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Open CASCADE Technology
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Upgrade to OCCT 6.5.0
- Upgrade to OCCT 6.5.1
- Upgrade to OCCT 6.5.2
- Upgrade to OCCT 6.5.3
- Upgrade to OCCT 6.5.4
- Upgrade to OCCT 6.6.0
- Upgrade to OCCT 6.7.0
- Upgrade to OCCT 6.8.0
- Upgrade to OCCT 6.9.0
- Upgrade to OCCT 7.0.0
- Removal of legacy persistence
- Removal of CDL and WOK
- Separation of BSpline cache
- Structural result of Boolean operations
- BRepExtrema_ExtCC finds one solution only
- Removal of SortTools package
- On-screen objects and ColorScale
- UserDraw and Visual3d
- Deprecation of Local Context
- Separation of visualization part from TKCAF
- Correction of interpretation of Euler angles in gp_Quaternion
- Zoom Persistent Selection
- Texture mapping of objects
- Shape presentation builders
- Upgrade to OCCT 7.1.0
- Upgrade to OCCT 7.2.0
- Removed features
- Corrections in BRepOffset API
- Corrections in BRepOffset API
- Highlight style
- Elimination of implicit 3D Viewer updates
- Elimination of Quantity_NameOfColor from TKV3d interface classes
- Result of Boolean operations on containers
- Other changes
- BOP - Pairs of interfering indices
- Removal of the Draw commands based on old Boolean operations
- Change of Face/Face intersection in Boolean operations
- Restore OCCT 6.9.1 persistence
- Change in BRepLib_MakeFace algorithm
- Change in BRepFill_OffsetWire algorithm
- Change in Geom(2d)Adaptor_Curve::IsPeriodic
- Change in algorithm ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain
- Changes in STL Reader / Writer
- Refactoring of the Error/Warning reporting system in Boolean Component
This document provides technical details on changes made in particular versions of OCCT. It can help to upgrade user applications based on previous versions of OCCT to newer ones.
Back-up your code before the upgrade. We strongly recommend using version control system during the upgrade process and saving one or several commits at each step of upgrade, until the overall result is verified. This will facilitate identification and correction of possible problems that can occur at the intermediate steps of upgrade. It is advisable to document each step carefully to be able to repeat it if necessary.
This document describes known issues that have been encountered during porting of OCCT and some applications and approaches that have helped to resolve these issues in known cases. It does not pretend to cover all possible migration issues that can appear in your application. Take this document with discretion; apply your expertise and knowledge of your application to ensure the correct result.
The automatic upgrade tool is provided as is, without warranty of any kind, and we explicitly disclaim any liability for possible errors that may appear due to use of this tool. It is your responsibility to ensure that the changes you made in your code are correct. When you upgrade the code by an automatic script, make sure to carefully review the introduced changes at each step before committing them.
Upgrade to OCCT 6.5.0
Porting of user applications from an earlier OCCT version to version 6.5 requires taking into account the following major changes:
- If you are not comfortable with dependence on Intel TBB, FreeImage, or Gl2Ps libraries, you will need to (re)build OCCT with these dependencies disabled.
- The low-level format version of OCAF binary and XML persistence has been incremented. Hence, the files saved by OCCT 6.5 to OCAF binary or XML format will not be readable by previous versions of OCCT.
- The BRepMesh triangulation algorithm has been seriously revised and now tries hard to fulfill the requested deflection and angular tolerance parameters. If you experience any problems with performance or triangulation quality (in particular, display of shapes in shading mode), consider revising the values of these parameters used in your application.
- If you were using method ToPixMap() of class V3d_View to get a buffer for passing to Windows API functions (e.g. BitBlt), this will not work anymore. You will need to use method Image_PixMap::AccessBuffer() to get the raw buffer data that can be further passed to WinAPI functions.
- As the processing of message gravity parameter in Message package has been improved, some application messages (especially the ones generated by IGES or STEP translators) can be suppressed or new messages appear in the application. Use relevant message level parameter to tune this behavior.
Upgrade to OCCT 6.5.1
Porting of user applications from an earlier OCCT version to version 6.5.1 requires taking into account the following major changes:
- Method Graphic3d_Structure::Groups() now returns Graphic3d_SequenceOfGroup. If this method has been used, the application code should be updated to iterate another collection type or, if Graphic3d_HSetOfGroup is required, to fill its own collection: const Graphic3d_SequenceOfGroup& aGroupsSeq = theStructure.Groups();Handle(Graphic3d_HSetOfGroup) aGroupSet = new Graphic3d_HSetOfGroup();Standard_Integer aLen = aGroupsSeq.Length();for (Standard_Integer aGr = 1; aGr <= aLen; ++aGr){aGroupSet->Add (aGroupsSeq.Value (aGr));}
- All occurrences of Select3D_Projector in the application code (if any) should be replaced with Handle(Select3D_Projector).
- The code of inheritors of Select3D_SensitiveEntity should be updated if they override Matches() (this is probable, if clipping planes are used).
- Constructor for V3d_Plane has been changed, so the extra argument should be removed if used in the application. It is necessary to add a new plane using method V3d_Viewer::AddPlane() if V3d_Viewer has been used to manage clipping planes list (this does not affect clipping planes representation). Please, have a look at the source code for new DRAWEXE vclipplane command in ViewerTest_ObjectsCommands.cxx, VClipPlane to see how clipping planes can be managed in the application.
Upgrade to OCCT 6.5.2
Porting of user applications from an earlier OCCT version to version 6.5.2 requires taking into account the following major changes:
- Any code that has been generated by WOK from CDL generic classes Tcollection_DataMap and Tcollection_IndexedDataMap needs to be regenerated by WOK to take into account the change in the interface of these classes.
- The enumerations CDF_StoreStatus and CDF_RetrievableStatus have been replaced by the enumerations PCDM_StoreStatus and PCDM_ReaderStatus. Correspondingly, the methods Open, Save and SaveAs of the class TDocStd_Application have changed their return value. Any code, which uses these enumerations, needs to be updated.
- BRepLib_MakeFace has been modified to receive tolerance value for resolution of degenerated edges. This tolerance parameter has no default value to ensure that the client code takes care of passing a meaningful value, not just Precision::Confusion, so some porting overheads are expected.
- If the callback mechanism in call_togl_redraw function was used in the application code, it is necessary to revise it to take into account the new callback execution and provide a check of reason value of Aspect_GraphicCallbackStruct in callback methods to confirm that the callback code is executed at the right moment. Now the callbacks are executed before redrawing the underlayer, before redrawing the overlayer and at the end of redrawing. The information about the moment when the callback is invoked is provided with the reason value in form of an additional bit flag (OCC_PRE_REDRAW, OCC_PRE_OVERLAY). The state of OpenGl changed in callback methods will not be restored automatically, which might lead to unwanted behavior in redrawing procedure.
- The print method used in the application code might need to be revised to take into account the ability to choose between print algorithms: tile and stretch. The stretch algorithm will be selected by default during porting.
- It is recommended to BRepMesh_DiscretFactory users, to check BRepMesh_DiscretFactory::SetDefault() return value to determine plugin availability / validity. BRepMesh_DiscretFactory::Discret() method now returns handle instead of pointer. The code should be updated in the following manner: Handle(BRepMesh_DiscretRoot) aMeshAlgo = BRepMesh_DiscretFactory::Get().Discret (theShape, theDeflection, theAngularToler);if (!aMeshAlgo.IsNull()) {}
- The default state of BRepMesh parallelization has been turned off. The user should switch this flag explicitly:
- by using methods BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh::SetParallel(Standard_True) for each BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh instance before Perform();
- by calling BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh::SetParallelDefault(Standard_True) when BRepMesh_DiscretFactory is used to retrieve the meshing tool (this also affects auto-triangulation in AIS).
Upgrade to OCCT 6.5.3
Porting of user applications from an earlier OCCT version to version 6.5.3 requires taking into account the following major changes:
- As a result of code clean-up and redesign of TKOpenGl driver, some obsolete functions and rendering primitives (TriangleMesh, TriangleSet, Bezier, Polyline, Polygon, PolygonHoles, QuadrangleMesh and QuadrangleSet) have been removed. Instead, the application developers should use primitive arrays that provide the same functionality but are hardware-accelerated. The details can be found in OCCT Visualization User's Guide, “Primitive Arrays” chapter.
- Applications should not call AIS_InteractiveObject::SetPolygonOffsets() method for an instance of AIS_TexturedShape class after it has been added to AIS_InteractiveContext. More generally, modification of Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d parameters for the computed groups of any AIS_InteractiveObject subclass that uses texture mapping should be avoided, because this results in broken texture mapping (see issue 23118). It is still possible to apply non-default polygon offsets to AIS_TexturedShape by calling SetPolygonOffsets() before displaying the shape.
- The applications that might have used internal functions provided by TKOpenGl or removed primitives will need to be updated.
- In connection with the implementation of Z-layers it might be necessary to revise the application code or revise the custom direct descendant classes of Graphic3d_GraphicDriver and Graphic3d_StructureManager to use the Z-layer feature.
- Global variables Standard_PI and PI have been eliminated (use macro M_PI instead).
- Method HashCode() has been removed from class Standard_Transient. It is advisable to use global function HashCode() for Handle objects instead.
- Declaration of operators new/delete for classes has become consistent and is encapsulated in macros.
- Memory management has been changed to use standard heap (MMGT_OPT=0) and reentrant mode (MMGT_REENTRANT=1) by default.
