks, Error User Callbacks and Timeout User Callbacks:
00172         -a- Transfer User Callbacks :
00174           ** CPAL_I2C_TX_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)
00175                This function is called before sending data when Interrupt Programming Model is selected.
00177           ** CPAL_I2C_RX_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)
00178                This function is called after receiving data when Interrupt Programming Model is selected.
00180           ** CPAL_I2C_TXTC_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)
00181           ** CPAL_I2C_RXTC_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)
00182                These functions are called when a transfer is complete when using Interrupt programming model or DMA 
00183                programming model.
00185           ** CPAL_I2C_DMATXTC_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)
00186           ** CPAL_I2C_DMATXTC_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)
00187               These functions are called when Transfer complete Interrupt occurred in transmission/reception operation
00188                if DMA Programming Model is selected
00190           ** CPAL_I2C_DMATXHT_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)
00191           ** CPAL_I2C_DMARXHT_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)
00192                These functions are called when Half transfer Interrupt occurred in transmission/reception operation
00193                if DMA Programming Model is selected.
00195           ** CPAL_I2C_DMATXTE_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)
00196           ** CPAL_I2C_DMARXTE_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)
00197                These functions are called when a transfer error Interrupt occurred in transmission/reception operation
00198                if DMA Programming Model is selected.
00200           ** CPAL_I2C_GENCALL_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)
00201                This function is called when an Address Event interrupt occurred and General Call Address Flag is set
00202                (available in Slave mode only and when the option CPAL_OPT_I2C_GENCALL is enabled).
00204           ** CPAL_I2C_DUALF_UserCallback(CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct) 
00205                This function is called when an Address Event interrupt occurred and Dual Address Flag is set
00206               (available in Slave mode only and when the option CPAL_OPT_I2C_DUALADDR is enabled).
00209         -b- Error User Callbacks :
00211           ** CPAL_I2C_ERR_UserCallback(CPAL_DevTypeDef pDevInstance, uint32_t Device_Error)
00212                This function is called either when an Error Interrupt occurred (If Error Interrupts enabled) or after
00213                a read or write operations to handle device errors (If Error Interrupts disabled). This callback
00214                can be used to handle all device errors. It is available only when the define USE_SINGLE_ERROR_CALLBACK
00215                is enabled (Section 5).
00217           ** CPAL_I2C_BERR_UserCallback(CPAL_DevTypeDef pDevInstance)
00218                This function is called either when a Bus Error Interrupt occurred (If Error Interrupts enabled) or
00219                after a read or write operations to handle this error (If Error Interrupts disabled). This callback is
00220                available only when USE_MULTIPLE_ERROR_CALLBACK is enabled (Section 5).
00222           ** CPAL_I2C_ARLO_UserCallback(CPAL_DevTypeDef pDevInstance)
00223                This function is called either when an Arbitration Lost Interrupt occurred (If Error Interrupts
00224                enabled) or after a read or write operations to handle this error (If Error Interrupts disabled).
00226           ** CPAL_I2C_OVR_UserCallback(CPAL_DevTypeDef pDevInstance)
00227                This function is called either when an Overrun Interrupt occurred (If Error Interrupts enabled) or
00228                after a read or write operations to handle this error (If Error Interrupts disabled). This callback is
00229                available only when USE_MULTIPLE_ERROR_CALLBACK is enabled (Section 5).
00231           ** CPAL_I2C_AF_UserCallback(CPAL_DevTypeDef pDevInstance)
00232                This function is called either when an Acknowledge Failure Interrupt occurred (If Error Interrupts
00233                enabled) or after a read or write operations to handle this error (If Error Interrupts disabled).
00234                 This callback is available only when USE_MULTIPLE_ERROR_CALLBACK is enabled (Section 5).
00237         -c- Timeout User Callbacks :
00238           ** CPAL_TIMEOUT_UserCallback(void)
00239                This function is called when a Timeout occurred in communication.
00241           ** CPAL_TIMEOUT_INIT()
00242               This function allows to configure and enable the counting peripheral/function (ie. SysTick Timer)
00243               It is called into all CPAL_PPP_Init() functions.
00245           ** CPAL_TIMEOUT_DEINIT()
00246                This function allow to free the resources of counting peripheral/function and stop the count.
00247                (ie. disable the SysTick timer and its interrupt).
