DAQmx Switches VIs and Functions

DAQmx - Data Acquisition VIs and Functions

DAQmx Switches VIs and Functions

Owning Palette: DAQmx Device Configuration VIs and Functions

Use the DAQmx Switches VIs and functions to configure and control NI switch products.

Palette Object Description
DAQmx Switch Channel Property Node A Property Node with the DAQmx Switch Channel class preselected. Right-click the Property Node and choose Select Filter from the shortcut menu to make the Property Node show only the properties supported by a particular device installed in the system or supported by all the devices installed in the system.
DAQmx Switch Connect Makes immediate connections between switch channels. The DAQmx Switch Connect VI attempts to find the shortest available path between the channels. If a path is not available, this VI returns an error. The instances of this polymorphic VI make a single connection between two switch channels or make connections between multiple switch channels.
DAQmx Switch Create Scan List Creates a new switch scanning task with the sequence you specify in the scan list input.
DAQmx Switch Device Property Node A Property Node with the DAQmx Switch Device class preselected. Right-click the Property Node and choose Select Filter from the shortcut menu to make the Property Node show only the properties supported by a particular device installed in the system or supported by all the devices installed in the system.
DAQmx Switch Disconnect All Terminates all active connections on the device, which places the relays into the topology reset state. You can use this VI to terminate connections you made by using the DAQmx Switch Connect VI, the DAQmx Switch Open Relays VI, or the DAQmx Switch Close Relays VI. This VI does not alter the settling time or channel usage settings. Use the DAQmx Reset Device VI or the DAQmx Switch Set Topology and Reset VI to reset those settings.
DAQmx Switch Disconnect Immediately terminates switch connections you created by using the DAQmx Switch Connect VI. This VI returns an error if you attempt to terminate a connection that does not exist. The instances of this polymorphic VI terminate a single connection or multiple connections.
DAQmx Switch Find Path Returns information about the path between switch channel 1 and switch channel 2. If the channels are connected, this VI returns the connection path. If the channels are not connected, the VI returns the shortest available connection path if a path is available.
DAQmx Switch Scan Property Node A Property Node with the DAQmx Switch Scan class preselected. Right-click the Property Node and choose Select Filter from the shortcut menu to make the Property Node show only the properties supported by a particular device installed in the system or supported by all the devices installed in the system.
DAQmx Switch Set Topology and Reset Resets a switch device and sets its topology to the one you specify in topology name. Use this VI to initialize a switch device before scanning or making connections to ensure the initial state of the switch device.
DAQmx Switch Wait for Settling Waits for the settling time on the device to expire. The device resets this time and begins counting down each time the device performs an operation. Therefore, this VI could return immediately if no operation happened recently.

Subpalette Description
DAQmx Relay Operations VIs Use the DAQmx Relay Operations VIs to configure and query switch relays.