- Map classes in NCollection package now receive one more argument defining a hash tool.
Upgrade to OCCT 6.5.4
Porting of user applications from an earlier OCCT version to version 6.5.4 requires taking into account the following major changes:
- The code using obsolete classes Aspect_PixMap, Xw_PixMap and WNT_PixMap should be rewritten implementing class Image_PixMap, which is now retrieved by ToPixMap methods as argument. A sample code using ToPixMap is given below: #include <Image_AlienPixMap.hxx>void dump (Handle(V3d_View)& theView3D){Standard_Integer aWndSizeX = 0;Standard_Integer aWndSizeY = 0;theView3D->Window()->Size (aWndSizeX, aWndSizeY);Image_AlienPixMap aPixMap;theView3D->ToPixMap (aPixMap, aWndSizeX, aWndSizeY);aPixMap.Save ("c:\\image.png");}
- Now OpenGL resources related to Interactive Objects are automatically freed when the last view (window) is removed from graphical driver. To avoid presentation data loss, the application should replace an old view with a new one in the proper order: first the new view is created and activated and only then the old one is detached and removed.
- It is recommended to use NCollection containers with hasher parameter (introduced in 6.5.3) instead of global definition IsEqual()/HashCode() as well as to use explicit namespaces to avoid name collision.
Upgrade to OCCT 6.6.0
Porting of user applications from an earlier OCCT version to version 6.6.0 requires taking into account the following major changes:
- Due to the changes in the implementation of Boolean Operations, the order of sub-shapes resulting from the same operation performed with OCCT 6.5.x and OCCT 6.6.0 can be different. It is necessary to introduce the corresponding changes in the applications for which the order of sub-shapes resulting from a Boolean operation is important. It is strongly recommended to use identification methods not relying on the order of sub-shapes (e.g. OCAF naming).
- If you need to use OCCT on Mac OS X with X11 (without Cocoa), build OCCT with defined pre-processor macro CSF_MAC_USE_GLX11. XLib front-end (previously the only way for unofficial OCCT builds on Mac OS X) is now disabled by default on this platform. If your application has no support for Cocoa framework you may build OCCT with XLib front-end adding MACOSX_USE_GLX macro to compiler options (you may check the appropriate option in WOK configuration GUI and in CMake configuration). Notice that XQuartz (XLib implementation for Mac OS X) now is an optional component and does not provide a sufficient level of integrity with native (Cocoa-based) applications in the system. It is not possible to build OCCT with both XLib and Cocoa at the same time due to symbols conflict in OpenGL functions.
- Animation mode and degeneration presentation mode (simplified presentation for animation) and associated methods have been removed from 3D viewer functionality. Correspondingly, the code using methods SetAnimationModeOn(), SetAnimationModeOff(), AnimationModeIsOn(), AnimationMode(), Tumble(), SetDegenerateModeOn(), SetDegenerateModeOff() and DegenerateModeIsOn() of classes V3d_View and Visual3d_View will need to be removed or redesigned. Please, notice that Hidden Line Removal presentation was not affected; however, the old code that used methods V3d_View::SetDegenerateModeOn or V3d_View::SetDegenerateModeOff to control HLR presentation should be updated to use V3d_View::SetComputedMode method instead.
- Calls of Graphic3d_Group::BeginPrimitives() and Graphic3d_Group::EndPrimitives() should be removed from the application code.
- Application functionality for drawing 2D graphics that was formerly based on TKV2d API should be migrated to TKV3d API. The following changes are recommended for this migration:
- A 2D view can be implemented as a V3d_View instance belonging to V3d_Viewer managed by AIS_InteractiveContext instance. To turn V3d_View into a 2D view, the necessary view orientation should be set up at the view initialization stage using V3d_View::SetProj() method, and view rotation methods simply should not be called.
- Any 2D graphic entity (formerly represented with AIS2D_InteractiveObject) should become a class derived from AIS_InteractiveObject base. These entities should be manipulated in a view using AIS_InteractiveContext class API.
- All drawing code should be put into Compute() virtual method of a custom interactive object class and use API of Graphic3d package. In particular, all geometry should be drawn using class hierarchy derived from Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives. Normally, the Z coordinate for 2D geometry should be constant, unless the application implements some advanced 2D drawing techniques like e.g. multiple "Z layers" of drawings.
- Interactive selection of 2D presentations should be set up inside ComputeSelection() virtual method of a custom interactive object class, using standard sensitive entities from Select3D package and standard or custom entity owners derived from SelectMgr_EntityOwner base. Please refer to the Visualization User's Guide for further details concerning OCCT 3D visualization and selection classes. See also Viewer2D OCCT sample application, which shows how 2D drawing can be implemented using TKV3d API.
- Run-time graphic driver library loading mechanism based on CSF_GraphicShr environment variable usage has been replaced by explicit linking against TKOpenGl library. The code sample below shows how the graphic driver should be created and initialized in the application code: // initialize a new viewer with OpenGl graphic driverHandle(Graphic3d_GraphicDriver) aGraphicDriver =new OpenGl_GraphicDriver ("TKOpenGl");aGraphicDriver->Begin (new Aspect_DisplayConnection());TCollection_ExtendedString aNameOfViewer ("Visu3D");Handle(V3d_Viewer) aViewer= new V3d_Viewer (aGraphicDriver, aNameOfViewer.ToExtString());aViewer->Init();// create a new window or a wrapper over the existing window,// provided by a 3rd-party framework (Qt, MFC, C# or Cocoa)#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)Aspect_Handle aWindowHandle = (Aspect_Handle )winId();Handle(WNT_Window) aWindow = new WNT_Window (winId());#elif defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(MACOSX_USE_GLX)NSView* aViewHandle = (NSView* )winId();Handle(Cocoa_Window) aWindow = new Cocoa_Window (aViewHandle);#elseAspect_Handle aWindowHandle = (Aspect_Handle )winId();Handle(Xw_Window) aWindow =new Xw_Window (aGraphicDriver->GetDisplayConnection(), aWindowHandle);#endif // WNT// setup the window for a new viewHandle(V3d_View) aView = aViewer->CreateView();aView->SetWindow (aWindow);
- The following changes should be made in the application-specific implementations of texture aspect:
- Graphic3d_TextureRoot inheritors now should return texture image by overloading of Graphic3d_TextureRoot::GetImage() method instead of the old logic.
- Now you can decide if the application should store the image copy as a field of property or reload it dynamically each time (to optimize the memory usage). The default implementation (which loads the image content from the provided file path) does not hold an extra copy since it will be uploaded to the graphic memory when first used.
- Notice that the image itself should be created within Image_PixMap class from AlienImage package, while Image_Image class is no more supported and will be removed in the next OCCT release.
Upgrade to OCCT 6.7.0
Porting of user applications from an earlier OCCT version to version 6.7.0 requires taking into account the following major changes.
Object-level clipping and capping algorithm.
- It might be necessary to revise and port code related to management of view-level clipping to use Graphic3d_ClipPlane instead of V3d_Plane instances. Please note that V3d_Plane class has been preserved – as previously, it can be used as plane representation. Another approach to represent Graphic3d_ClipPlane in a view is to use custom presentable object.
- The list of arguments of Select3D_SensitiveEntity::Matches() method for picking detection has changed. Since now, for correct selection clipping, the implementations should perform a depth clipping check and return (as output argument) minimum depth value found at the detected part of sensitive. Please refer to CDL / Doxygen documentation to find descriptive hints and snippets.
- Select3D_SensitiveEntity::ComputeDepth() abstract method has been removed. Custom implementations should provide depth checks by method Matches() instead – all data required for it is available within a scope of single method.
- It might be necessary to revise the code of custom sensitive entities and port Matches() and ComputeDepth() methods to ensure proper selection clipping. Please note that obsolete signature of Matches is not used anymore by the selector. If your class inheriting Select3D_SensitiveEntity redefines the method with old signature the code should not compile as the return type has been changed. This is done to prevent override of removed methods.
Redesign of markers presentation
- Due to the redesign of Graphic3d_AspectMarker3d class the code of custom markers initialization should be updated. Notice that you can reuse old markers definition code as TColStd_HArray1OfByte; however, Image_PixMap is now the preferred way (and supports full-color images on modern hardware).
- Logics and arguments of methods AIS_InteractiveContext::Erase() and AIS_InteractiveContext::EraseAll() have been changed. Now these methods do not remove resources from Graphic3d_Structure; they simply change the visibility flag in it. Therefore, the code that deletes and reсomputes resources should be revised.
- Graphic3d_Group::MarkerSet() has been removed. Graphic3d_Group::AddPrimitiveArray() should be used instead to specify marker(s) array.
Default views are not created automatically
As the obsolete methods Init(), DefaultOrthographicView() and DefaultPerspectiveView() have been removed from V3d_Viewer class, the two default views are no longer created automatically. It is obligatory to create V3d_View instances explicitly, either directly by operator new or by calling V3d_Viewer::CreateView().
The call V3d_Viewer::SetDefaultLights() should also be done explicitly at the application level, if the application prefers to use the default light source configuration. Otherwise, the application itself should set up the light sources to obtain a correct 3D scene.
Improved dimensions implementation
- It might be necessary to revise and port code related to management of AIS_LengthDimension, AIS_AngleDimension and AIS_DiameterDimension presentations. There is no more need to compute value of dimension and pass it as string to constructor argument. The value is computed internally. The custom value can be set with SetCustomValue() method.