00249           ** CPAL_PPP_TIMEOUT_Manager()
00250                WARNING: DO NOT IMPLEMENT THIS FUNCTION (already implemented in CPAL drivers)
00251                This function is already implemented in the CPAL drivers (stm32f0xx_i2c_cpal.c file). It should be called periodically
00252                (using the count mechanism interrupt for example). This function checks all PPP devices and
00253                manages timeout conditions. In case of timeout occurring, this function calls the 
00254                CPAL_TIMEOUT_UserCallback() function that may be implemented by user to manage the cases of
00255                timeout errors (ie. reset the device/microcontroller...).
00256                In order to facilitate implementation, this function (instead to be called periodically by user
00257                application), may be mapped directly to a periodic event/interrupt:
00258                Example:
00259                #define CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_Manager        SysTick_Handler
00261                ** Note ** : when mapping CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_Manager to a periodic event/interrupt, the prototype
00262                             of this event/interrupt should be added. Here below an example when SysTick_Handler
00263                             is used to handle timeout mechanism :
00264                #ifndef CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_Manager
00265                  void CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_Manager(void);
00266                #else   
00267                  void SysTick_Handler(void);  
00268                #endif               
00270      To implement Transfer and Error Callbacks, you should comment relative defines in Section 4 and implement Callback function (body) into
00271      your application (their prototypes are declared in stm32f0xx_i2c_cpal.h file).
00273      Example: How to implement CPAL_I2C_TX_UserCallback() callback:
00275              -1- Comment the relative define in this file :
00276                           //#define CPAL_I2C_TX_UserCallback        (void)
00278              -2- Add CPAL_I2C_TX_UserCallback code source in application file ( example : main.c )
00279                           void CPAL_I2C_TX_UserCallback (CPAL_InitTypeDef* pDevInitStruct)
00280                           {
00281                             //
00282                             // user code
00283                             //
00284                           }
00286      There are two types of Error Callbacks :
00287              -1- Single Error Callback : Only one Callback is used to manage all device errors.
00288              -2- Multiple Error Callback : Each device error is managed by its own separate Callback.
00290      Example of using CPAL_I2C_BERR_UserCallback :
00292              -1- Select Multiple Error Callback type :
00293              //#define USE_SINGLE_ERROR_CALLBACK
00294              #define USE_MULTIPLE_ERROR_CALLBACK
00296              -2- Comment define relative to CPAL_I2C_BERR_UserCallback in stm32f0xx_i2c_cpal_conf.h file:
00297              //#define CPAL_I2C_BERR_UserCallback        (void)
00299              -3- Add CPAL_I2C_BERR_UserCallback code source in application file ( example: main.c )
00300                           void CPAL_I2C_BERR_UserCallback (CPAL_DevTypeDef pDevInstance)
00301                           {
00302                             //
00303                             // user code
00304                             //
00305                           }
00307 ------ The driver API functions Prototypes are in stm32f0xx_i2c_cpal.h file.
00309 *********END OF User Notes***************************************************************************************************************/
00314 /*=======================================================================================================================================
00315                                        CPAL Firmware Functionality Configuration
00316 =========================================================================================================================================*/
00318 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00319 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00321 /*   -- Section 1 :                   **** I2Cx Device Selection ****
00323     Description: This section provide an easy way to select I2Cx devices in user application.
00324                  Choosing device allows to save memory resources.
00325                  If you need I2C1 device, uncomment relative define: #define CPAL_USE_I2C1.
00326                  All available I2Cx device can be used at the same time.
00327                  At least one I2C device should be selected.*/
00329 #define CPAL_USE_I2C1         /*<! Uncomment to use I2C1 device */
00330 /*#define CPAL_USE_I2C2*/           /*<! Uncomment to use I2C2 device */
00332 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00333 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00335 /*  -- Section 2 :                **** Transfer Options Configuration ****
00337     Description: This section allows user to enable/disable some Transfer Options. The benefits of these
00338                  defines is to minimize the size of the source code */
00340 /* Enable the use of Master Mode */
00341 #define CPAL_I2C_MASTER_MODE
00342 /* This define must be uncommented for this example. In this example I2C1 device 
00343    can be used as master to communicate other Board (Slave)*/
00345 /* Enable the use of Slave Mode */
00346 #define CPAL_I2C_SLAVE_MODE
00347 /* This define must be uncommented for this example. In this example I2C1 device 
00348    can be used as slave to communicate other Board (Master)*/
00350 /* Enable the use of DMA Programming Model */
00351 #define CPAL_I2C_DMA_PROGMODEL
00352 /* Uncomment this define and keep "CPAL_I2C_IT_PROGMODEL" define commented to use DMA
00353    Programming Model */ 
00355 /* Enable the use of IT Programming Model */
00356 //#define CPAL_I2C_IT_PROGMODEL
00357 /* Uncomment this define and keep "CPAL_I2C_DMA_PROGMODEL" define commented to use Interrupt
00358    Programming Model */    
00360 /* !!!! These following defines are available only when CPAL_I2C_MASTER_MODE is enabled !!!! */
00362 /* Enable the use of 10Bit Addressing Mode */
00363 #define CPAL_I2C_10BIT_ADDR_MODE
00365 /* Enable the use of Memory Addressing Mode */
00366 /*#define CPAL_I2C_MEM_ADDR*/
00368 /* Enable the use of 16Bit Address memory register option */
00369 /*#define CPAL_16BIT_REG_OPTION*/
00372 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00373 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00375 /*  -- Section 3 :           **** UserCallbacks Selection and Configuration ****
