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Annotated Class Index
Here are the classes in Qt, with brief descriptions:
QAccel | Handles keyboard accelerator and shortcut keys |
QAccessible | Enums and static functions relating to accessibility |
QAccessibleInterface | Defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects |
QAccessibleObject | Implements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjects |
QAction | Abstract user interface action that can appear both in menus and tool bars |
QActionGroup | Groups actions together |
QApplication | Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings |
QAsciiCache | Template class that provides a cache based on char* keys |
QAsciiCacheIterator | Iterator for QAsciiCache collections |
QAsciiDict | Template class that provides a dictionary based on char* keys |
QAsciiDictIterator | Iterator for QAsciiDict collections |
QBitArray | Array of bits |
QBitVal | Internal class, used with QBitArray |
QBitmap | Monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps |
QBoxLayout | Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically |
QBrush | Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by a QPainter |
QBuffer | I/O device that operates on a QByteArray |
QButton | The abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons |
QButtonGroup | Organizes QButton widgets in a group |
QByteArray | Array of bytes |
QCDEStyle | CDE look and feel |
QCString | Abstraction of the classic C zero-terminated char array (char *) |
QCache | Template class that provides a cache based on QString keys |
QCacheIterator | Iterator for QCache collections |
QCanvas | 2D area that can contain QCanvasItem objects |
QCanvasEllipse | Ellipse or ellipse segment on a QCanvas |
QCanvasItem | Abstract graphic object on a QCanvas |
QCanvasItemList | List of QCanvasItems |
QCanvasLine | Line on a QCanvas |
QCanvasPixmap | Pixmaps for QCanvasSprites |
QCanvasPixmapArray | Array of QCanvasPixmaps |
QCanvasPolygon | Polygon on a QCanvas |
QCanvasPolygonalItem | Polygonal canvas item on a QCanvas |
QCanvasRectangle | Rectangle on a QCanvas |
QCanvasSpline | Multi-bezier splines on a QCanvas |
QCanvasSprite | Animated canvas item on a QCanvas |
QCanvasText | Text object on a QCanvas |
QCanvasView | On-screen view of a QCanvas |
QChar | Lightweight Unicode character |
QCharRef | Helper class for QString |
QCheckBox | Checkbox with a text label |
QCheckListItem | Checkable list view items |
QCheckTableItem | Checkboxes in QTables |
QChildEvent | Event parameters for child object events |
QClipboard | Access to the window system clipboard |
QCloseEvent | Parameters that describe a close event |
QColor | Colors based on RGB or HSV values |
QColorDialog | Dialog widget for specifying colors |
QColorDrag | Drag and drop object for transferring colors |
QColorGroup | Group of widget colors |
QComboBox | Combined button and popup list |
QComboTableItem | Means of using comboboxes in QTables |
QCommonStyle | Encapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI |
QConstString | String objects using constant Unicode data |
QContextMenuEvent | Parameters that describe a context menu event |
QCopChannel | Communication capabilities between several clients |
QCursor | Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape |
QCustomEvent | Support for custom events |
QCustomMenuItem | Abstract base class for custom menu items in popup menus |
QDataBrowser | Data manipulation and navigation for data entry forms |
QDataStream | Serialization of binary data to a QIODevice |
QDataTable | Flexible SQL table widget that supports browsing and editing |
QDataView | Read-only SQL forms |
QDate | Date functions |
QDateEdit | Date editor |
QDateTime | Date and time functions |
QDateTimeEdit | Combines a QDateEdit and QTimeEdit widget into a single widget for editing datetimes |
QDesktopWidget | Access to screen information on multi-head systems |
QDial | Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer) |
QDialog | The base class of dialog windows |
QDict | Template class that provides a dictionary based on QString keys |
QDictIterator | Iterator for QDict collections |
QDir | Access to directory structures and their contents in a platform-independent way |
QDirectPainter | Direct access to the video hardware |
QDns | Asynchronous DNS lookups |
QDockArea | Manages and lays out QDockWindows |
QDockWindow | Widget which can be docked inside a QDockArea or floated as a top level window on the desktop |
