APEX TurbulenceFS Module: nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor Class Reference


nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor Class Reference

Turbulence VelocitySource Actor class. More...

#include <VelocitySourceActor.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual VelocitySourceAssetgetVelocitySourceAsset () const =0
 Returns the asset the instance has been created from.
virtual void setEnabled (bool enable)=0
 enable/disable the velocity source
virtual bool isEnabled () const =0
 Returns true if velocity source enabled.
virtual bool intersectAgainstAABB (PxBounds3)=0
 intersect the collision shape against a given AABB
virtual Shape * getShape () const =0
 Returns pointer to Shape of velocity source.
virtual BoxShape * getBoxShape ()=0
 If it is a box, cast to box class, return NULL otherwise.
virtual SphereShape * getSphereShape ()=0
 If it is a sphere, cast to sphere class, return NULL otherwise.
virtual float getAverageVelocity () const =0
 Return average value of velocity.
virtual float getStdVelocity () const =0
 Return STD value of velocity.
virtual PxMat44 getPose () const =0
 get the pose of a velocity source shape
virtual void setVelocity (float averageVelocity, float stdVelocity)=0
 Set average and STD values for velocity.
virtual void setPose (PxMat44 pose)=0
 set the pose of a velocity source shape
virtual void setCurrentScale (float scale)=0
 Sets the uniform overall object scale.
virtual float getCurrentScale (void) const =0
 Retrieves the uniform overall object scale.
virtual void release ()=0

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~VelocitySourceActor ()

Detailed Description

Turbulence VelocitySource Actor class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::~VelocitySourceActor ( ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual float nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::getAverageVelocity ( ) const [pure virtual]

Return average value of velocity.

virtual BoxShape* nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::getBoxShape ( ) [pure virtual]

If it is a box, cast to box class, return NULL otherwise.

virtual float nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::getCurrentScale ( void  ) const [pure virtual]

Retrieves the uniform overall object scale.

virtual PxMat44 nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::getPose ( ) const [pure virtual]

get the pose of a velocity source shape

virtual Shape* nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::getShape ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns pointer to Shape of velocity source.

virtual SphereShape* nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::getSphereShape ( ) [pure virtual]

If it is a sphere, cast to sphere class, return NULL otherwise.

virtual float nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::getStdVelocity ( ) const [pure virtual]

Return STD value of velocity.

virtual VelocitySourceAsset* nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::getVelocitySourceAsset ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the asset the instance has been created from.

virtual bool nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::intersectAgainstAABB ( PxBounds3  ) [pure virtual]

intersect the collision shape against a given AABB

virtual bool nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::isEnabled ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns true if velocity source enabled.

virtual void nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::release ( ) [pure virtual]
virtual void nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::setCurrentScale ( float  scale) [pure virtual]

Sets the uniform overall object scale.

virtual void nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::setEnabled ( bool  enable) [pure virtual]

enable/disable the velocity source

virtual void nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::setPose ( PxMat44  pose) [pure virtual]

set the pose of a velocity source shape

virtual void nvidia::apex::VelocitySourceActor::setVelocity ( float  averageVelocity,
float  stdVelocity 
) [pure virtual]

Set average and STD values for velocity.

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Generated on Fri Dec 15 2017 13:59:24

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