XmlDiff Members

Microsoft XML Diff

Microsoft XML Diff 1.0 and XML Patch 1.0

XmlDiff Members

XmlDiff overview

Public Instance Constructors

XmlDiff Constructor Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the XmlDiff class.

Public Instance Properties

IgnoreChildOrder The order of child nodes of each element is ignored when true. When this option is selected, two nodes with the same value that differ only by their position among sibling child nodes are treated as the same nodes.
IgnoreComments Comment nodes are not compared when true.
IgnoreDtd The XML Document Type Declaration (DTD) is not compared when true.
IgnoreNamespaces The namespace URIs of the element and attribute names are not compared when true. This option also implies that the prefixes are ignored. When this option is selected, then two names with the same local name, but have a different namespace URI and prefix, are treated as the same names.
IgnorePI Processing instructions are not compared when true.
IgnorePrefixes The prefixes of element and attribute names are not compared when true. When this option is selected, then two names that have the same local name and namespace URI, but have a different prefix, are treated as the same names.
IgnoreWhitespace Significant white spaces are not compared when true, and all text nodes are normalized by discarding any leading and trailing white space characters (#x9, #x10, #x13, #x20), and by replacing sequences of white space characters by a single space (#x20) character.
IgnoreXmlDecl The XML declaration is not compared when true.
Options Set all the properties of the XmlDiffOptions enumeration.
Algorithm Specifies the algorithm that the will be used for comparing the documents. The type is XmlDiffAlgorithm Enumeration.

Public Instance Methods

Compare Overloaded. Performs a comparison of XML documents, fragments, or nodes.
Equals (Inherited from Object) Determines whether two Object instances are equal.
GetHashCode (Inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (Inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
ParseOptions Parses the options attribute from an existing XDL Diffgram root element and returns an XmlDiffOptions enumeration.
ToString (Inherited from Object) Creates and returns a string representation of the current Object.
VerifySource Returns true if the source document is the document, node, or fragment that the XDL Diffgram was generated from.

See Also

XmlDiff Class | XmlDiff Members | Microsoft.XmlDiffPatch

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