QDomAttr | Represents one attribute of a QDomElement |
QDomCDATASection | Represents an XML CDATA section |
QDomCharacterData | Represents a generic string in the DOM |
QDomComment | Represents an XML comment |
QDomDocument | Represents an XML document |
QDomDocumentFragment | Tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument |
QDomDocumentType | The representation of the DTD in the document tree |
QDomElement | Represents one element in the DOM tree |
QDomEntity | Represents an XML entity |
QDomEntityReference | Represents an XML entity reference |
QDomImplementation | Information about the features of the DOM implementation |
QDomNamedNodeMap | Collection of nodes that can be accessed by name |
QDomNode | The base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree |
QDomNodeList | List of QDomNode objects |
QDomNotation | Represents an XML notation |
QDomProcessingInstruction | Represents an XML processing instruction |
QDomText | Represents text data in the parsed XML document |
QDoubleValidator | Range checking of floating-point numbers |
QDragEnterEvent | Event which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop first drags onto the widget |
QDragLeaveEvent | Event which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop leaves the widget |
QDragMoveEvent | Event which is sent while a drag and drop is in progress |
QDragObject | Encapsulates MIME-based data transfer |
QDropEvent | Event which is sent when a drag and drop is completed |
QEditorFactory | Used to create editor widgets for QVariant data types |
QErrorMessage | Error message display dialog |
QEucJpCodec | Conversion to and from EUC-JP character sets |
QEucKrCodec | Conversion to and from EUC-KR character sets |
QEvent | The base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters |
QFile | I/O device that operates on files |
QFileDialog | Dialogs that allow users to select files or directories |
QFileIconProvider | Icons for QFileDialog to use |
QFileInfo | System-independent file information |
QFilePreview | File previewing in QFileDialog |
QFocusData | Maintains the list of widgets in the focus chain |
QFocusEvent | Event parameters for widget focus events |
QFont | Font used for drawing text |
QFontDatabase | Information about the fonts available in the underlying window system |
QFontDialog | Dialog widget for selecting a font |
QFontInfo | General information about fonts |
QFontManager | Implements font management in Qt/Embedded |
QFontMetrics | Font metrics information |
QFrame | The base class of widgets that can have a frame |
QFtp | Implementation of the FTP protocol |
QGL | Namespace for miscellaneous identifiers in the Qt OpenGL module |
QGLColormap | Used for installing custom colormaps into QGLWidgets |
QGLContext | Encapsulates an OpenGL rendering context |
QGLFormat | The display format of an OpenGL rendering context |
QGLWidget | Widget for rendering OpenGL graphics |
QGLayoutIterator | Abstract base class of internal layout iterators |
QGb18030Codec | Conversion to and from the Chinese GB18030/GBK/GB2312 encoding |
QGbkCodec | Conversion to and from the Chinese GBK encoding |
QGrid | Simple geometry management of its children |
QGridLayout | Lays out widgets in a grid |
QGridView | Abstract base for fixed-size grids |
QGroupBox | Group box frame with a title |
QGuardedPtr | Template class that provides guarded pointers to QObjects |
QHBox | Horizontal geometry management for its child widgets |
QHBoxLayout | Lines up widgets horizontally |
QHButtonGroup | Organizes QButton widgets in a group with one horizontal row |
QHGroupBox | Organizes widgets in a group with one horizontal row |
QHeader | Header row or column, e.g. for tables and listviews |
QHebrewCodec | Conversion to and from visually ordered Hebrew |
QHideEvent | Event which is sent after a widget is hidden |
QHostAddress | IP address |
QHttp | Implementation of the HTTP protocol |
QIMEvent | Parameters for input method events |
QIODevice | The base class of I/O devices |
QIconDrag | Supports drag and drop operations within a QIconView |
QIconDragItem | Encapsulates a drag item |
QIconSet | Set of icons with different styles and sizes |
QIconView | Area with movable labelled icons |
QIconViewItem | Single item in a QIconView |
QImage | Hardware-independent pixmap representation with direct access to the pixel data |
QImageConsumer | Abstraction used by QImageDecoder |