- The definition of units and general aspect properties is now provided by Prs3d_DimensionUnits and Prs3d_DimensionApsect classes.
- It might be also necessary to revise code of your application related to usage of AIS_DimensionDisplayMode enumeration. If it used for specifying the selection mode, then it should be replaced by a more appropriate enumeration AIS_DimensionSelectionMode.
NCollection_Set replaced by List collection
It might be necessary to revise your application code, which uses non-ordered Graphic3d_SetOfHClipPlane collection type and replace its occurrences by ordered Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane collection type.
Upgrade to OCCT 6.8.0
Porting of user applications from an earlier OCCT version to version 6.8.0 requires taking into account the following major changes.
Changes in NCollection classes
Method Assign() in NCollection classes does not allow any more copying between different collection types. Such copying should be done manually.
List and map classes in NCollection package now require that their items be copy-constructible, but do not require items to have default constructor. Thus the code using NCollection classes for non-copy-constructible objects needs be updated. One option is to provide copy constructor; another possibility is to use Handle or other smart pointer.
3D View Camera
If ViewMapping and ViewOrientation were used directly, this functionality has to be ported to the new camera model. The following methods should be considered as an alternative to the obsolete Visual3d services (all points and directions are supposed to be in world coordinates):
- Graphic3d_Camera::ViewDimensions() or V3d_View::Size()/ZSize() – returns view width, height and depth (or "Z size"). Since the view is symmetric now, you can easily compute top, bottom, left and right limits. Graphic3d_Camera::ZNear()/ZFar() can be used to obtain the near and far clipping distances with respect to the eye.
- Graphic3d_Camera::Up() or V3d_View::Up() – returns Y direction of the view.
- Graphic3d_Camera::Direction() returns the reverse view normal directed from the eye, V3d_View::Proj() returns the old-style view normal.
- Graphic3d_Camera::Eye() or V3d_View::Eye() – returns the camera position (same as projection reference point in old implementation).
- Graphic3d_Camera::Center() or V3d_View::At() – returns the point the camera looks at (or view reference point according to old terminology).
The current perspective model is not fully backward compatible, so the old perspective-related functionality needs to be reviewed.
Please revise application-specific custom presentations to provide proper bounding box. Otherwise object might become erroneously clipped by automatic ZFit or frustum culling algorithms enabled by default.
Redesign of Connected Interactive Objects
The new implementation of connected Interactive Objects makes it necessary to take the following steps if you use connected Interactive Objects in your application.
- Use new PrsMgr_PresentableObject transformation API.
- Call RemoveChild() from the original object after connect if you need the original object and AIS_ConnectedInteractive to move independently.
- Access instances of objects connected to AIS_MultiplyConnectedInteractive with Children() method.
- For PrsMgr_PresentableObject transformation:
- SetLocation (TopLoc_Location) -> SetLocalTransformation (gp_Trsf)
- Location -> LocalTransformation
- HasLocation -> HasTransformation
- ResetLocation -> ResetTransformation
Support of UNICODE Characters
Support of UNICODE characters introduced in OCCT breaks backward compatibility with applications, which currently use filenames in extended ASCII encoding bound to the current locale. Such applications should be updated to convert such strings to UTF-8 format.
The conversion from UTF-8 to wchar_t is made using little-endian approach. Thus, this code will not work correctly on big-endian platforms. It is needed to complete this in the way similar as it is done for binary persistence (see the macro DO_INVERSE in FSD_FileHeader.hxx).
Elimination of Projection Shift Concept
It might be necessary to revise the application code, which deals with Center() method of V3d_View.
This method was used to pan a V3d view by virtually moving the screen center with respect to the projection ray passed through Eye and At points. There is no more need to derive the panning from the Center parameter to get a camera-like eye position and look at the coordinates. Eye() and At() now return these coordinates directly. When porting code dealing with Center(), the parameters Eye() and At() can be adjusted instead. Also V3d_View::SetCenter(Xpix, Ypix) method can be used instead of V3d_View::Center(X, Y) to center the view at the given point. However, if the center coordinates X and Y come from older OCCT releases, calling V3d_View::Panning(-X, -Y) can be recommended to compensate missing projection shift effect.
There are several changes introduced to Graphic3d_Camera. The internal data structure of the camera is based on Standard_Real data types to avoid redundant application-level conversions and precision errors. The transformation matrices now can be evaluated both for Standard_Real and Standard_ShortReal value types. ZNear and ZFar planes can be either negative or positive for orthographic camera projection, providing a trade-off between the camera distance and the range of ZNear or ZFar to reduce difference of exponents of values composing the orientation matrix - to avoid calculation errors. The negative values can be specified to avoid Z-clipping if the reference system of camera goes inside of the model when decreasing camera distance.
The auto z fit mode, since now, has a parameter defining Z-range margin (the one which is usually passed as argument to ZFitAll() method). The methods SetAutoZFitMode(), AutoZFitScaleFactor() and ZFitAll() from class V3d_View deal with the new parameter.
The class Select3D_Projector now supports both orientation and projection transformation matrices, which can be naturally set for the projector. The definition of projector was revised in StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d: perspective and orthographic projection parameters are handled properly. Orthographic projector is based only on direction of projection - no more Center property. This makes it possible to avoid unnecessary re-projection of sensitive while panning, zooming or moving along the projection ray of the view. These operations do not affect the orthographic projection.
Upgrade to OCCT 6.9.0
Porting of user applications from an earlier OCCT version to version 6.9.0 requires taking into account the following major changes.
3D Viewer initialization
3D Viewer now uses GLSL programs for managing frame buffer and stereoscopic output. For proper initialization, application should configure CSF_ShadersDirectory environment variable pointing to a folder with GLSL resources - files from folder CASROOT/src/Shaders. Note that CSF_ShadersDirectory become optional since OCCT 7.1.0 release.
Changes in Selection
Selection mechanism of 3D Viewer has been redesigned to use 3-level BVH tree traverse directly in 3D space instead of projection onto 2D screen space (updated on each rotation). This architectural redesign may require appropriate changes at application level in case if custom Interactive Objects are used.
Standard selection
Usage of standard OCCT selection entities would require only minor updates.
Custom Interactive Objects should implement new virtual method SelectMgr_SelectableObject::BoundingBox().
Now the method SelectMgr_Selection::Sensitive() does not return SelectBasics_SensitiveEntity. It returns an instance of SelectMgr_SensitiveEntity, which belongs to a different class hierarchy (thus DownCast() will fail). To access base sensitive it is necessary to use method SelectMgr_SensitiveEntity::BaseSensitive(). For example:
Custom sensitive entities
Custom sensitive entities require more complex changes, since the selection algorithm has been redesigned and requires different output from the entities.
The method SelectBasics_SensitiveEntity::Matches() of the base class should be overridden following the new signature:
Standard_Boolean Matches (SelectBasics_SelectingVolumeManager& theMgr, SelectBasics_PickResult& thePickResult), where theMgr contains information about the currently selected frustum or set of frustums (see SelectMgr_RectangularFrustum, SelectMgr_TrangularFrustum, SelectMgr_TriangularFrustumSet) and SelectBasics_PickResult is an output parameter, containing information about the depth of the detected entity and distance to its center of geometry.
In the overridden method it is necessary to implement an algorithm of overlap and inclusion detection (the active mode is returned by theMgr.IsOverlapAllowed()) with triangular and rectangular frustums.
The depth and distance to the center of geometry must be calculated for the 3D projection of user-picked screen point in the world space. You may use already implemented overlap and inclusion detection methods for different primitives from SelectMgr_RectangularFrustum and SelectMgr_TriangularFrustum, including triangle, point, axis-aligned box, line segment and planar polygon.
Here is an example of overlap/inclusion test for a box:
The interface of SelectBasics_SensitiveEntity now contains four new pure virtual functions that should be implemented by each custom sensitive:
- BoundingBox() – returns a bounding box of the entity;
- Clear() – clears up all the resources and memory allocated for complex sensitive entities;
- BVH() – builds a BVH tree for complex sensitive entities, if it is needed;
- NbSubElements() – returns atomic sub-entities of a complex sensitive entity, which will be used as primitives for BVH building. If the entity is simple and no BVH is required, this method returns 1.
Each sensitive entity now has its own tolerance, which can be overridden by method SelectBasics_SensitiveEntity::SetSensitivityFactor() called from constructor.
Changes in Adaptor3d_Curve class
All classes inheriting Adaptor3d_Curve (directly or indirectly) must be updated in application code to use new signature of methods Intervals() and NbIntervals(). Note that no compiler warning will be generated if this is not done.
Changes in V3d_View class
The methods V3d_View::Convert and V3d_View::ConvertWithProj() have ceased to return point on the active grid. It might be necessary to revise the code of your application so that V3d_View::ConvertToGrid() was called explicitly for the values returned by V3d_View::Convert to get analogous coordinates on the grid. The methods V3d_View::Convert and V3d_View::ConvertWithProj convert point into reference plane of the view corresponding to the intersection with the projection plane of the eye/view point vector.
Upgrade to OCCT 7.0.0
Porting of user applications from an earlier OCCT version to version 7.0.0 requires taking into account the following major changes.
Building OCCT now requires compiler supporting some C++11 features. The supported compilers are:
- MSVC: version 10 (Visual Studio 2010) or later
- GCC: version 4.3 or later
- CLang: version 3.6 or later
- ICC: version XE 2013 SP 1 or later
When compiling code that uses OCCT with GCC and CLang compilers, it is necessary to use compiler option -std=c++0x (or its siblings) to enable C++11 features.
