gmp_lib.mpn_get_str Method

GMP Native Interface for .NET

gmp_libmpn_get_str Method
Convert {s1p, s1n} to a raw unsigned char array at str in base base, and return the number of characters produced.

Namespace:  Math.Gmp.Native
Assembly:  Math.Gmp.Native (in Math.Gmp.Native.dll) Version: (
public static size_t mpn_get_str(
	char_ptr str,
	int base,
	mp_ptr s1p,
	mp_size_t s1n
Public Shared Function mpn_get_str ( 
	str As char_ptr,
	base As Integer,
	s1p As mp_ptr,
	s1n As mp_size_t
) As size_t
static size_t mpn_get_str(
	char_ptr str, 
	int base, 
	mp_ptr^ s1p, 
	mp_size_t s1n
static member mpn_get_str : 
        str : char_ptr * 
        base : int * 
        s1p : mp_ptr * 
        s1n : mp_size_t -> size_t 


Type: Math.Gmp.Nativechar_ptr
The result string.
Type: SystemInt32
The base.
Type: Math.Gmp.Nativemp_ptr
The operand integer.
Type: Math.Gmp.Nativemp_size_t
The number of limbs of s1p.

Return Value

Type: size_t
The number of characters produced at str.

There may be leading zeros in the string. The string is not in ASCII; to convert it to printable format, add the ASCII codes for "0" or "A", depending on the base and range. base can vary from 2 to 256.

The most significant limb of the input {s1p, s1n} must be non-zero. The input {s1p, s1n} is clobbered, except when base is a power of 2, in which case it’s unchanged.

The area at str has to have space for the largest possible number represented by a s1n long limb array, plus one extra character.

// Create multi-precision operands.
mp_ptr s1p = new mp_ptr(new uint[] { 0x00000001, 0x00000001 });
char_ptr str = new char_ptr("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

// Convert s1p to hex string.
size_t count = gmp_lib.mpn_get_str(str, 16, s1p, s1p.Size);

// Copy out str to bytes.
byte[] s = new byte[count];
Marshal.Copy(str.ToIntPtr(), s, 0, (int)count);

// Assert the non-ASCII, hex representation of s1p.
Assert.IsTrue(s.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }));

// Release unmanaged memory.;;
' Create multi-precision operands.
Dim s1p As New mp_ptr(New UInteger() { &H1, &H1})
Dim str As New char_ptr("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

' Convert s1p to hex string.
Dim count As size_t = gmp_lib.mpn_get_str(str, 16, s1p, s1p.Size)

' Copy out str to bytes.
Dim s As Byte() = New Byte(count - 1) { }
Marshal.Copy(str.ToIntPtr(), s, 0, CInt(count))

' Assert the non-ASCII, hex representation of s1p.
Assert.IsTrue(s.SequenceEqual(New Byte() { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}))

' Release unmanaged memory.

No code example is currently available or this language may not be supported.

No code example is currently available or this language may not be supported.

See Also