QImageDecoder | Incremental image decoder for all supported image formats |
QImageDrag | Drag and drop object for transferring images |
QImageFormat | Incremental image decoder for a specific image format |
QImageFormatPlugin | Abstract base for custom image format plugins |
QImageFormatType | Factory that makes QImageFormat objects |
QImageIO | Parameters for loading and saving images |
QInputDialog | Simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user |
QIntCache | Template class that provides a cache based on long keys |
QIntCacheIterator | Iterator for QIntCache collections |
QIntDict | Template class that provides a dictionary based on long keys |
QIntDictIterator | Iterator for QIntDict collections |
QIntValidator | Validator which ensures that a string contains a valid integer within a specified range |
QJisCodec | Conversion to and from JIS character sets |
QKeyEvent | Describes a key event |
QKeySequence | Encapsulates a key sequence as used by accelerators |
QLCDNumber | Displays a number with LCD-like digits |
QLabel | Text or image display |
QLayout | The base class of geometry managers |
QLayoutItem | Abstract item that a QLayout manipulates |
QLayoutIterator | Iterators over QLayoutItem |
QLibrary | Wrapper for handling shared libraries |
QLineEdit | One-line text editor |
QListBox | List of selectable, read-only items |
QListBoxItem | The base class of all list box items |
QListBoxPixmap | List box items with a pixmap and optional text |
QListBoxText | List box items that display text |
QListView | Implements a list/tree view |
QListViewItem | Implements a list view item |
QListViewItemIterator | Iterator for collections of QListViewItems |
QLocalFs | Implementation of a QNetworkProtocol that works on the local file system |
QLock | Wrapper for a System V shared semaphore |
QMainWindow | Main application window, with a menu bar, dock windows (e.g. for toolbars), and a status bar |
QMap | Value-based template class that provides a dictionary |
QMapConstIterator | Iterator for QMap |
QMapIterator | Iterator for QMap |
QMemArray | Template class that provides arrays of simple types |
QMenuBar | Horizontal menu bar |
QMenuData | Base class for QMenuBar and QPopupMenu |
QMessageBox | Modal dialog with a short message, an icon, and some buttons |
QMetaObject | Meta information about Qt objects |
QMetaProperty | Stores meta data about a property |
QMimeSource | Abstraction of objects which provide formatted data of a certain MIME type |
QMimeSourceFactory | Extensible provider of mime-typed data |
QMotifPlusStyle | More sophisticated Motif-ish look and feel |
QMotifStyle | Motif look and feel |
QMouseEvent | Parameters that describe a mouse event |
QMoveEvent | Event parameters for move events |
QMovie | Incremental loading of animations or images, signalling as it progresses |
QMutex | Access serialization between threads |
QNPInstance | QObject that is a Web-browser plugin |
QNPStream | Stream of data provided to a QNPInstance by the browser |
QNPWidget | QWidget that is a Web-browser plugin window |
QNPlugin | The plugin central factory |
QNetworkOperation | Common operations for network protocols |
QNetworkProtocol | Common API for network protocols |
QObject | The base class of all Qt objects |
QObjectCleanupHandler | Watches the lifetime of multiple QObjects |
QObjectList | QPtrList of QObjects |
QObjectListIt | Iterator for QObjectLists |
QPNGImagePacker | Creates well-compressed PNG animations |
QPaintDevice | The base class of objects that can be painted |
QPaintDeviceMetrics | Information about a paint device |
QPaintEvent | Event parameters for paint events |
QPainter | Does low-level painting e.g. on widgets |
QPair | Value-based template class that provides a pair of elements |
QPalette | Color groups for each widget state |
QPen | Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes |
QPicture | Paint device that records and replays QPainter commands |
QPixmap | Off-screen, pixel-based paint device |
QPixmapCache | Application-global cache for pixmaps |
QPlatinumStyle | Mac/Platinum look and feel |
QPoint | Defines a point in the plane |
QPointArray | Array of points |
QPopupMenu | Popup menu widget |
QPrinter | Paint device that paints on a printer |
QProcess | Used to start external programs and to communicate with them |
QProgressBar | Horizontal progress bar |
QProgressDialog | Feedback on the progress of a slow operation |