Removal of legacy persistence
Legacy persistence for shapes and OCAF data based on Storage_Schema (toolkits TKPShape, TKPLCAF, TKPCAF, TKShapeShcema, TLStdLSchema, TKStdSchema, and TKXCAFSchema) has been removed in OCCT 7.0.0. The applications that used these data persistence tools need to be updated to use other persistence mechanisms.
- Note
- For compatibility with previous versions, the possibility to read standard OCAF data (TKLCAF and TKCAF) from files stored in the old format is preserved (toolkits TKStdL and TKStd).
The existing data files in standard formats can be converted using OCCT 6.9.1 or a previous version, as follows.
- Note
- Reading / writing custom files capability from OCCT 6.9.1 is restored in OCCT 7.2.0. See details in Restore OCCT 6.9.1 persistence section.
CSFDB files
Files in CSFDB format (usually with extension .csfdb) contain OCCT shape data that can be converted to BRep format. The easiest way to do that is to use ImportExport sample provided with OCCT 6.9.0 (or earlier):
- Start ImportExport sample;
- Select File / New;
- Select File / Import / CSFDB... and specify the file to be converted;
- Drag the mouse with the right button pressed across the view to select all shapes by the rectangle;
- Select File / Export / BREP... and specify the location and name for the resulting file
OCAF and XCAF documents
Files containing OCAF data saved in the old format usually have extensions .std, .sgd or .dxc (XDE documents). These files can be converted to XML or binary OCAF formats using DRAW Test Harness commands. Note that if the file contains only attributes defined in TKLCAF and TKCAF, this action can be performed in OCCT 7.0; otherwise OCCT 6.9.1 or earlier should be used.
For that, start DRAWEXE and perform the following commands:
- To convert *.std and *.sgd file formats to binary format *.cbf (The created document should be in BinOcaf format instead of MDTV-Standard):
- To convert *.dxc file format to binary format *.xbf (The created document should be in BinXCAF format instead of MDTV-XCAF):
On Windows, it is necessary to replace back slashes in the file path by direct slashes or pairs of back slashes.
Use XmlOcaf or XmlXCAF instead of BinOcaf and BinXCAF, respectively, to save in XML format instead of binary one.
Removal of CDL and WOK
OCCT code has been completely refactored in version 7.0 to get rid of obsolete technologies used since its inception: CDL (Cas.Cade Definition Language) and WOK (Workshop Organization Kit).
C++ code previously generated by WOK from CDL declarations is now included directly in OCCT sources.
This modification did not change names, API, and behavior of existing OCCT classes, thus in general the code based on OCCT 6.x should compile and work fine with OCCT 7.0. However, due to redesign of basic mechanisms (CDL generic classes, Handles and RTTI) using C++ templates, some changes may be necessary in the code when porting to OCCT 7.0, as described below.
WOK is not necessary anymore for building OCCT from sources, though it still can be used in a traditional way – auxiliary files required for that are preserved. The recommended method for building OCCT 7.x is CMake, see Building with CMake. The alternative solution is to use project files generated by OCCT legacy tool genproj, see Building with MS Visual C++, Building with Code::Blocks, and Building with Xcode.
Automatic upgrade
Most of typical changes required for upgrading code for OCCT 7.0 can be done automatically using the upgrade tool included in OCCT 7.0. This tool is a Tcl script, thus Tcl should be available on your workstation to run it.
On Windows, the helper batch script upgrade.bat can be used, provided that Tcl is either available in PATH, or configured via custom.bat script (for instance, if you use OCCT installed from Windows installer package). Start it from the command prompt:
Run the upgrade tool without arguments to see the list of available options.
The upgrade tool performs the following changes in the code.
Replaces macro DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI by DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT, with second argument indicating base class for the main argument class (if inheritance is recognized by the script):
- If macro DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI with two arguments (used in intermediate development versions of OCCT 7.0) is found, the script will convert it to either DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT or DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI_INLINE. The former case is used if current file is header and source file with the same name is found in the same folder. In this case, macro IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTI is injected in the corresponding source file. The latter variant defines all methods for RTTI as inline, and does not require IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT macro.
- Replaces forward declarations of collection classes previously generated from CDL generics (defined in TCollection package) by inclusion of the corresponding header: class TColStd_Array1OfReal; -> #include <TColStd_Array1OfReal.hxx>
- Replaces underscored names of Handle classes by usage of a macro: This change is not applied if the source or header file is recognized as containing the definition of Qt class with signals or slots, to avoid possible compilation errors of MOC files caused by inability of MOC to recognize macros (see http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/signalsandslots.html). The file is considered as defining a Qt object if it contains strings Q_OBJECT and either slots: or signals:.Handle_Class -> Handle(Class)
- Removes forward declarations of classes with names Handle(C) or Handle_C, replacing them either by forward declaration of its argument class, or (for files defining Qt objects) #include statement for a header with the name of the argument class and extension .hxx: class Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal); -> #include <TColStd_HArray1OfReal.hxx>
- Removes #includes of files Handle_...hxx that have disappeared in OCCT 7.0: #include <Handle_Geom_Curve.hxx> ->
- Removes typedef statements that use Handle macro to generate the name: typedef NCollection_Handle<Message_Msg> Handle(Message_Msg); ->
- Converts C-style casts applied to Handles into calls to DownCast() method: ((Handle(A)&)b) -> Handle(A)::DownCast(b)(Handle(A)&)b -> Handle(A)::DownCast(b)(*((Handle(A)*)&b)) -> Handle(A)::DownCast(b)*((Handle(A)*)&b) -> Handle(A)::DownCast(b)(*(Handle(A)*)&b) -> Handle(A)::DownCast(b)
- Moves Handle() macro out of namespace scope: Namespace::Handle(Class) -> Handle(Namespace::Class)
- Converts local variables of reference type, which are initialized by a temporary object returned by call to DownCast(), to the variables of non-reference type (to avoid using references to destroyed memory): const Handle(A)& a = Handle(B)::DownCast (b); -> Handle(A) a (Handle(B)::DownCast (b));
- Adds #include for all classes used as argument to macro STANDARD_TYPE(), except for already included ones;
- Note
- If you plan to keep compatibility of your code with older versions of OCCT, add option -compat to avoid this change. See also Preserving compatibility with OCCT 6.x.
As long as the upgrade routine runs, some information messages are sent to the standard output. In some cases the warnings or errors like the following may appear:
Be sure to check carefully all reported errors and warnings, as the corresponding code will likely require manual corrections. In some cases these messages may help you to detect errors in your code, for instance, cases where DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI macro is used with incorrect class name as an argument.
Possible compiler errors
Some situations requiring upgrade cannot be detected and / or handled by the automatic procedure. If you get compiler errors or warnings when trying to build the upgraded code, you will need to fix them manually. The following paragraphs list known situations of this kind.
Missing header files
The use of handle objects (construction, comparison using operators == or !=, use of function STANDRAD_TYPE() and method DownCast()) now requires the type of the object pointed by Handle to be completely known at compile time. Thus it may be necessary to include header of the corresponding class to make the code compilable.
For example, the following lines will fail to compile if Geom_Line.hxx is not included:
Note that it is not necessary to include header of the class to declare Handle to it. However, if you define a class B that uses Handle(A) in its fields, or contains a method returning Handle(A), it is advisable to have header defining A included in the header of B. This will eliminate the need to include the header A in each source file where class B is used.
Ambiguity of calls to overloaded functions
This issue appears in the compilers that do not support default arguments in template functions (known cases are Visual C++ 10 and 11): the compiler reports an ambiguity error if a handle is used in the argument of a call to the function that has two or more overloaded versions, receiving handles to different types. The problem is that operator const handle<T2>& is defined for any type T2, thus the compiler cannot make the right choice.
Note that this problem can be avoided in many cases if macro OCCT_HANDLE_NOCAST is used, see below.
To resolve this ambiguity, change your code so that argument type should correspond exactly to the function signature. In some cases this can be done by using the relevant type for the corresponding variable, like in the example above:
Other variants consist in assigning the argument to a local variable of the correct type and using the direct cast or constructor:
Another possibility consists in defining additional template variant of the overloaded function causing ambiguity, and using SFINAE to resolve the ambiguity. This technique can be illustrated by the definition of the template variant of method IGESData_IGESWriter::Send().
Lack of implicit cast to base type
As the cast of a handle to the reference to another handle to the base type has become a user-defined operation, the conversions that require this cast together with another user-defined cast will not be resolved automatically by the compiler.
For example:
The problem is that the class GC_MakeLine has a user-defined conversion to const Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve)&, which is not the same as the type of the local variable aC.
To resolve this, use method Value():
or use variable of the appropriate type:
A similar problem appears with GCC compiler, when const handle to derived type is used to construct handle to base type via assignment (and in some cases in return statement), for instance:
This problem is specific to GCC and it does not appear if macro OCCT_HANDLE_NOCAST is used, see below.
Incorrect use of STANDARD_TYPE and Handle macros
You might need to clean your code from incorrect use of macros STANDARD_TYPE() and Handle().
Explicit definitions of static functions with names generated by macro STANDARD_TYPE(), which are artifacts of old implementation of RTTI, should be removed.
const Handle(Standard_Type)& STANDARD_TYPE(math_GlobOptMin){static Handle(Standard_Type) _atype = new Standard_Type ("math_GlobOptMin", sizeof (math_GlobOptMin));return _atype;}Incorrect location of closing parenthesis of Handle() macro that was not detectable in OCCT 6.x will cause a compiler error and must be corrected.
