IRegnoTriggerDefDoc Properties

Regno Shared SQLRace


IRegnoTriggerDefDoc Properties

The IRegnoTriggerDefDoc type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property EndTriggerCondDefDocId
An array of identifiers (id) of the TriggerConditionDefinitionDoc documents that hold the properties for the end conditions associated with this trigger instance.
Public property Name
A free form string value to name the conversion.
Public property Output
A fixed string representing the output stream of the trigger instance. Valid options are: Logged, Telemetry, TelemetryLogged
Public property ParamDefDocIds
An array of the unique identifiers (id) of each associated ParamDefinitionDoc document.
Public property ParamFrequencies
An array of 64-bit Double values representing the frequency in hertz of each parameter represented in the paramDefIds array.
Public property Rearms
A Boolean value representing if the trigger rearms after triggering. The default value is false (i.e. the trigger does not rearm).
Public property StartDelay
A 64-bit Long value representing the start delay value in nanoseconds that is associated with this trigger instance.
Public property StartTriggerCondDefDocId
An array of identifiers (id) of the TriggerConditionDefinitionDoc documents that hold the properties for the start conditions associated with this trigger instance.
Public property StopDelay
A 64-bit Long value representing the end delay value in nanoseconds that is associated with this trigger instance.