Header file contents
PBNI classes and interfaces are defined in a set of header
The classes, structures, and methods defined in the header
file pbni.h allow PowerBuilder extension modules
to interact with PowerBuilder. This file also includes the pbarray.h, pbfield.h,
and pbnimd.h header files.
pbarray.h, pbfield.h, pbtraits.h, and pbnimd.h
pbarray.h contains helper classes that
make it easier to create arrays and access data in them. pbfield.h contains
a helper class that makes it easier to access fields. Both header
files rely on pbtraits.h, which provides specializations
for the Value enumerated types. pbnimd.h contains
machine-specific datatype definitions. These files should not be
included directly in your code.
The classes, structures, and methods defined in the header
file pbext.h must be implemented
in PowerBuilder extension modules to allow PowerBuilder applications
to use the extension modules. pbext.h includes pbni.h and pbevtid.h.
pbevtid.h contains mappings from PowerBuilder
event strings to internal event identifiers. These mappings allow
the PBVM to automatically fire events that you include in the description
of an extension. For more information, see "Event processing
in visual extensions".
pbrsa.h contains structures and interfaces
used to access data in DataStores and DataWindow controls.