QPtrCollection | The base class of most pointer-based Qt collections |
QPtrDict | Template class that provides a dictionary based on void* keys |
QPtrDictIterator | Iterator for QPtrDict collections |
QPtrList | Template class that provides doubly-linked lists |
QPtrListIterator | Iterator for QPtrList collections |
QPtrQueue | Template class that provides a queue |
QPtrStack | Template class that provides a stack |
QPtrVector | Template collection class that provides a vector (array) |
QPushButton | Command button |
QRadioButton | Radio button with a text or pixmap label |
QRangeControl | Integer value within a range |
QRect | Defines a rectangle in the plane |
QRegExp | Pattern matching using regular expressions |
QRegExpValidator | Used to check a string against a regular expression |
QRegion | Clip region for a painter |
QResizeEvent | Event parameters for resize events |
QSGIStyle | SGI/Irix look and feel |
QScreen | And its descendants manage the framebuffer and palette |
QScrollBar | Vertical or horizontal scroll bar |
QScrollView | Scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars |
QSemaphore | Robust integer semaphore |
QServerSocket | TCP-based server |
QSessionManager | Access to the session manager |
QSettings | Persistent platform-independent application settings |
QShowEvent | Event which is sent when a widget is shown |
QSignal | Can be used to send signals for classes that don't inherit QObject |
QSignalMapper | Bundles signals from identifiable senders |
QSimpleRichText | Small displayable piece of rich text |
QSize | Defines the size of a two-dimensional object |
QSizeGrip | Corner-grip for resizing a top-level window |
QSizePolicy | Layout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy |
QSjisCodec | Conversion to and from Shift-JIS |
QSlider | Vertical or horizontal slider |
QSocket | Buffered TCP connection |
QSocketDevice | Platform-independent low-level socket API |
QSocketNotifier | Support for socket callbacks |
QSound | Access to the platform audio facilities |
QSpacerItem | Blank space in a layout |
QSpinBox | Spin box widget (spin button) |
QSplitter | Implements a splitter widget |
QSql | Namespace for Qt SQL identifiers that need to be global-like |
QSqlCursor | Browsing and editing of SQL tables and views |
QSqlDatabase | Used to create SQL database connections and provide transaction handling |
QSqlDriver | Abstract base class for accessing SQL databases |
QSqlDriverPlugin | Abstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins |
QSqlEditorFactory | Used to create the editors used by QDataTable and QSqlForm |
QSqlError | SQL database error information |
QSqlField | Manipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views |
QSqlFieldInfo | Stores meta data associated with a SQL field |
QSqlForm | Creates and manages data entry forms tied to SQL databases |
QSqlIndex | Functions to manipulate and describe QSqlCursor and QSqlDatabase indexes |
QSqlPropertyMap | Used to map widgets to SQL fields |
QSqlQuery | Means of executing and manipulating SQL statements |
QSqlRecord | Encapsulates a database record, i.e. a set of database fields |
QSqlRecordInfo | Encapsulates a set of database field meta data |
QSqlResult | Abstract interface for accessing data from SQL databases |
QStatusBar | Horizontal bar suitable for presenting status information |
QStoredDrag | Simple stored-value drag object for arbitrary MIME data |
QStrIList | Doubly-linked list of char* with case-insensitive comparison |
QStrList | Doubly-linked list of char* |
QStrListIterator | Iterator for the QStrList and QStrIList classes |
QString | Abstraction of Unicode text and the classic C null-terminated char array |
QStringList | List of strings |
QStyle | The look and feel of a GUI |
QStyleFactory | Creates QStyle objects |
QStyleOption | Optional parameters for QStyle functions |
QStylePlugin | Abstract base for custom QStyle plugins |
QStyleSheet | Collection of styles for rich text rendering and a generator of tags |
QStyleSheetItem | Encapsulation of a set of text styles |
QTab | The structures in a QTabBar |
QTabBar | Tab bar, e.g. for use in tabbed dialogs |
QTabDialog | Stack of tabbed widgets |
QTabWidget | Stack of tabbed widgets |
QTable | Flexible editable table widget |
QTableItem | The cell content for QTable cells |
QTableSelection | Access to a selected area in a QTable |
QTabletEvent | Parameters that describe a Tablet event |
QTextBrowser | Rich text browser with hypertext navigation |
