Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
nvidia::apex::EmitterGeomExplicit::EllipsoidParams | Ellipsoid parameters |
nvidia::apex::EmitterActor | Apex emitter actor class. Emits particles within a given shape |
nvidia::apex::EmitterAsset | APEX Emitter asset. Emits particles within some shape |
nvidia::apex::EmitterAssetAuthoring | APEX Emitter Asset Authoring. Used to create APEX Emitter assets |
nvidia::apex::EmitterGeom | Base class for all emitter shapes |
nvidia::apex::EmitterGeomBox | Box shape for an emitter |
nvidia::apex::EmitterGeomCylinder | Cylindrical shape for an emitter |
nvidia::apex::EmitterGeomExplicit | Explicit geometry. Coordinates of each particle are given explicitly |
nvidia::apex::EmitterGeomSphere | Spherical shape for an emitter |
nvidia::apex::EmitterGeomSphereShell | Sphere shell shape for an emitter. It's a shape formed by the difference of two cocentered spheres |
nvidia::apex::EmitterLodParamDesc | LOD parameters fro emitters |
nvidia::apex::EmitterPreview | |
nvidia::apex::EmitterType | Emitter type |
nvidia::apex::EmitterActor::EmitterValidateCallback | |
nvidia::apex::GroundEmitterActor | Ground Emitter actor. Uses raycasts against ground to spawn particles |
nvidia::apex::GroundEmitterAsset | Ground emitter asset. Used to create Ground emitter actors with specific properties |
nvidia::apex::GroundEmitterAssetAuthoring | Ground emitter authoring class. Used to create Ground emitter assets |
nvidia::apex::GroundEmitterPreview | Ground emitter preview class. Use for preview rendering |
nvidia::apex::ImpactEmitterActor | Impact emitter actor. Emits particles at impact places |
nvidia::apex::ImpactEmitterAsset | Impact emitter asset class |
nvidia::apex::ImpactEmitterAssetAuthoring | Impact emitter asset authoring. Used to create Impact Emitter assets |
nvidia::apex::ImpactEmitterPreview | Impact emitter preview. Used for preview rendering of the emitter actors |
nvidia::apex::MaterialLookupCallback | User calback interface used to map raycast hitpoints to material ID If an instance of this class is registered with a ground emitter actor, the actor will call requestMaterialLookups() in lieu of doing raycasts. The call will occur from within the scope of the ApexScene thread, so the callback must be thread safe |
nvidia::apex::MaterialLookupCallback::MaterialRequest | Material request structure |
nvidia::apex::ModuleEmitter | An APEX Module that provides generic Emitter classes |
nvidia::apex::EmitterGeomExplicit::PointListData | Structure contains positions, velocities and user data for particles |
nvidia::apex::EmitterGeomExplicit::PointParams | Point parameters |
nvidia::apex::EmitterGeomExplicit::SphereParams | Sphere prameters |
Generated on Fri Dec 15 2017 13:58:27 Copyright © 2012-2017 NVIDIA Corporation, 2701 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95050 U.S.A. All rights reserved.