To preview the text-to-speech voice

Speech 5.0 Control Panel

Troubleshooting Speech Systems

To determine if either speech system (text to speech or speech recognition) is working properly, use the following tests.

For text to speech (TTS)

  1. In Control Panel, double-click the Speech icon.
  2. On the Text To Speech tab, click Preview Voice.
  3. The text in Preview Voice should be spoken audibly with each word highlighted in turn. If so, TTS and the speakers are working.
  4. If you cannot hear the Preview Voice and see words highlighted as they are spoken, see Possible Text To Speech Problems for troubleshooting solutions.

For Speech Recognition (SR)

  1. In Control Panel, double-click the Speech icon.
  2. On the Speech Recognition tab, speak into the microphone.
  3. A properly working microphone will display the input volume in the display area. The level will grow and shrink as the speaking volume changes.
  4. If no level is indicated, see Possible Speech Recognition Problems for troubleshooting solutions.


  • To open a Control Panel item, click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click the appropriate icon.