QTextCodec | Conversion between text encodings |
QTextCodecPlugin | Abstract base for custom QTextCodec plugins |
QTextDecoder | State-based decoder |
QTextDrag | Drag and drop object for transferring plain and Unicode text |
QTextEdit | Powerful single-page rich text editor |
QTextEncoder | State-based encoder |
QTextIStream | Convenience class for input streams |
QTextOStream | Convenience class for output streams |
QTextStream | Basic functions for reading and writing text using a QIODevice |
QThread | Platform-independent threads |
QTime | Clock time functions |
QTimeEdit | Time editor |
QTimer | Timer signals and single-shot timers |
QTimerEvent | Parameters that describe a timer event |
QToolBar | Movable panel containing widgets such as tool buttons |
QToolButton | Quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar |
QToolTip | Tool tips (balloon help) for any widget or rectangular part of a widget |
QToolTipGroup | Collects tool tips into related groups |
QTranslator | Internationalization support for text output |
QTranslatorMessage | Translator message and its properties |
QTsciiCodec | Conversion to and from the Tamil TSCII encoding |
QUriDrag | Drag object for a list of URI references |
QUrl | URL parser and simplifies working with URLs |
QUrlInfo | Stores information about URLs |
QUrlOperator | Common operations on URLs |
QVBox | Vertical geometry management of its child widgets |
QVBoxLayout | Lines up widgets vertically |
QVButtonGroup | Organizes QButton widgets in a vertical column |
QVGroupBox | Organizes a group of widgets in a vertical column |
QValidator | Validation of input text |
QValueList | Value-based template class that provides doubly linked lists |
QValueListConstIterator | Const iterator for QValueList |
QValueListIterator | Iterator for QValueList |
QValueStack | Value-based template class that provides a stack |
QValueVector | Value-based template class that provides a dynamic array |
QVariant | Acts like a union for the most common Qt data types |
QWMatrix | 2D transformations of a coordinate system |
QWSDecoration | Allows the appearance of the Qt/Embedded Window Manager to be customized |
QWSKeyboardHandler | Implements the keyboard driver/handler for Qt/Embedded |
QWSMouseHandler | Mouse driver/handler for Qt/Embedded |
QWSServer | Server-specific functionality in Qt/Embedded |
QWSWindow | Server-specific functionality in Qt/Embedded |
QWaitCondition | Allows waiting/waking for conditions between threads |
QWhatsThis | Simple description of any widget, i.e. answering the question "What's this?" |
QWheelEvent | Parameters that describe a wheel event |
QWidget | The base class of all user interface objects |
QWidgetFactory | For the dynamic creation of widgets from Qt Designer .ui files |
QWidgetItem | Layout item that represents a widget |
QWidgetPlugin | Abstract base for custom QWidget plugins |
QWidgetStack | Stack of widgets of which only the top widget is user-visible |
QWindowsMime | Maps open-standard MIME to Window Clipboard formats |
QWindowsStyle | Microsoft Windows-like look and feel |
QWizard | Framework for wizard dialogs |
QWorkspace | Workspace window that can contain decorated windows, e.g. for MDI |
QXmlAttributes | XML attributes |
QXmlContentHandler | Interface to report the logical content of XML data |
QXmlDTDHandler | Interface to report DTD content of XML data |
QXmlDeclHandler | Interface to report declaration content of XML data |
QXmlDefaultHandler | Default implementation of all XML handler classes |
QXmlEntityResolver | Interface to resolve external entities contained in XML data |
QXmlErrorHandler | Interface to report errors in XML data |
QXmlInputSource | The input data for the QXmlReader subclasses |
QXmlLexicalHandler | Interface to report the lexical content of XML data |
QXmlLocator | The XML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file |
QXmlNamespaceSupport | Helper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support |
QXmlParseException | Used to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface |
QXmlReader | Interface for XML readers (i.e. parsers) |
QXmlSimpleReader | Implementation of a simple XML reader (parser) |
QXtApplication | Facilitates the mixing of Xt/Motif and Qt widgets |
QXtWidget | Allows mixing of Xt/Motif and Qt widgets |
Qt | Namespace for miscellaneous identifiers that need to be global-like |
Copyright © 2002 Trolltech | Trademarks | Qt version 3.0.5