Microsoft XML Diff 1.0 and XML Patch 1.0
Microsoft XML Diff
Table of contents
Microsoft XML Diff 1.0 and XML Patch 1.0
XML Diff Functionality
XML Diff Language (Diffgram)
XML Patch Functionality
Running XmlDiff and XmlPatch Class Code Samples
Microsoft.XmlDiffPatch Namespace
XmlDiff Class
XmlDiff Members
XmlDiff Constructor
XmlDiff Properties
XmlDiff Methods
Compare Method
Compare Method (String, String, Boolean)
Compare Method (String, String, Boolean, XmlWriter)
Compare Method (XmlNode, XmlNode)
Compare Method (XmlNode, XmlNode, XmlWriter)
Compare Method (XmlReader, XmlReader)
Compare Method (XmlReader, XmlReader, XmlWriter)
ParseOptions Method
VerifySource Method
XmlDiffOptions Enumeration
XmlDiffAlgorithm Enumeration
XmlPatch Class
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