Example: Calling PowerBuilder functions

PowerBuilder Native Interface

Example: Calling PowerBuilder functions

BOOL CALLBACK CFontEnumerator::EnumFontProc
   LPLOGFONT lplf,
   DWORD FontType,
   LPVOID userData
   UserData* ud = (UserData*)userData;
   pbclass clz = ud->session->GetClass(ud->object);
   pbmethodID mid = ud->session->GetMethodID
      (clz, "onnewfont", PBRT_EVENT, "IS");

   PBCallInfo ci;
   ud->session->InitCallInfo(clz, mid, &ci);

// create a new string variable and set its value
// to the value in the first argument in the
// PBCallInfo structure
   pbstring str = ud->session->NewString

   ud->session->TriggerEvent(ud->object, mid, &ci);
   pbint ret = ci.returnValue->GetInt();

   return ret == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;