gmp_lib.mpz_realloc2 Method

GMP Native Interface for .NET

gmp_libmpz_realloc2 Method
Change the space allocated for x to n bits.

Namespace:  Math.Gmp.Native
Assembly:  Math.Gmp.Native (in Math.Gmp.Native.dll) Version: (
public static void mpz_realloc2(
	mpz_t x,
	mp_bitcnt_t n
Public Shared Sub mpz_realloc2 ( 
	x As mpz_t,
	n As mp_bitcnt_t
static void mpz_realloc2(
	mpz_t^ x, 
	mp_bitcnt_t n
static member mpz_realloc2 : 
        x : mpz_t * 
        n : mp_bitcnt_t -> unit 


Type: Math.Gmp.Nativempz_t
The integer.
Type: Math.Gmp.Nativemp_bitcnt_t
The number of bits.

The value in x is preserved if it fits, or is set to 0 if not.

Calling this function is never necessary; reallocation is handled automatically by GMP when needed. But this function can be used to increase the space for a variable in order to avoid repeated automatic reallocations, or to decrease it to give memory back to the heap.

// Create and initialize new integer x.
mpz_t x = new mpz_t();

// Set the value of x to a 77-bit integer.
char_ptr value = new char_ptr("1000 0000 0000 0000 0000");
gmp_lib.mpz_set_str(x, value, 16);

// Resize x to 512 bits, and assert that its value has not changed.
gmp_lib.mpz_realloc2(x, 512U);
char_ptr s = gmp_lib.mpz_get_str(char_ptr.Zero, 16, x);
Assert.IsTrue(s.ToString() == "1000 0000 0000 0000 0000".Replace(" ", ""));

// Resize x to 2 bits, and assert that its value has changed to 0.
gmp_lib.mpz_realloc2(x, 2U);
Assert.IsTrue(gmp_lib.mpz_get_si(x) == 0);

// Release unmanaged memory allocated for x and string values.
' Create and initialize new integer x.
Dim x As New mpz_t()

' Set the value of x to a 77-bit integer.
Dim value As New char_ptr("1000 0000 0000 0000 0000")
gmp_lib.mpz_set_str(x, value, 16)

' Resize x to 512 bits, and assert that its value has not changed.
gmp_lib.mpz_realloc2(x, 512UI)
Dim s As char_ptr = gmp_lib.mpz_get_str(char_ptr.Zero, 16, x)
Assert.IsTrue(s.ToString() = "1000 0000 0000 0000 0000".Replace(" ", ""))

' Resize x to 2 bits, and assert that its value has changed to 0.
gmp_lib.mpz_realloc2(x, 2UI)
Assert.IsTrue(gmp_lib.mpz_get_si(x) = 0)

' Release unmanaged memory allocated for x and string values.

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No code example is currently available or this language may not be supported.

See Also