Creating an Application Using C


Creating an Application Using C

This section outlines the process for developing NI-IMAQ applications using C. Detailed instructions about creating project and source files are not included. Refer to the documentation included with your particular development environment for information about creating and managing project files.

When programming, use the following guidelines:

  • Include the NIIMAQ.H header file in all C source files that use NI-IMAQ functions. Add this file to the top of your source files.
  • Add the IMAQ.LIB import library to your project. Some environments allow you to add import libraries simply by inserting them into your list of project files. Other environments allow you to specify import libraries under the linker settings portion of the project file.
  • When compiling, indicate where the compiler can find the NI-IMAQ header files and shared libraries. You can find most of the files you need for development under the NI-IMAQ target installation directory. If you choose the default directory during installation, the target installation directory is C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-IMAQ. You can find the include files under the include subdirectory. The import libraries for Microsoft Visual C++ are located under the lib\msvc subdirectory.