Example (note misplaced closing parenthesis):
aBSpline = Handle( Geom2d_BSplineCurve::DownCast(BS->Copy()) );
Use of class Standard_AncestorIterator
Class Standard_AncestorIterator has been removed; use method Parent() of Standard_Type class to parse the inheritance chain.
Absence of cast to Standard_Transient*
Handles in OCCT 7.0 do not have the operator of conversion to Standard_Transient*, which was present in earlier versions. This is done to prevent possible unintended errors like this:
The places where this implicit cast has been used should be corrected manually. The typical situation is when Handle is passed to stream:
Call method get() explicitly to output the address of the Handle.
Method DownCast for non-base types
Method DownCast() in OCCT 7.0 is made templated; if its argument is not a base class, "deprecated" compiler warning is generated. This is done to prevent possible unintended errors like this:
The places where this cast has been used should be corrected manually.
If down casting is used in a template context where the argument can have the same or unrelated type so that DownCast() may be not available in all cases, use C++ dynamic_cast<> instead, e.g.:
Possible runtime problems
Here is the list of known possible problems at run time after the upgrade to OCCT 7.0.
References to temporary objects
In previous versions, the compiler was able to detect the situation when a local variable of a "reference to a Handle" type is initialized by temporary object, and ensured that lifetime of that object is longer than that of the variable. In OCCT 7.0 with default options, it will not work if types of the temporary object and variable are different (due to involvement of user-defined type cast), thus such temporary object will be destroyed immediately.
This problem does not appear if macro OCCT_HANDLE_NOCAST is used during compilation, see below.
Option to avoid cast of handle to reference to base type
In OCCT 6.x and earlier versions the handle classes formed a hierarchy echoing the hierarchy of the corresponding object classes . This automatically enabled the possibility to use the handle to a derived class in all contexts where the handle to a base class was needed, e.g. to pass it in a function by reference without copying:
This feature was used in multiple places in OCCT and dependent projects. However it is potentially unsafe: in the above example no checks are done at compile time or at run time to ensure that the type assigned to the argument handle is compatible with the type of the handle passed as argument. If an object of incompatible type (e.g. Geom_Circle) is assigned to theCurve, the behavior will be unpredictable.
For compatibility with the existing code, OCCT 7.0 keeps this possibility by default, providing operators of type cast to the handle to a base type. However, this feature is unsafe and in specific situations it may cause compile-time or run-time errors as described above.
To provide a safer behavior, this feature can be disabled by a compile-time macro OCCT_HANDLE_NOCAST. When it is used, constructors and assignment operators are defined (instead of type cast operators) to convert handles to a derived type into handles to a base type. This implies creation of temporary objects and hence may be more expensive at run time in some circumstances, however this way is more standard, safer, and in general recommended.
The code that relies on the possibility of casting to base should be amended to always use the handle of argument type in function call and to use DownCast() to safely convert the result to the desired type. For instance, the code from the example below can be changed as follows:
Preserving compatibility with OCCT 6.x
If you like to preserve the compatibility of your application code with OCCT versions 6.x even after the upgrade to 7.0, consider the following suggestions:
- If your code used sequences of macros IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_... generated by WOK, replace them by single macro IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT
- When running automatic upgrade tool, add option -compat.
Define macros DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT and DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI_INLINE when building with previous versions of OCCT, resolving to DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI with single argument
Applications based on CDL and WOK
If your application is essentially based on CDL, and you need to upgrade it to OCCT 7.0, you will very likely need to convert your application code to non-CDL form. This is a non-trivial effort; the required actions would depend strongly on the structure of the code and used CDL features.
The upgrade script and sources of a specialized WOK version used for OCCT code upgrade can be found in WOK Git repository in branch CR0_700_2.
Contact us if you need more help.
Separation of BSpline cache
Implementation of NURBS curves and surfaces has been revised: the cache of polynomial coefficients, which is used to accelerate the calculation of values of a B-spline, has been separated from data objects Geom2d_BSplineCurve, Geom_BSplineCurve and Geom_BSplineSurface into the dedicated classes BSplCLib_Cache and BSplSLib_Cache.
The benefits of this change are:
- Reduced memory footprint of OCCT shapes (up to 20% on some cases)
- Possibility to evaluate the same B-Spline concurrently in parallel threads without data races and mutex locks
The drawback is that direct evaluation of B-Splines using methods of curves and surfaces becomes slower due to the absence of cache. The slow-down can be avoided by using adaptor classes Geom2dAdaptor_Curve, GeomAdaptor_Curve and GeomAdaptor_Surface, which now use cache when the curve or surface is a B-spline.
OCCT algorithms have been changed to use adaptors for B-spline calculations instead of direct methods for curves and surfaces. The same changes (use of adaptors instead of direct call to curve and surface methods) should be implemented in relevant places in the applications based on OCCT to get the maximum performance.
Structural result of Boolean operations
The result of Boolean operations became structured according to the structure of the input shapes. Therefore it may impact old applications that always iterate on direct children of the result compound assuming to obtain solids as iteration items, regardless of the structure of the input shapes. In order to get always solids as iteration items it is recommended to use TopExp_Explorer instead of TopoDS_Iterator.
BRepExtrema_ExtCC finds one solution only
Extrema computation between non-analytical curves in shape-shape distance calculation algorithm has been changed in order to return only one solution. So, if e.g. two edges are created on parallel b-spline curves the algorithm BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape will return only one solution instead of enormous number of solutions. There is no way to get algorithm working in old manner.
Removal of SortTools package
Package SortTools has been removed. The code that used the tools provided by that package should be corrected manually. The recommended approach is to use sorting algorithms provided by STL.
For instance:
can be replaced by:
On-screen objects and ColorScale
The old mechanism for rendering Underlay and Overlay on-screen 2D objects based on Visual3d_Layer and immediate drawing model (uncached and thus slow) has been removed. Classes Aspect_Clayer2d, OpenGl_GraphicDriver_Layer, Visual3d_Layer, Visual3d_LayerItem, V3d_LayerMgr and V3d_LayerMgrPointer have been deleted.
General AIS interactive objects with transformation persistence flag Graphic3d_TMF_2d can be used as a replacement of Visual3d_LayerItem. The anchor point specified for transformation persistence defines the window corner of (or center in case of (0, 0) point). To keep on-screen 2D objects on top of the main screen, they can be assigned to the appropriate Z-layer. Predefined Z-layers Graphic3d_ZLayerId_TopOSD and Graphic3d_ZLayerId_BotOSD are intended to replace Underlay and Overlay layers within the old API.
ColorScale object previously implemented using Visual3d_LayerItem has been moved to a new class AIS_ColorScale, with width and height specified explicitly. The property of V3d_View storing the global ColorScale object has been removed with associated methods V3d_View::ColorScaleDisplay(), V3d_View::ColorScaleErase(), V3d_View::ColorScaleIsDisplayed() and V3d_View::ColorScale() as well as the classes V3d_ColorScale, V3d_ColorScaleLayerItem and Aspect_ColorScale. Here is an example of creating ColorScale using the updated API:
To see how 2d objects are implemented in OCCT you can call Draw commands vcolorscale, vlayerline or vdrawtext (with -2d option). Draw command vcolorscale now requires the name of ColorScale object as argument. To display this object use command vdisplay. For example:
Here is a small example in C++ illustrating how to display a custom AIS object in 2d:
UserDraw and Visual3d
Visual3d package
Package Visual3d implementing the intermediate layer between high-level V3d classes and low-level OpenGl classes for views and graphic structures management has been dropped.
The OpenGl_View inherits from the new class Graphic3d_CView. Graphic3d_CView is an interface class that declares abstract methods for managing displayed structures, display properties and a base layer code that implements computation and management of HLR (or more broadly speaking view-depended) structures.
In the new implementation it takes place of the eliminated Visual3d_View. As before the instance of Graphic3d_CView is still completely managed by V3d_View classes. It can be accessed through V3d_View interface but normally it should not be required as all its methods are completely wrapped.
In more details, a concrete specialization of Graphic3d_CView is created and returned by the graphical driver on request. Right after the creation the views are directly used for setting rendering properties and adding graphical structures to be displayed.
The rendering of graphics is possible after mapping a window and activating the view. The direct setting of properties obsoletes the use of intermediate structures with display parameter like Visual3d_ContextView, etc. This means that the whole package Visual3d becomes redundant.
The functionality previously provided by Visual3d package has been redesigned in the following way :
- The management of display of structures has been moved from Visual3d_ViewManager into Graphic3d_StructureManager.
- The class Visual3d_View has been removed. The management of computed structures has been moved into the base layer of Graphi3d_CView.
- All intermediate structures for storing view parameters, e.g. Visual3d_ContextView, have been removed. The settings are now kept by instances of Graphic3d_CView.
- The intermediate class Visual3d_Light has been removed. All light properties are stored in Graphic3d_CLight structure, which is directly accessed by instances of V3d_Light classes.
- All necessary enumerations have been moved into Graphic3d package.
Custom OpenGL rendering and UserDraw
Old APIs based on global callback functions for creating UserDraw objects and for performing custom OpenGL rendering within the view have been dropped. UserDraw callbacks are no more required since OpenGl_Group now inherits Graphic3d_Group and thus can be accessed directly from AIS_InteractiveObject:
To perform a custom OpenGL code within the view, it is necessary to inherit from class OpenGl_View. See the following code sample:
Deprecation of Local Context
The conception of Local Context has been deprecated. The related classes, e.g. AIS_LocalContext, and methods ( AIS_InteractiveContext::OpenLocalContext() and others) will be removed in a future OCCT release.
