MessageExtensions Methods

Regno Shared SQLRace


MessageExtensions Methods

The MessageExtensions type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member ProcessExternalFile
Processes the external file.
Public method Static member ProcessExternalFileAsync
process external file as an asynchronous operation.
Public method Static member SendError
Sends the error.
Public method Static member SendException(IMessageBus, Exception)
Sends the exception.
Public method Static member SendException(IMessageBus, String, Exception)
Sends the exception.
Public method Static member SendMetric(IMessageBus, String)
Sends the metric.
Public method Static member SendMetric(IMessageBus, String, Double)
Sends the metric.
Public method Static member SendNotification(IMessageBus, String)
Sends the notification.
Public method Static member SendNotification(IMessageBus, String, SystemNotificationType)
Sends the notification.
Public method Static member SendNotification(IMessageBus, SystemMessagePayload)
Sends the notification.
Public method Static member SendProgress
Sends the progress.