gmp_lib.mpq_get_str Method

GMP Native Interface for .NET

gmp_libmpq_get_str Method
Convert op to a string of digits in base base.

Namespace:  Math.Gmp.Native
Assembly:  Math.Gmp.Native (in Math.Gmp.Native.dll) Version: (
public static char_ptr mpq_get_str(
	char_ptr str,
	int base,
	mpq_t op
Public Shared Function mpq_get_str ( 
	str As char_ptr,
	base As Integer,
	op As mpq_t
) As char_ptr
static char_ptr mpq_get_str(
	char_ptr str, 
	int base, 
	mpq_t^ op
static member mpq_get_str : 
        str : char_ptr * 
        base : int * 
        op : mpq_t -> char_ptr 


Type: Math.Gmp.Nativechar_ptr
The result string.
Type: SystemInt32
The base.
Type: Math.Gmp.Nativempq_t
The operand rational.

Return Value

Type: char_ptr
A pointer to the result string is returned, being either the allocated block, or the given str.

The base may vary from 2 to 36. The string will be of the form "num/den", or if the denominator is 1 then just "num".

If str is NULL, the result string is allocated using the current allocation function (see GNU MP - Custom Allocation). The block will be strlen(str) + 1 bytes, that being exactly enough for the string and null-terminator.

If str is not NULL, it should point to a block of storage large enough for the result, that being

mpz_sizeinbase(mpq_numref(op), base) + mpz_sizeinbase(mpq_denref(op), base) + 3

The three extra bytes are for a possible minus sign, possible slash, and the null-terminator.

// Create, initialize, and set the value of x to -210 / 13.
mpq_t x = new mpq_t();
gmp_lib.mpq_set_si(x, -210, 13U);

// Retrieve the string value of x, and assert that it is "-210/13".
char_ptr s = gmp_lib.mpq_get_str(char_ptr.Zero, 10, x);
Assert.IsTrue(s.ToString() == "-210/13");

// Release unmanaged memory allocated for x and the string value.
' Create, initialize, and set the value of x to -210 / 13.
Dim x As New mpq_t()
gmp_lib.mpq_set_si(x, -210, 13UI)

' Retrieve the string value of x, and assert that it is "-210/13".
Dim s As char_ptr = gmp_lib.mpq_get_str(char_ptr.Zero, 10, x)
Assert.IsTrue(s.ToString() = "-210/13")

' Release unmanaged memory allocated for x and the string value.

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No code example is currently available or this language may not be supported.

See Also