IRegnoEventDataDoc Properties

Regno Shared SQLRace


IRegnoEventDataDoc Properties

The IRegnoEventDataDoc type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ConfigDocId
The unique identifier (id) of the ConfigDoc document that this document is associated with.
Public property EventDefDocId
The unique identifier (id) of the EventDefinitionDoc that holds the properties for the event definition associated with the data values stored in this document.
Public property RawValues
An array of 64-bit Double data values.
Public property Status
A free form string status value for the event instance.
Public property Time
A 64-bit Long timestamp specifying time of the event instance. The timestamp represents the number of nanoseconds since the reference time of midnight, 1st January 1970.
Public property Values
An array of string values, each array value represents a formatted data value.