00377     Description: This section provides an easy way to enable UserCallbacks and select type of Error UserCallbacks.
00378                  By default, All UserCallbacks are disabled (UserCallbacks are defined as void functions).
00379                  To implement a UserCallbacks in your application, comment the relative define and
00380                  implement the callback body in your application file.*/
00383 /* Error UserCallbacks Type : Uncomment to select UserCallbacks type. One type must be selected */
00384 /* Note : if Error UserCallbacks are not used the two following defines must be commented
00386    WARNING: These two defines are EXCLUSIVE, only one define should be uncommented !
00387  */
00388 #define USE_SINGLE_ERROR_CALLBACK   /*<! select single UserCallbacks type */
00389 //#define USE_MULTIPLE_ERROR_CALLBACK /*<! select multiple UserCallbacks type */
00391 /* Error UserCallbacks : To use an Error UserCallback comment the relative define */
00393 /* Single Error Callback */
00394 /*#define CPAL_I2C_ERR_UserCallback       (void)*/
00396 /* Multiple Error Callback */
00397 #define CPAL_I2C_BERR_UserCallback      (void)
00398 #define CPAL_I2C_ARLO_UserCallback      (void)
00399 #define CPAL_I2C_OVR_UserCallback       (void)
00400 #define CPAL_I2C_AF_UserCallback        (void)
00402 /* Transfer UserCallbacks : To use a Transfer callback comment the relative define */
00403 #define CPAL_I2C_TX_UserCallback        (void)
00404 #define CPAL_I2C_RX_UserCallback        (void)
00405 /*#define CPAL_I2C_TXTC_UserCallback      (void)*/
00406 /*#define CPAL_I2C_RXTC_UserCallback      (void)*/
00408 /* DMA Transfer UserCallbacks : To use a DMA Transfer UserCallbacks comment the relative define */
00409 #define CPAL_I2C_DMATXTC_UserCallback   (void)
00410 #define CPAL_I2C_DMATXHT_UserCallback   (void)
00411 #define CPAL_I2C_DMATXTE_UserCallback   (void)
00412 #define CPAL_I2C_DMARXTC_UserCallback   (void)
00413 #define CPAL_I2C_DMARXHT_UserCallback   (void)
00414 #define CPAL_I2C_DMARXTE_UserCallback   (void)
00416 /* Address Mode UserCallbacks : To use an Address Mode UserCallbacks comment the relative define */
00417 #define CPAL_I2C_GENCALL_UserCallback   (void)
00418 #define CPAL_I2C_DUALF_UserCallback     (void)
00420 /* CriticalSectionCallback : Call User callback for critical section (should typically disable interrupts) */
00421 #define CPAL_EnterCriticalSection_UserCallback        __disable_irq
00422 #define CPAL_ExitCriticalSection_UserCallback         __enable_irq
00424 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00425 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00427 /*  -- Section 4 :         **** Configure Timeout method, TimeoutCallback ****
00429     Description: This section allows you to implement your own Timeout Procedure.
00430                  By default Timeout procedure is implemented with Systick timer and
00431                  CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_Manager is defined as SysTick_Handler.
00432                  */
00435 #define _CPAL_TIMEOUT_INIT()           SysTick_Config((SystemCoreClock / 1000));\
00436                                        NVIC_SetPriority (SysTick_IRQn, 0) 
00437                                        /*<! Configure and enable the systick timer
00438                                        to generate an interrupt when counter value
00439                                        reaches 0. In the Systick interrupt handler
00440                                        the Timeout Error function is called. Time base is 1 ms */
00442 #define _CPAL_TIMEOUT_DEINIT()         SysTick->CTRL = 0        /*<! Disable the systick timer */
00445 #define CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_Manager       SysTick_Handler          /*<! This callback is used to handle Timeout error.
