IRegnoParamDefDoc Properties

Regno Shared SQLRace


IRegnoParamDefDoc Properties

The IRegnoParamDefDoc type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ChannelDefDocIds
An array of the unique identifiers (id) for each of the ChannelDefinitionDoc documents associated with this parameter.
Public property ConversionId
The unique identifier (id) of the conversion document used to convert the parameter data value into a display value. Multiple types of conversion documents exist.
Public property CriticalMax
The value of which above would trigger a critical condition.
Public property CriticalMin
The value of which below would trigger a critical condition.
Public property Description
A free form string description of the parameter.
Public property Format
A C style format used to display the parameter data value. See the section Format Strings for details and examples.
Public property Groups
An array of free form strings used to generate a tree structure of the groups and subgroups that parameter belongs to. The root group should be the first entry of the array value.
Public property Max
The maximum display value for the parameter.
Public property Min
Gets or sets the minimum.
Public property Name
A free form string value to name the parameter.
Public property SourceId
A free form string description of the source for this parameter data.
Public property Units
A free form string description of the parameter.
Public property WarningMax
The value of which above would trigger a warning condition.
Public property WarningMin
The value of which below would trigger a warning condition.