Sends data to a stepper motor daughtercard.
Phcc (in Phcc.dll)
- deviceAddr
- Type: System..::.Byte
The device address of the specific
stepper motor daughtercard to send data to.
- motorNum
- Type: System..::.Byte
The motor number (1-4) of the motor to control.
- direction
- Type: Phcc..::.MotorDirections
A value from the MotorDirections enumeration, indicating the direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) to move the motor (this ultimately depends on how the motor is wired to the card).
- numSteps
- Type: System..::.Byte
A byte, whose value (0-127) represents the number of discrete steps to command the stepper motor to move, in the indicated direction.
- stepType
- Type: Phcc..::.MotorStepTypes
A value from the MotorStepTypes enumeration, indicating whether to move the motor in full-steps or in half-steps.
See Also