00446                                                                      When a timeout occurs CPAL_TIMEOUT_UserCallback
00447                                                                      is called to handle this error */
00448 #ifndef CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_Manager
00449    void CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_Manager(void);
00450 #else   
00451    void SysTick_Handler(void);  
00452 #endif /* CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_Manager */
00454 /*#define CPAL_TIMEOUT_UserCallback        (void)      */            /*<! Comment this line and implement the callback body in your
00455                                                                       application in order to use the Timeout Callback.
00456                                                                       It is strongly advised to implement this callback, since it
00457                                                                       is the only way to manage timeout errors.*/
00459 /* Maximum Timeout values for each communication operation (preferably, Time base should be 1 Millisecond).
00460    The exact maximum value is the sum of event timeout value and the CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_MIN value defined below */
00461 #define CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_TC             5
00462 #define CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_TCR            5
00463 #define CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_TXIS           2
00464 #define CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_BUSY           2
00466 /* DO NOT MODIFY THESE VALUES ---------------------------------------------------------*/
00467 #define CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT        ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFF)
00468 #define CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_MIN            ((uint32_t)0x00000001)
00469 #define CPAL_I2C_TIMEOUT_DETECTED       ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
00471 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00472 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00474 /*   -- Section 5 :                  **** Configure Interrupt Priority Offset ****
00476   Description: This section allows user to configure Interrupt Priority Offset.
00477                By default Priority Offset of I2Cx device (ERR, EVT, DMA) are set to 0 */
00479 /*-----------Interrupt Priority Offset-------------*/
00481 /* This defines can be used to decrease the Level of Interrupt Priority for I2Cx Device (ERR, EVT, DMA_TX, DMA_RX).
00482    The value of I2Cx_IT_OFFSET_SUBPRIO is added to I2Cx_IT_XXX_SUBPRIO and the value of I2Cx_IT_OFFSET_PREPRIO
00483    is added to I2Cx_IT_XXX_PREPRIO (XXX: ERR, EVT, DMATX, DMARX).
00484    I2Cx Interrupt Priority are defined in stm32f0xx_i2c_cpal_hal.h file in Section 3 */
00486 #define I2C1_IT_OFFSET_SUBPRIO          0      /* I2C1 SUB-PRIORITY Offset */
00487 #define I2C1_IT_OFFSET_PREPRIO          0      /* I2C1 PREEMPTION PRIORITY Offset */
00489 #define I2C2_IT_OFFSET_SUBPRIO          0      /* I2C2 SUB-PRIORITY Offset */
00490 #define I2C2_IT_OFFSET_PREPRIO          0      /* I2C2 PREEMPTION PRIORITY Offset */
00492 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00493 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00495 /*  -- Section 6 :                  **** CPAL DEBUG Configuration ****
00497     Description: This section allow user to enable or disable CPAL Debug option. Enabling this option provide
00498                  to user an easy way to debug the application code. This option use CPAL_LOG Macro that integrate
00499                  printf function. User can retarget printf function to USART ( use hyperterminal), LCD Screen
00500                  on ST Eval Board or development toolchain debugger.
00501                  In this example, the log is managed through printf function routed to USART peripheral and allowing
00502                  to display messages on Hyperterminal-like terminals. This is performed through redefining the
00503                  function PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE (depending on the compiler) as follows:
00505                    #ifdef __GNUC__
00506                 // With GCC/RAISONANCE, small printf (option LD Linker->Libraries->Small printf
00507                 // set to 'Yes') calls __io_putchar() 
00508                     #define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int __io_putchar(int ch)
00509                    #else
00510                     #define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
00511                    #endif 
00513     WARNING      Be aware that enabling this feature may slow down the communication process, increase the code size
00514                  significantly, and may in some cases cause communication errors (when print/display mechanism is too slow)*/
00517 /* To Enable CPAL_DEBUG Option Uncomment the define below */
00518 /* #define CPAL_DEBUG */
00520 #ifdef CPAL_DEBUG
00521 #define CPAL_LOG(Str)                   printf(Str)
00522 #include <stdio.h>                     /* This header file must be included when using CPAL_DEBUG option */
00523 #else
00524 #define CPAL_LOG(Str)                   ((void)0)
00525 #endif /* CPAL_DEBUG */
00528 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00529 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00531 /*********END OF CPAL Firmware Functionality Configuration****************************************************************/
00533 /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
00534 /* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
00536 #ifdef __cplusplus
00537 }
00538 #endif
00540 #endif /* __STM32F0XX_I2C_CPAL_CONF_H */
00542 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
STM32L1xx Standard Peripherals Library: Footer



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