Step 2: Define the classes and functions in the extension

PowerBuilder Native Interface

Step 2: Define the classes and functions in the extension

Describing nonvisual classes

  static const TCHAR desc[] = {
   // Description begins here
   "class ClassName1 from NonVisualObject\n"
    "function integer objectFunction(integer a[])\n"
    "subroutine objectSubroutine(integer ai_ref)\n"
    "event integer eventName(integer b)\n"
    "end class\n"

    "class ClassName2 from Exception\n"
    "function integer objectFunction(readonly
       integer ai)\n"
    "subroutine objectSubroutine(integer arg)\n"
    "event integer eventName(integer arg)\n"
    "end class\n"

    "class ClassName3 from Transaction\n"
    "function integer objectFunction(integer arg)\n"
    "subroutine objectSubroutine(integer arg)\n"
    "event integer eventName(integer arg)\n"
    "end class\n"
    // Description ends here
  return desc;

Describing visual classes

Describing global functions

"globalfunctions \n" \
"function int g_1(int a, int b)\n" \
"function long g_2(long a, long b)\n" \
"end globalfunctions\n"
Note Global functions cannot be overloaded

Using forward declarations

"forward\n" \
"class nativeclass_1 from nonvisualobject\n"\
"class nativeclass_2 from nonvisualobject\n"\
"end forward\n" \

"class nativeclass_1 from nonvisualobject \n" \
"function int add(nativeclass_2 a, int b)\n" \
"function int sub(int a, int b)\n" \
"end class \n" \

"class nativeclass_2 from nonvisualobject \n" \
"function int add(nativeclass_1 a, int b)\n" \
"function int sub(int a, int b)\n" \
"end class \n"

"globalfunctions \n" \
"function int g_1(int a, int b)\n" \
"function long g_2(long a, long b)\n" \
"end globalfunctions\n"