Low-Level Functions


Low-Level Functions

The low-level function set supports all types of acquisition. Low-level functions are divided into the following types:

  • Acquisition functions—Configure, start, and abort an image acquisition, or examine a buffer during an acquisition.
  • Attribute functions—Examine and change NI-IMAQ or camera attributes.
  • Buffer management functions—Set up objects such as buffer lists and buffers.
  • Interface functions—Load and control the selected image acquisition device and cameras. These functions use information stored by Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).
  • Utility functions—Display an image in a window, save an image to a file, or get detailed error information.
  • Serial communication functions—Enables communication between the camera and devices that support serial communication.

Acquisition Functions

imgSessionAbort Stops an asynchronous acquisition or synchronous continuous acquisition immediately.
imgSessionAcquire Starts acquisition synchronously or asynchronously to the frame buffers in the associated session buffer list.
imgSessionConfigure Specifies the buffer list to use with this session.
imgSessionCopyArea Copies an area of a session buffer to a user-specified buffer.
imgSessionCopyBuffer Copies a session buffer to a user-specified buffer.
imgSessionExamineBuffer Extracts a buffer from a live acquisition. This function lets you lock a buffer out of a continuous loop sequence for processing when you are performing a ring (continuous) acquisition.
imgSessionReleaseBuffer Releases a buffer that was previously held with imgSessionExamineBuffer.

Attribute Functions

imgGetAttribute Returns an attribute for an interface or session.
imgSetAttribute Sets an attribute for an interface or session.
imgGetCameraAttributeNumeric Gets the value of numeric camera attributes.
imgGetCameraAttributeString Gets the value of textual camera attributes.
imgSetCameraAttributeNumeric Sets the value of numeric camera attributes.
imgSetCameraAttributeString Sets the value of textual camera attributes.
imgSessionSetUserLUT8bits Downloads a custom 8-bit lookup table to your image acquisition device.
imgSessionSetUserLUT16bits Downloads a custom 16-bit lookup table to your image acquisition device.

Buffer Management Functions

imgCreateBuffer Creates a user frame buffer based on the geometric definitions of the associated session.
imgCreateBufList Creates a buffer list.
imgDisposeBuffer Disposes of a user frame buffer created by imgCreateBuffer.
imgDisposeBufList Purges all image buffers associated with this buffer list.
imgGetBufferElement Gets an element of a specific type from a buffer list.
imgSetBufferElement Sets a buffer list element of a given type to a specific value.
imgSessionClearBuffer Clears image data from a session to the specified pixel value.

Interface Functions

imgInterfaceQueryNames Returns the interface name identified by the index parameter.
imgInterfaceReset Performs a hardware reset on the interface type and returns a status, either good or bad.

Utility Functions

imgPlot Plots a buffer to a window.
imgPlotDC Plots a buffer to device context.
imgSessionSaveBufferEx Saves a buffer of a session to disk in bitmap, TIFF, or PNG format.
imgBayerColorDecode Decodes the color information from Bayer encoded images.
imgCalculateBayerColorLUT Calculates a look-up table (LUT) based on input gain values that is used in decoding the Bayer encoded images.
imgShowError Returns a null-terminated string describing the error code.

Serial Communication Functions

imgSessionSerialWrite Sends data out the serial port on boards that support serial.
imgSessionSerialRead Reads in data from the serial port on boards that support serial.
imgSessionSerialReadBytes Reads in an expected number of bytes from the serial port on image acquisition devices that support serial communication.
imgSessionSerialFlush Clears the internal serial buffer.