The main functionality provided by Local Context - selection of object subparts - can be now used within Neutral Point without opening any Local Context.
The property SelectionMode() has been removed from the class AIS_InteractiveObject. This property contradicts to selection logic, since it is allowed to activate several Selection modes at once. Therefore keeping one selection mode as object field makes no sense. Applications that used this method should implement selection mode caching at application level, if it is necessary for some reason.
Separation of visualization part from TKCAF
Visualization CAF attributes have been moved into a new toolkit TKVCAF. If your application uses the classes from TPrsStd package then add link to TKVCAF library.
Version numbers of BinOCAF and XmlOCAF formats are incremented; new files cannot be read by earlier versions of OCCT.
Before loading the OCAF files saved by previous versions and containing TPrsStd_AISPresentation attribute it is necessary to define the environment variable CSF_MIGRATION_TYPES, pointing to file src/StdResources/MigrationSheet.txt. When using documents loaded from a file, make sure to call method TPrsStd_AISViewer::New() prior to accessing TPrsStd_AISPresentation attributes in this document as that method creates them.
Correction of interpretation of Euler angles in gp_Quaternion
Conversion of gp_Quaternion to and from intrinsic Tait-Bryan angles (including gp_YawPitchRoll) is fixed.
Before that fix the sequence of rotation axes was opposite to the intended; e.g. gp_YawPitchRoll (equivalent to gp_Intrinsic_ZYX) actually defined intrinsic rotations around X, then Y, then Z. Now the rotations are made in the correct order.
The applications that use gp_Quaternion to convert Yaw-Pitch-Roll angles (or other intrinsic Tait-Bryan sequences) may need to be updated to take this change into account.
Zoom Persistent Selection
Zoom persistent selection introduces a new structure Graphic3d_TransformPers to transform persistence methods and parameters and a new class Graphic3d_WorldViewProjState to refer to the camera transformation state. You might need to update your code to deal with the new classes if you were using the related features. Please, keep in mind the following:
- Graphic3d_Camera::ModelViewState has been renamed to Graphic3d_Camera::WorldViewState.
- Transformation matrix utilities from OpenGl_Utils namespace have been moved to Graphic3d_TransformUtils and Graphic3d_TransformUtils.hxx header respectively.
- Matrix stack utilities from OpenGl_Utils namespace have been moved to OpenGl_MatrixStack class and OpenGl_MatrixStack.hxx header respectively.
- OpenGl_View methods Begin/EndTransformPersistence have been removed. Please, use Graphic3d_TransformPers::Apply() instead to apply persistence to perspective and world-view projection matrices.
Texture mapping of objects
Textured objects now have the priority over the environment mapping.
Redundant enumerations V3d_TypeOfSurface and Graphic3d_TypeOfSurface, class OpenGl_SurfaceDetailState, the corresponding methods from Graphic3d_CView, OpenGl_ShaderManager, OpenGl_View, V3d_View and V3d_Viewer have been deleted. Draw command VSetTextureMode has been deleted.
Shape presentation builders
Presentation tools for building Wireframe presentation have been refactored to eliminate duplicated code and interfaces. Therefore, the following classes have been modified:
- StdPrs_WFDeflectionShape and Prs3d_WFShape have been removed. StdPrs_WFShape should be used instead.
- StdPrs_ToolShadedShape has been renamed to StdPrs_ToolTriangulatedShape.
Upgrade to OCCT 7.1.0
Presentation attributes
This section should be considered if application defines custom presentations, i.e. inherited from AIS_InteractiveObject. The previous versions of OCCT have three levels for defining presentation properties (e.g. colors, materials, etc.):
- For the entire structure - Graphic3d_Structure / Prs3d_Presentation.
- For a specific group of primitives - Graphic3d_Group::SetGroupPrimitivesAspect() overriding structure aspects.
- For a specific primitive array within the graphic group - Graphic3d_Group::SetPrimitivesAspect().
The structure level has de facto not been used for a long time since OCCT presentations always define aspects at the graphic group level (overriding any structure aspects). Within this OCCT release, structure level of aspects has been completely removed. In most cases the application code should just remove missing methods. In those rare cases, when this functionality was intentionally used, the application should explicitly define aspects to the appropriate graphic groups.
Note that defining several different aspects within the same graphic group should also be avoided in the application code since it is a deprecated functionality which can be removed in further releases. Graphic3d_Group::SetGroupPrimitivesAspect() should be the main method defining presentation attributes.
The implementation of Graphic3d_Group::SetGroupPrimitivesAspect() has been changed from copying aspect values to keeping the passed object. Although it was not documented, previously it was possible to modify a single aspect instance, like Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d and set it to multiple groups. Now such code would produce an unexpected result and therefore should be updated to create the dedicated aspect instance.
The following type definitions in OCCT has been modified to use C++11 types:
- Standard_Boolean is now bool (previously unsigned int).
- Standard_ExtCharacter is now char16_t (previously short).
- Standard_ExtString; is now const char16_t (previously const short).
- Standard_Utf16Char is now char16_t (previously uint16_t for compatibility with old compilers).
- Standard_Utf32Char is now char32_t (previously uint32_t for compatibility with old compilers).
For most applications this change should be transparent on the level of source code. Binary compatibility is not maintained, as bool has a different size in comparison with unsigned int.
Programmable Pipeline
Fixed-function pipeline has been already deprecated since OCCT 7.0.0. Release 7.1.0 disables this functionality by default in favor of Programmable Pipeline (based on GLSL programs).
Method V3d_View::Export(), based on gl2ps library, requires fixed pipeline and will return error if used with default settings. Applications should explicitly enable fixed pipeline by setting OpenGl_Caps::ffpEnable flag to TRUE within OpenGl_GraphicDriver::ChangeOptions() before creating the viewer to use V3d_View::Export(). This method is declared as deprecated and will be removed in one of the the next OCCT releases. The recommended way to generate a vector image of a 3D model or scene is to use an application-level solution independent from OpenGL.
Transformation persistence
The behavior of transformation persistence flags Graphic3d_TMF_ZoomPers and Graphic3d_TMF_TriedronPers has been changed for consistency with a textured fixed-size 2D text. An object with these flags is considered as defined in pixel units, and the presentation is no more scaled depending on the view height. The applications that need to scale such objects depending on viewport size should update them manually.
Flags Graphic3d_TMF_PanPers and Graphic3d_TMF_FullPers have been removed. Graphic3d_TMF_TriedronPers or Graphic3d_TMF_2d can be used instead depending on the context.
Graphic3d_TransModeFlags is not an integer bitmask anymore - enumeration values should be specified instead. Several transformation persistence methods in PrsMgr_PresentableObject have been marked deprecated. Transformation persistence should be defined using Graphic3d_TransformPers constructor directly and passed by a handle, not value.
Dynamic highlight and selection properties
Release 7.1.0 introduces Graphic3d_HighlightStyle - an entity that allows flexible customization of highlighting parameters (such as highlighting method, color, and transparency). Therefore, the signatures of the following methods related to highlighting:
- AIS_InteractiveContext::Hilight();
- AIS_InteractiveContext::HilightWithColor();
- PrsMgr_PresentationManager::Color();
- SelectMgr_EntityOwner::HilightWithColor(); have been changed to receive Graphic3d_HighlightStyle instead of Quantity_Color.
Method AIS_InteractiveContext::Hilight is now deprecated and highlights the interactive object with selection style.
A group of methods AIS_InteractiveContext::IsHilighted has changed its behavior - now they only check highlight flags of the object or the owner in the global status. If the highlight color is required on the application level, it is necessary to use overloaded methods AIS_InteractiveContext::HighlightStyle for the owner and the object.
The following methods have been replaced in AIS_InteractiveContext class:
- HilightColor and SetHilightColor by HighlightStyle and SetHighlightStyle;
- SelectionColor setter and getter by SelectionStyle and SetSelectionStyle.
The API of Prs3d_Drawer has been extended to allow setting up styles for both dynamic selection and highlighting. Therefore, it is possible to change the highlight style of a particular object on the application level via SelectMgr_SelectableObject::HilightAttributes() and process it in the entity owner.
Correction in TObj_Model class
Methods TObj_Model::SaveAs and TObj_Model::Load now receive TCollection_ExtendedString filename arguments instead of char*. UTF-16 encoding can be used to pass file names containing Unicode symbols.
Redundant environment variables
The following environment variables have become redundant:
- CSF_UnitsLexicon and CSF_UnitsDefinition are no more used. Units definition (UnitsAPI/Lexi_Expr.dat and UnitsAPI/Units.dat) is now embedded into source code.
- CSF_XSMessage and CSF_XHMessage are now optional. English messages (XSMessage/*XSTEP.us* and SHMessage/*SHAPE.us*) are now embedded into source code and automatically loaded when environment variables are not set.
- CSF_ShadersDirectory is not required any more, though it still can be used to load custom shaders. Mandatory GLSL resources are now embedded into source code.
- CSF_PluginDefaults and other variables pointing to OCAF plugin resources (CSF_StandardDefaults, CSF_XCAFDefaults, CSF_StandardLiteDefaults and CSF_XmlOcafResource) are not necessary if method TDocStd_Application::DefineFormat() is used to enable persistence of OCAF documents.
