XmlDiff Operation xd:change

Microsoft XML Diff

Microsoft XML Diff 1.0 and XML Patch 1.0

XmlDiff Operation xd:change

An xd:change operation occurs when a node in the source document has had its name or value modified, or both. The following is an example of what a change element might look like:

<xd:change match="1" ns="http://New.Namespace.Uri"/>

The preceding example shows that the namespace URI of the first child of the current node has changed to "http://New.Namespace.Uri".

The following table describes the attributes of the xd:change element.

Attribute name Data type Description
match path descriptor Relative path descriptor evaluating to a single child node or a single attribute of the current parent element.
name NCName Changed local name for the element or attribute, or changed target name for the processing instruction.
ns Namespace URI Changed namespace URI for the element or attribute.
prefix NCName Changed prefix for the element or attribute.
systemId string System identifier for the changed DTD node.
publicId string Public identifier for the changed DTD.
opid unsigned int Operation ID.

The following table describes the content of the xd:change element.

Content Description
text value Text value of the new node for a text node or attribute value, or xml declaration.
CDATA section Changed CDATA section, or the new value of the internal subset of the changed DTD.
processing instruction Changed processing instruction.
comment Changed comment.
(xd:node, xd:add, xd:remove, xd:change)* Diff operations for the child nodes of the changed node (for element only).

See Also

XML Diff Functionality | XML Diff Language (Diffgram) | Path Descriptors | XmlDiff Operation xd:node | XmlDiff Operation xd:add | XmlDiffOperation xd:remove | Extended Operations | Example of a Diffgram |XmlDiff Class

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