APEX IOFX Module: nvidia::apex::IofxActor Class Reference


nvidia::apex::IofxActor Class Reference

IOFX actor public interface. More...

#include <IofxActor.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual float getObjectRadius () const =0
 get the radius of the partice
virtual uint32_t getObjectCount () const =0
 get the number of particles
virtual uint32_t getVisibleCount () const =0
 get the number of visible particles (if sprite depth sorting is enabled, returns only number of particles in front of camera)
virtual const char * getIosAssetName () const =0
 get the name of the IOS asset used to feed partices to the IOFX
virtual physx::PxBounds3 getBounds () const =0
 returns AABB covering all objects in this actor, it's updated each frame during Scene::fetchResults().
virtual IofxRenderableacquireRenderableReference ()=0
 Acquire a pointer to the iofx's renderable proxy and increment its reference count.

Detailed Description

IOFX actor public interface.

Member Function Documentation

virtual IofxRenderable* nvidia::apex::IofxActor::acquireRenderableReference ( ) [pure virtual]

Acquire a pointer to the iofx's renderable proxy and increment its reference count.

The IofxRenderable will only be deleted when its reference count is zero. Calls to IofxRenderable::release decrement the reference count, as does a call to IofxActor::release().

virtual physx::PxBounds3 nvidia::apex::IofxActor::getBounds ( ) const [pure virtual]

returns AABB covering all objects in this actor, it's updated each frame during Scene::fetchResults().

virtual const char* nvidia::apex::IofxActor::getIosAssetName ( ) const [pure virtual]

get the name of the IOS asset used to feed partices to the IOFX

virtual uint32_t nvidia::apex::IofxActor::getObjectCount ( ) const [pure virtual]

get the number of particles

virtual float nvidia::apex::IofxActor::getObjectRadius ( ) const [pure virtual]

get the radius of the partice

virtual uint32_t nvidia::apex::IofxActor::getVisibleCount ( ) const [pure virtual]

get the number of visible particles (if sprite depth sorting is enabled, returns only number of particles in front of camera)

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Generated on Fri Dec 15 2017 13:59:03

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