Other environment variables still can be used to customize behavior of relevant algorithms but are not necessary any more (all required resources are embedded).
Removed features
The following obsolete features have been removed:
- Anti-aliasing API V3d_View::SetAntialiasingOn(). This method was intended to activate deprecated OpenGL functionality GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH, GL_LINE_SMOOTH and GL_POINT_SMOOTH. Instead of the old API, the application should request MSAA buffers for anti-aliasing by assigning Graphic3d_RenderingParams::NbMsaaSamples property of the structure returned by V3d_View::ChangeRenderingParams().
- Prs3d_Drawer::ShadingAspectGlobal() flag has been removed as not used. The corresponding calls can be removed safely from the application code.
- The methods managing ZClipping planes and ZCueing: V3d_View::SetZClippingType(), V3d_View::SetZCueingOn(), etc. have been removed. ZClipping planes can be replaced by general-purpose clipping planes (the application should update plane definition manually).
- The 3D viewer printing API V3d_View::Print() has been removed. This functionality was available on Windows platforms only. The applications should use the general image dump API V3d_View::ToPixMap() and manage printing using a platform-specific API at the application level. Text resolution can be managed by rendering parameter Graphic3d_RenderingParams::Resolution, returned by V3d_View::ChangeRenderingParams().
- Methods PrsMgr_PresentationManager::BoundBox, PrsMgr_PresentationManager::Hilight and SelectMgr_EntityOwner::Hilight have been removed as not used. The corresponding method in custom implementations of SelectMgr_EntityOwner can be removed safely. PrsMgr_PresentationManager::Color with the corresponding style must be used instead.
- Class NCollection_QuickSort has been removed. The code that used the tools provided by that class should be corrected manually. The recommended approach is to use sorting algorithms provided by STL (std::sort). See also Removal of SortTools package above.
- Package Dico. The code that used the tools provided by that package should be corrected manually. The recommended approach is to use NCollection_DataMap and NCollection_IndexedDataMap classes.
Other changes
The following classes have been changed:
- BVH_Sorter class has become abstract. The list of arguments of both Perform methods has been changed and the methods became pure virtual.
- Extrema_FuncExtPS has been renamed to Extrema_FuncPSNorm.
- The default constructor and the constructor taking a point and a surface have been removed from class Extrema_GenLocateExtPS. Now the only constructor takes the surface and optional tolerances in U and V directions. The new method Perform takes the point with the start solution and processes it. The class has become not assignable and not copy-constructable.
- Constructors with arguments *(const gp_Ax22d& D, const gp_Pnt2d& F)* have been removed from GCE2d_MakeParabola, gce_MakeParab2d and gp_Parab2d. The objects created with some constructors of class gp_Parab2d may differ from the previous version (see the comments in gp_Parab2d.hxx). The result returned by gp_Parab2d::Directrix() method has an opposite direction in comparison with the previous OCCT versions.
- BRepTools_Modifier class now has two modes of work. They are defined by the boolean parameter MutableInput, which is turned off by default. This means that the algorithm always makes a copy of a sub-shape (e.g. vertex) if its tolerance is to be increased in the output shape. The old mode corresponds to MutableInput turned on. This change may impact an application if it implements a class derived from BRepTools_Modifier.
- The second parameter theIsOuterWire of method ShapeAnalysis_Wire::CheckSmallArea has been removed.
- In class GeomPlate_CurveConstraint, two constructors taking boundary curves of different types have been replaced with one constructor taking the curve of an abstract type.
- The last optional argument RemoveInvalidFaces has been removed from the constructor of class BRepOffset_MakeOffset and method Initialize.
- The public method BOPDS_DS::VerticesOnIn has been renamed into SubShapesOnIn and the new output parameter theCommonPB has been added.
Upgrade to OCCT 7.2.0
Removed features
The following obsolete features have been removed:
- AIS_InteractiveContext::PreSelectionColor(), DefaultColor(), WasCurrentTouched(), ZDetection(). These properties were unused, and therefore application should remove occurrences of these methods.
- AIS_InteractiveObject::SelectionPriority(). These property was not implemented.
- The class LocOpe_HBuilder has been removed as obsolete.
- The package TestTopOpe has been removed;
- The package TestTopOpeDraw has been removed;
- The package TestTopOpeTools has been removed.
- The packages QANewModTopOpe, QANewBRepNaming and QANewDBRepNaming have been removed as containing obsolete features.
- The following methods of the IntPolyh_Triangle class have been removed as unused:
- CheckCommonEdge
- SetEdgeandOrientation
- MultipleMiddleRefinement2.
- The method IntPolyh_Triangle::TriangleDeflection has been renamed to IntPolyh_Triangle::ComputeDeflection.
- The following methods of the IntPolyh_MaillageAffinage class have been removed as unused:
- LinkEdges2Triangles;
- TriangleEdgeContact2;
- StartingPointsResearch2;
- NextStartingPointsResearch2;
- TriangleComparePSP;
- StartPointsCalcul.
- The method PerformAdvanced of the ShapeConstruct_ProjectCurveOnSurface class has been removed as unused.
- The method Perform of the ShapeConstruct_ProjectCurveOnSurface class is modified:
- input arguments continuity, maxdeg, nbinterval have been removed as unused;
- input arguments TolFirst, TolLast have been added at the end of arguments' list.
- Typedefs Quantity_Factor, Quantity_Parameter, Quantity_Ratio, Quantity_Coefficient, Quantity_PlaneAngle, Quantity_Length, V3d_Parameter and V3d_Coordinate have been removed; Standard_Real should be used instead.
Corrections in BRepOffset API
In classes BRepTools_ReShape and ShapeBuild_ReShape, the possibility to process shapes different only by orientation in different ways has been removed. Thus methods Remove() and Replace() do not have any more the last argument 'oriented'; they work always as if Standard_False was passed before (default behavior). Methods ModeConsiderLo() and Apply() with three arguments have been removed.
Corrections in BRepOffset API
Class BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffsetShape:
- BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffsetShape::BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffsetShape() - constructor with parameters has been deleted.
- BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffsetShape::PerformByJoin() - method has been added. This method is old algorithm behaviour.
The code below shows new calling procedure:
Class BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid:
- BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid::BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid() - constructor with parameters has been deleted.
- BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid::MakeThickSolidByJoin() - method has been added. This method is old algorithm behaviour.
The code below shows new calling procedure:
Highlight style
Management of highlight attributes has been revised and might require modifications from application side:
- New class Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes defining basic presentation attributes has been introduced. It's definition includes properties previously defined by class Graphic3d_HighlightStyle (Color, Transparency), and new properties (Display mode, ZLayer, optional FillArea aspect).
- Class Prs3d_Drawer now inherits class Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes. So that overall presentation attributes are now split into two parts - Basic attributes and Detailed attributes.
- Class Graphic3d_HighlightStyle has been dropped. It is now defined as a typedef to Prs3d_Drawer. Therefore, highlight style now also includes not only Basic presentation attributes, but also Detailed attributes which can be used by custom presentation builders.
- Highlighting style defined by class Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes now provides more options:
- Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes::BasicFillAreaAspect() property providing complete Material definition. This option, when defined, can be used instead of the pair Object Material + Highlight Color.
- Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes::ZLayer() property specifying the Layer where highlighted presentation should be shown. This property can be set to Graphic3d_ZLayerId_UNKNOWN, which means that ZLayer of main presentation should be used instead.
- Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes::DisplayMode() property specifying Display Mode for highlight presentation.
- Since Highlight and Selection styles within AIS_InteractiveContext are now defined by Prs3d_Drawer inheriting from Graphic3d_PresentationAttributes, it is now possible to customize default highlight attributes like Display Mode and ZLayer, which previously could be defined only on Object level.
- Properties Prs3d_Drawer::HighlightStyle() and Prs3d_Drawer::SelectionStyle() have been removed. Instead, AIS_InteractiveObject now defines DynamicHilightAttributes() for dynamic highlighting in addition to HilightAttributes() used for highlighting in selected state. Note that AIS_InteractiveObject::HilightAttributes() and AIS_InteractiveObject::DynamicHilightAttributes() override highlighting properties for both - entire object and for part coming from decomposition. This includes Z-layer settings, which will be the same when overriding properties through AIS_InteractiveObject, while AIS_InteractiveContext::HighlightStyle() allows customizing properties for local and global selection independently (with Graphic3d_ZLayerId_Top used for dynamic highlighting of entire object and Graphic3d_ZLayerId_Topmost for dynamic highlighting of object part by default).
- The following protected fields have been removed from class AIS_InteractiveObject:
- myOwnColor, replaced by myDrawer->Color()
- myTransparency, replaced by myDrawer->Transparency()
- myZLayer, replaced by myDrawer->ZLayer()
- The method PrsMgr_PresentationManager::Unhighlight() taking Display Mode as an argument has been marked deprecated. Implementation now performs unhighlighting of all highlighted presentation mode.
- The methods taking/returning Quantity_NameOfColor (predefined list of colors) and duplicating methods operating with Quantity_Color (definition of arbitrary RGB color) in AIS have been removed. Quantity_Color should be now used instead.
Elimination of implicit 3D Viewer updates
Most AIS_InteractiveContext methods are defined with a flag to update viewer immediatly or not. Within previous version of OCCT, this argument had default value TRUE. While immediate viewer updates are useful for beginners (the result is displayed as soon as possible), this approach is inefficent for batch viewer updates, and having default value as TRUE leaded to non-intended accidential updates which are difficult to find.
