Special Transfer Function
Generates a transfer function model using the PID series algorithm as defined below:
where Kc is the proportional gain,
Ti is the integral time in seconds,
and Td is the derivative time in seconds.
T1 is the High frequency rolloff 1 time (in seconds), which defines the time constant of a first order filter in series with the PID algorithm.
T2 is the High frequency rolloff 2 time (in seconds), which defines the time constant of a first order filter in series with the PID algorithm.
Parameter | Description |
PID Transfer Function Model | Displays the mathematical expression that defines the PID transfer function model you create. |
Proportional gain | Represents the proportional gain (Kc) of the controller. The default is 1. |
Integral time (s) | Specifies the controller parameter (Ti) that adjusts the effect of the error integral term on the controller output. |
Derivative time (s) | Specifies the controller parameter (Td) that adjusts the effect of the error derivative term on the controller output. |
High frequency rolloff 1 (s) | Defines the cutoff frequency of a low frequency first order filter. If you place a checkmark in the Derivative time (s) checkbox, the step automatically places a checkmark in the High frequency rolloff 1 (s) checkbox. |
High frequency rolloff 2 (s) | Defines the cutoff frequency of a second low frequency first order filter. |