IRegnoTriggerCondDefDoc Members

Regno Shared SQLRace


IRegnoTriggerCondDefDoc Members

The IRegnoTriggerCondDefDoc type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Condition
A fixed string representing the condition for the associated parameter. Valid options are: Equals, NotEquals, GreaterThan, LessThan, GreaterThanEqual, LessThanEqual.
Public property Count
A 32-bit Integer value representing the number of counts that the threshold value and condition has to be valid for before the condition is recognised.
Public property Name
A free form string value to name the conversion.
Public property ParamDefDocId
The unique identifier (id) of the ParamDefinitionDoc document that holds the properties for the parameter associated with this trigger condition.
Public property Threshold
A 64-bit Double value representing the threshold value for the associated parameter and condition.
Public property TriggerType
A fixed string representation of the trigger type. Valid options are: None, Power, Ignition, Data, External.