To avoid such issues, the interface has been modified and default value has been removed. Therefore, old application code should be updated to set the flag theToUpdateViewer explicitly to desired value (TRUE to preserve old previous behavior), if it was not already set.
The following AIS_InteractiveContext methods have been changed: Display, Erase, EraseAll, DisplayAll, EraseSelected, DisplaySelected, ClearPrs, Remove, RemoveAll, Hilight, HilightWithColor, Unhilight, Redisplay, RecomputePrsOnly, Update, SetDisplayMode, UnsetDisplayMode, SetColor, UnsetColor, SetWidth, UnsetWidth, SetMaterial, UnsetMaterial, SetTransparency, UnsetTransparency, SetLocalAttributes, UnsetLocalAttributes, SetPolygonOffsets, SetTrihedronSize, SetPlaneSize, SetPlaneSize, SetDeviationCoefficient, SetDeviationAngle, SetAngleAndDeviation, SetHLRDeviationCoefficient, SetHLRDeviationAngle, SetHLRAngleAndDeviation, SetSelectedAspect, MoveTo, Select, ShiftSelect, SetSelected, UpdateSelected, AddOrRemoveSelected, HilightSelected, UnhilightSelected, ClearSelected, ResetOriginalState, SubIntensityOn, SubIntensityOff, FitSelected, EraseGlobal, ClearGlobal, ClearGlobalPrs.
In addition, the API for immediate viewer update has been removed from V3d_View and Graphic3d_StructureManager classes (enumerations Aspect_TypeOfUpdate and V3d_TypeOfUpdate): V3d::SetUpdateMode(), V3d::UpdateMode(), Graphic3d_StructureManager::SetUpdateMode(), Graphic3d_StructureManager::UpdateMode().
The argument theUpdateMode has been removed from methods Graphic3d_CView::Display(), Erase(), Update(). Method Graphic3d_CView::Update() does not redraw the view and does not re-compute structures anymore.
The following Grid management methods within class V3d_Viewer do not implicitly redraw the viewer: ActivateGrid, DeactivateGrid, SetRectangularGridValues, SetCircularGridValues, RectangularGridGraphicValues, CircularGridGraphicValues, SetPrivilegedPlane, DisplayPrivilegedPlane.
Elimination of Quantity_NameOfColor from TKV3d interface classes
The duplicating interface methods accepting Quantity_NameOfColor (in addition to methods accepting Quantity_Color) of TKV3d toolkit have been removed. In most cases this change should be transparent, however applications implementing such interface methods should also remove them (compiler will automatically highlight this issue for methods marked with Standard_OVERRIDE keyword).
Result of Boolean operations on containers
- The result of Boolean operations on arguments of collection types (WIRE/SHELL/COMPSOLID) is now filtered from duplicating containers.
Other changes
- MMgt_TShared class definition has been removed - Standard_Transient should be used instead (MMgt_TShared is marked as deprecated typedef of Standard_Transient for smooth migration).
- Class GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface accepts base class Adaptor3d_HCurve (instead of inherited Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface accepted earlier).
- Types GeomPlate_Array1OfHCurveOnSurface and GeomPlate_HArray1OfHCurveOnSurface have been replaced with GeomPlate_Array1OfHCurve and GeomPlate_HArray1OfHCurve correspondingly (accept base class Adaptor3d_HCurve instead of Adaptor3d_HCurveOnSurface).
- Enumeration Image_PixMap::ImgFormat, previously declared as nested enumeration within class Image_PixMap, has been moved to global namespace as Image_Format following OCCT coding rules. The enumeration values have suffix Image_Format_ and preserve previous name scheme for easy renaming of old values - e.g. Image_PixMap::ImgGray become Image_Format_Gray. Old definitions are preserved as depreacated aliases to the new ones;
- Methods Image_PixMap::PixelColor() and Image_PixMap::SetPixelColor() now take/return Quantity_ColorRGBA instead of Quantity_Color/NCollection_Vec4.
- The method BOPAlgo_Builder::Origins() returns BOPCol_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape instead of BOPCol_DataMapOfShapeShape.
- The methods BOPDS_DS::IsToSort(const Handle(BOPDS_CommonBlock)&, Standard_Integer&) and BOPDS_DS::SortPaveBlocks(const Handle(BOPDS_CommonBlock)&) have been removed. The sorting is now performed during the addition of the Pave Blocks into Common Block.
- The methods BOPAlgo_Tools::MakeBlocks() and BOPAlgo_Tools::MakeBlocksCnx() have been replaced with the single template method BOPAlgo_Tools::MakeBlocks(). The chains of connected elements are now stored into the list of list instead of data map.
- The methods BOPAlgo_Tools::FillMap() have been replaced with the single template method BOPAlgo_Tools::FillMap().
- Package BVH now uses opencascade::handle instead of NCollection_Handle (for classes BVH_Properties, BVH_Builder, BVH_Tree, BVH_Object). Application code using BVH package directly should be updated accordingly.
- AIS_Shape now computes UV texture coordinates for AIS_Shaded presentation in case if texture mapping is enabled within Shaded Attributes. Therefore, redundant class AIS_TexturedShape is now deprecated - applications can use AIS_Shape directly (texture mapping should be defined through AIS_Shape::Attributes()).
- Methods for managing active texture within OpenGl_Workspace class (ActiveTexture(), DisableTexture(), EnableTexture()) have been moved to OpenGl_Context::BindTextures().
BOP - Pairs of interfering indices
- The classes BOPDS_PassKey and BOPDS_PassKeyBoolean are too excessive and not used any more in Boolean Operations. To replace them the new BOPDS_Pair class has been implemented. Thus:
- The method BOPDS_DS::Interferences() now returns the BOPDS_MapOfPair;
- The method BOPDS_Iterator::Value() takes now only two parameters - the indices of interfering sub-shapes.
Removal of the Draw commands based on old Boolean operations
- The commands fubl and cubl have been removed. The alternative for these commands are the commands bfuseblend and bcutblend respectively.
- The command ksection has been removed. The alternative for this command is the command bsection.
Change of Face/Face intersection in Boolean operations
- Previously, the intersection tolerance for all section curves between pair of faces has been calculated as the maximal tolerance among all curves. Now, each curve has its own valid tolerance calculated as the maximal deviation of the 3D curve from its 2D curves or surfaces in case there are no 2D curves.
- The methods IntTools_FaceFace::TolReached3d(), IntTools_FaceFace::TolReal() and IntTools_FaceFace::TolReached2d() have been removed.
- Intersection tolerances of the curve can be obtained from the curve itself:
- IntTools_Curve::Tolerance() - returns the valid tolerance for the curve;
- IntTools_Curve::TangentialTolerance() - returns the tangential tolerance, which reflects the size of the common between faces.
- 2d tolerance (IntTools_FaceFace::TolReached2d()) has been completely removed from the algorithm as unused.
Restore OCCT 6.9.1 persistence
The capability of reading / writing files in old format using Storage_ShapeSchema functionality from OCCT 6.9.1 has been restored in OCCT 7.2.0.
One can use this functionality in two ways:
- invoke DRAW Test Harness commands fsdread / fsdwrite for shapes;
- call StdStorage class Read / Write functions in custom code.
The code example below demonstrates how to read shapes from a storage driver using StdStorage class.
The following code demonstrates how to write shapes in OCCT 7.2.0 using StdStorage class.
Change in BRepLib_MakeFace algorithm
Previously, BRepLib_MakeFace algorithm changed orientation of the source wire in order to avoid creation of face as a hole (i.e. it is impossible to create the entire face as a hole; the hole can be created in context of another face only). New algorithm does not reverse the wire if it is open. Material of the face for the open wire will be located on the left side from the source wire.
Change in BRepFill_OffsetWire algorithm
From now on, the offset will always be directed to the outer region in case of positive offset value and to the inner region in case of negative offset value. Inner/Outer region for an open wire is defined by the following rule: when we go along the wire (taking into account edges orientation) the outer region will be on the right side, the inner region will be on the left side. In case of a closed wire, the inner region will always be inside the wire (at that, the edges orientation is not taken into account).
Change in Geom(2d)Adaptor_Curve::IsPeriodic
Since 7.2.0 version, method IsPeriodic() returns the corresponding status of periodicity of the basis curve regardless of closure status of the adaptor curve (see method IsClosed()). Method IsClosed() for adaptor can return false even on periodic curve, in the case if its parametric range is not full period, e.g. for adaptor on circle in range [0, \( \pi \)]. In previous versions, IsPeriodic() always returned false if IsClosed() returned false.
Change in algorithm ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain
The history of the changing of the initial shape was corrected:
- all shapes created by the algorithm are considered as modified shapes instead of generated ones;
- method Generated was removed and its calls should be replaced by calls of method History()->Modified.
Changes in STL Reader / Writer
Class RWStl now uses class Poly_Triangulation for storing triangular mesh instead of StlMesh data classes; the latter have been removed.
Refactoring of the Error/Warning reporting system in Boolean Component
The Error/Warning reporting system of the algorithms in Boolean Component (in all BOPAlgo_* and BRepAlgoAPI_* algorithms) has been refactored. The methods returning the status of errors and warnings of the algorithms (ErrorStatus() and WarningStatus()) have been removed. Instead use methods HasErrors() and HasWarnings() to check for presence of errors and warnings, respectively. The full list of errors and warnings, with associated data such as problematic sub-shapes, can be obtained by method GetReport().
Generated on Wed Aug 30 2017 17:04:22 for Open CASCADE Technology by