PaintTool SAI

Adding Canvas Presets

You can customize preset menu in new canvas menu by editing presetcvsize.conf in SAI installation folder.

Each rows has canvas preset information like below format.

[width], [height], [resolution], [size unit], [resolution unit], "[preset name]"

The [size unit] indicates [width] and [height] item unit with these number,
0 Pixels
1 Inch
2 Centimeter
3 Millimeter

The [resolution unit] indicates [resolution] item unit with these number,
0 Pixel count per inch
1 Pixel count per centimeter

If the row begins with hyphen(-), this is shown as separator in dropdown list.

If the row begins with semicolon(;), the row is considered as comment.

(*) In Windows default settings, .conf file isn't associated with any text editor application, so to edit this file, please drag and drop this file to text editor directly or associate .conf file to text editor or notepad by hand.